I really hate all morons that double-space park.....

AndyVecsey said:
You be sure to remember that. I bet you a supercharger that the next time you park in only one space, and if somebody parks too close to your car, it will annoy you. As long as there is no door ding, what's the deal? And why do you have to "get even"? :rolleyes: Be a bigger man and just let it go.

I think you just missed the entire point here. You are more than likely to run into people getting even with you one way or another, if you are dumb enough double-space park in front of a store. Don't believe me, go try it. ;)
NSXROX said:
Funny how this thread is identical to one in another forum.
The Tuan SPAM factory is at work again!!!!! Can you say cut-n-paste. Please click on his link. He obviously needs the money.
First, learn how to use the freaking dictionary.

Spam (n.) = Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, or individuals.

How is it being SPAM when you chose to read the damn post. :rolleyes: And second, it is not considered a dupe unless it is on the same forum.
Someone needs to count to thirty again or risk being the first person to go postal from arguing on the internet.
Spam - a fatty pork product. That's what i was refering to.
Who's Mad Now ???

Doesn't matter enough to me to be mad.

Oh really? That is not at all what your opening post on this threads implies. Please go back and re-read your own post where you did this. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Re: Who's Mad Now ???

AndyVecsey said:
Doesn't matter enough to me to be mad.

Oh really? That is not at all what your opening post on this threads implies. Please go back and re-read your own post where you did this. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Andy, you're the one that needs to go back and re-ready the post. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY THIS TIME!!!. ;)

I copied and pasted below. :) It was referring to Ponyboy's post in regard to going postal from arguing over the internet.

Originally posted by Ponyboy
Someone needs to count to thirty again or risk being the first person to go postal from arguing on the internet.

Going postal from arguing on the internet? hahaahaha.....I am perfectly fine. Doesn't matter enough to me to be mad.
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Well, it doesn't matter if Tuan Le double posts or not, or posts this in multimple forums or not. I agree with him that people should take one parking spot only. Sure, I worry that someone will ding my NSX in a parking lot, but not to the point where I would ever consider taking two spots or not driving the car. So far I've been lucky. I have never gotten any parking dings on the NSX yet. If I saw someone park on put oragen cones around his car like that Mercedes, I would remove the cond, throw it down the street or put it on his roof and park my car next to him. It doesn't matter how rich or poor you are. One car in one parking space. That is it.

Just as Mr. Wolf joked in his posts. He pays taxes and sees no problem in that guy double parking ;) Well, I pay my taxes and entitled to park as close to that moron that double parked.:D
ChrisK said:
I agree with him that people should take one parking spot only.

I'll play the devil's advocate and say 2 things:
(Devil's advocate suit ON)
#1 that in a perfect world, where people would care about each other and each other's property you are absolutely right, one car per parking spot only. Since the previous assumption is not 100% correct, the same stands for the conclusion.

ChrisK said:
Sure, I worry that someone will ding my NSX in a parking lot, but not to the point where I would ever consider taking two spots or not driving the car. So far I've been lucky. I have never gotten any parking dings on the NSX yet.

#2 When it will have it's first ding, you'll maybe see things differently (I hope you never get any of your cars dinged btw). We have had my BMW 740 dinged 4 times and we stopped counting the dings on my wife's 99 Jetta. At $50 per ding to fix, the bill ends up being some serious $$$. It has been my sad experience that to most people that park next to others too closely, that other car is just another car and they do not have ANY consideration for anyone else's property. If to them it's just another car, then to those who double-park it's just another parking spot, no ?
(Devil's advocate suit OFF)

I hear what you are saying. However, double-space park will not solve your problem. That will definitely cause the wrong type of attention to your car, and might get it vandalized.
apapada said:

#2 When it will have it's first ding, you'll maybe see things differently (I hope you never get any of your cars dinged btw). We have had my BMW 740 dinged 4 times and we stopped counting the dings on my wife's 99 Jetta. At $50 per ding to fix, the bill ends up being some serious $$$. It has been my sad experience that to most people that park next to others too closely, that other car is just another car and they do not have ANY consideration for anyone else's property. If to them it's just another car, then to those who double-park it's just another parking spot, no ?
(Devil's advocate suit OFF)

