I love my job and I'm proud of it!

Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

I beyond love my job, there is nothing else I'd rather do. I manage an Acura dealership that specializes in Sports Cars, oh and I drive an 05 NSX Demo:biggrin: Life is good:cool:
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

Cool. You're familiar with us guys at MSFC that are using your engine then. :cool:
Yes, I do Love my job.

I'm a Mechanical Design Engineer working on the J2-X rocket engine. I really enjoy doing 3D modeling of complex geometry. Its cool how these engines are made from exotic materials and processes.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

I have been employed by the US government to find and return all crazy xpats who felt it was time to leave our great country.:wink: Also I am part of the first wave of covert ops assesing our eventual invasion of Canada:tongue:
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

I have been employed by the US government to find and return all crazy xpats who felt it was time to leave our great country.:wink: Also I am part of the first wave of covert ops assesing our eventual invasion of Canada:tongue:

You TOO?
Sounds like we are going to be partners in the same squad lol
can't wait Canadians are too nice, we have to take over.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

Should be a pretty easy takeover.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xd2uh8Ta_aU&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xd2uh8Ta_aU&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

Supervisor at a nuclear power plant.
My group has mechanics, machinists, electricians, I&C techs.
I am the mechanical supervisor but often work both sides.
Am in a small group (about 30) that reacts quickly to emergent issues.
Ocean view office, never board, (I get bored easily)
Hired on at 22 during construction been there 24 yrs.
Life is good.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

I LOVE my job more than I think is actually possible..

I deal in two things that I have been interested in since I was a child.


Both have been amazing to me since I was a child ( I guess the rush of buying and selling) But those two are the only ones I have had a passion for.

Own companies doing both so I could not be happier in my day to day.

Semi retired and enjoying life at 29 couldnt be better!

Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

Supervisor at a nuclear power plant.
My group has mechanics, machinists, electricians, I&C techs.
I am the mechanical supervisor but often work both sides.
Am in a small group (about 30) that reacts quickly to emergent issues.
Ocean view office, never board, (I get bored easily)
Hired on at 22 during construction been there 24 yrs.
Life is good.

That's disturbing as hell. I really wish you had written that you were the most bored worker on the planet.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

Good thread, so many people here have amazing jobs.

I love my job, I control oil pipelines throughout North America, making sure that the Americans get the oil that they sell back to us for huge mark ups, haha. I work 15 days out of the month, get lots of vacation, the money could be better, but I get by.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

I have been employed by the US government to find and return all crazy xpats who felt it was time to leave our great country.:wink: Also I am part of the first wave of covert ops assesing our eventual invasion of Canada:tongue:

You work for the government. loser. :wink: :tongue:
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

Was working for an Engineering firm outside of Philadelphia that designed/manufactured performance parts for the Audi/VW/Porsche crowd for awhile and loved that. Was recently re-activated in the Coast Guard and absolutely love what I do. Have over half the year off and get to go out in this on a regular basis.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ORlF0p67vns&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ORlF0p67vns&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

Was working for an Engineering firm outside of Philadelphia that designed/manufactured performance parts for the Audi/VW/Porsche crowd for awhile and loved that. Was recently re-activated in the Coast Guard and absolutely love what I do. Have over half the year off and get to go out in this on a regular basis.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ORlF0p67vns&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ORlF0p67vns&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Hay Matt. You're nuts.:tongue:
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

LOL, that is true but it's a great feeling helping people out!


Honestly, I appreciate your service. Thank you.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

That's disturbing as hell. I really wish you had written that you were the most bored worker on the planet.

Really...I thought "Supervisor at a nuclear power plant and Ocean view office" were the scariest two items in his statement. Big disaster and now we have more Dolphins for Deltron Zero to rehab.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

I love what I do. I get to hang around new Porsches all day long and on a good day send one home with someone.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

I dont like my current job or the pay but it is only temporary as I'm about to get into law enforcement and I love that line of work.
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

I like mine as much as you can. I'd probably still go to work if I didn't have to. I'm a design engineer for a Gov't space agency so I get to do some cool stuff. I'm still jealous of military fighter jocks as that was my 1st choice. Stinkin eyesight not quite good enuf.

Hey that's cool.

I'm a cadet with AFROTC aiming for a pilot's slot here soon. I have a friend at Embry Riddle who would be very interested in what you do and how to get into it.
"That's disturbing as hell. I really wish you had written that you were the most bored worker on the planet."

Really? lol lol

Still a steam plant with valves, actuators, pumps, turbine, etc.
Just like the most pristine NSX, it still needs Maintenance to stay pristine..:biggrin:
Yes. Yes I do.

Getting ready in the shacks to go out for a few days and "work"...

I have a O.K. job.I get paid to ski all day,ride snomobiles.Im a chair lift mechanic at a resort in Idaho.I used to run a 170' crab boat in Alaska and Russia so its nice being home every night.I used to be gone for about 10 months of the year.