I love my job and I'm proud of it!

For me at least, I mislabeled the thread. It should read "I love what I do for a living."

Occasionally, like, only 3 or 5 days a week, do I want to claw my eyeballs out and sucker punch a clown for my frustrations at work.

For all my rants about the U.S. yadayada, there's NO QUESTION. Our business & management workforce is THE SMARTEST, MOST CAPABLE in the world. No lie... it's un-fucking believable how inept the European management teams are (10-400M EUR size range). And the investment bankers...terrible! And accountants...terrible! God knows how bad the lawyers are here...

I really do think that the reason more U.S. private equity firms haven't expanded into Europe is precisely this... they can't comprehend and function with this level of ineptitude at their investments. And due to the shitty labor laws, you can't just fire all the people that piss you off! Sheesh!! :tongue:

European business is bush league.
... And due to the shitty labor laws, you can't just fire all the people that piss you off! Sheesh!! :tongue:

European business is bush league.

I fired tons of people when I lived in Europe. Just had to justify it when I did it. I think 20 at one time was my record.:frown:

Oh, now that you've cheesed off all of our European NSX brothers...

I fired tons of people when I lived in Europe. Just had to justify it when I did it. I think 20 at one time was my record.:frown:

Oh, now that you've cheesed off all of our European NSX brothers...


Americans hate me. Fine.
Europeans hate me. Fine.

Monaco. Welcome Sir!

Edit - In all seriousness, as you know, firings aren't *enjoyable* in any country or to any reasonable person. It's just my "newness" to European business that it's easy for me to say, "God, these guys are terrible. In the U.S. you'd be on the curb in a week" -- but that's not how it works here.
I have been employed by the US government to find and return all crazy xpats who felt it was time to leave our great country.:wink: Also I am part of the first wave of covert ops assesing our eventual invasion of Canada:tongue:

You couldn't invade! You can't handle our weed, beer, comedians and hotties - but you're welcome to visit! Est Fest is just around the corner.

You TOO?
Sounds like we are going to be partners in the same squad lol
can't wait Canadians are too nice, we have to take over.

You can try....but we'd bitch slap you for complaining about Lud:wink:

Should be a pretty easy takeover.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/xd2uh8Ta_aU&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/xd2uh8Ta_aU&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Seriously, those aren't Canadians, those are Quebecers - You can 'ear dem talking French, no? Seriously, famous quote from a French Sergeant: You think you sweat now - I make you sweater!

I'm not surprised the rocket didn't fire - they probably stole the igniter and sold it on eBay to the Taliban so they could buy more smokes!:biggrin:

Edit - In all seriousness, as you know, firings aren't *enjoyable* in any country or to any reasonable person.

I've never minded firing people - I always look at it as a duty I have to the other employees - to maintain the company's health and honour the hard work the people who aren't getting turfed are putting in.

I love my job - I work because I like to - We run companies that are in Receivership (Bankrupt) I fire ineffective people, take people who aren't paying's shit and sue 'em for shortfalls (500 lawsuits on the go right now)

I believe we create the type of world we want to live in - and I do my bit!:biggrin:
Re: I love my job and I'm proud of it!!

You TOO?
Sounds like we are going to be partners in the same squad lol
can't wait Canadians are too nice, we have to take over.

While it may sound like fun, I own several firearms in case what you're talking about actually happens. I'm not about to give up my country.

As for the topic, I went from being an overweight network technician at a datacenter to a guy who lifts heavy boxes for a living. Hard work, but this is what people were really meant to do. Other people hit a gym for 4 hours a day to make up for their 8 hour desk job, I just show up in the morning for my shift.