Hey, I hear you . Nobody likes to get dings. I've had my fair share of parking dings. Even our new Lexus RX330 had a smalll scuff mark from someone opening the door into our car. I buffed it out, but I personally can't go through life worrying about every single ding and dent that I know I will eventually get in the future. When it happends, I'll either buff it out myself or get it repaired eventually when I collect enough of them to make it worth the repair:D

[Joke suit on] Would you dare take two parking spots the week before Christmas at the front of a shopping mall with all those crazy women fighting for a space?:D
I never take up 2 spots. My wife always gets mad at me when we take the X out, because I will park in the last spot in the parking lot and she has to walk a whole 4 or 500 ft. I always tell her it is better than a $500 dent removal bill.

That is so true, especially when you go to the movies! :)
Guys...back off of Tuan...so he posted on a corvette forum, big deal! I post alot of things on S2ki.com and match it here...so what? Why are you reading corvette forums anyways? Do you think every corvette owner reads here and vice versa?? no. Double post is the same forum only.

Now, to the parking issue: Is it ok to take up two spots? Yup, however, only do so in two spots that won't be used (i.e. far away from the point of interest)...don't take two spots in the front that are the only two spots available!!! So yes, this guy was wrong, but remember, two wrongs don't make a right..............but three rights make a left and two (w)rights make an airplane.

Now, to the real issue: @$$holes who falsely park in handicap spots...now THAT pisses me off!! Typically has nothing to do with the type of car, but moreso the age...its usually older people who are too damn lazy to walk a little bit!
Just my two cents, but I hate when people park next to me, despite the fact that I purposely park far away from all other cars! Out, far away in the lot, and yet someone will feel compelled to park next to me. WTF? I get to where I only take my car out for touring, and not for destination trips.
Another problem is also when "they" are trying to put more parking places and hence not providing enough place between cars. Sometime when cars are perfectly parked between the lines you can barely open the door...

I say "they" because I don't know who to blame.

The mall's architect?

The promoters?

I don't know if there is precise regulation in the USA but in my place it seems to vary from mall to mall...

My too cents...
Once while I was in High school I saw a brand new corvette double parked taking up two HANDICAP SPACES! It was at a Burger King and they had a total of two hanicap spaces and he parked at an angle taking up both of them. I was so mad I called the police and they had someone out before he left and gave him a ticket. I made sure I was there to let him know I was the one to turn him in, he was a real prick and asked the officers if they knew who he was.

I knew a guy that would spit on any car that was intentionally double parked! So I am sure you will get a lot more vandalism then if you park normally.
I usually take up at least two, sometimes four spaces(park in the center) in my H1 Hummer, the Real one. If I only use 1 space I cant get out and the person next to me wouldnt be able to get in. I dont care much about door dings, the truck is all steel, more than likely you will damage your vehicle more by hitting mine.;). I do use some consideration though by parking further out in the lot, walking a little further is the price(one of the many) I pay for driving such a big vehicle(it's 100 inches wide).
Now, to the real issue: @$$holes who falsely park in handicap spots...now THAT pisses me off

Especially when they are just running in to pick up a thing or two or using the ATM. They leave someone else in the car so if they have to move it they will.
Quick little story on the topic,
I used to deliver pizza's for a side job and had to pull into a grocery store parking lot to use the pay phone to call for directions. I didn't think much about it but there was a cop standing there and I just whipped into space real quick and jumped out and the cop says 'I KNOW you aren't going to leave that there, I don't care what you are doing' I was sooo mad at him but realized that he was right and I was wrong. Even if it is only for a minute, you can't park there!
92NSX said:
I used to deliver pizza's for a side job...
92NSX, please tell me this was not in your NSX. :) The last thing we need it two fools delivering pizzas in their NSXs. :D


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