I have yet to see another NSX on the road since owning my car.

There is a green one that I see now and then at 24 hour fitness. I saw a red one last week in Rancho Bernardo with plates "COOL CAH"...but usually only once or twice a month at the most.
Believe it or not there about 7 of them in Boise, Idaho.

I was driving a couple of weeks ago and pulled up next to a nice 97 white one. He had the Targa off and I thought, I should take my Targa off too, but I didn't want to burn my head, I forgot my hat. :rolleyes: I followed him into a parking lot and we talked for about 2 hours. Burned my head anyways. :wink:

A better thing happened 2 days ago when I chased down a Yellow Lotus. When some people in the parking lot were looking at his car, I pulled in and the people that were looking at his car said "wow look at that car" meaning the NSX.

He told me what a beautiful ride I had. Nice to know that most people love the NSX. :biggrin:

97 NSX-T Formula Red #175
Just took a 2 hour drive in my car. LOL, I saw a red 360 Modena (Awesome car) but still did not see an NSX.
I just can't believe it. I bought my car back in Dec of 06 and have never seen an NSX on the road. I live near Monterey, CA btw. When was the last time you saw an NSX other than your own?

Last Friday. It was the first time I've seen a NSX while driving mine. I know there is a pre 2001 black NSX in the Monterey/Pacific Grove area. I've seen it a couple of times over the past year. There used to be a 97 Spa Yellow NSX in Pacific Grove - I have that NSX now. ON Average, I see a NSX maybe once every other week. I see more Ferraris and Lamborghinis than NSX where I live. :smile:
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I usually will see one every other month or so......never when I am driving mines.....I always see them when I am driving my daily.
All these replies are why the NSX rocks. Talk about limted numbers.... man I see many more Ferraris around where I live. And they all give me thumbs ups. Little do they know me and my Supercharger will teach them a lesson if they get feisty. :biggrin:
I see a black one in Cincy every now and then. Other than that, none.
All these replies are why the NSX rocks. Talk about limted numbers.... man I see many more Ferraris around where I live. And they all give me thumbs ups. Little do they know me and my Supercharger will teach them a lesson if they get feisty. :biggrin:

Good point, Dave. I see many more Ferrari's than NSX's. I just wish I would see one from time to time.
In seven years in NJ (state w/highest population density), except during NSX events I have passed another NSX on the road twice. However, in the office building next to the one I worked in 5 few years ago, I often saw a yellow NSX in that lot. Once or twice, while in one of my other cars, I have also passed an NSX on the road.

Again, I've passed more Ferraris and Lotuses (Loti?) over the year.

96 NSX-T, red/tan
Other than to an intentional meet in the bay area a month or so ago, I'd say 1 year! seriously....... I live in a poorer region of california, the central valley.
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This is an amazing week. I saw 4 NSXs in the past week. Just saw a white NSX with plates "4KHB150" during lunch. I will be posting in sightings to see who it is. Knowing the laws of averages, I will go on a drop spell for the next 2 months. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Granted I don't own an NSX, but living in Vancouver I'd say we have our share of nice cars. However, I only see an NSX once every couple months or so....I was lucky enough to see a beautiful black NA1 pulling out of a local CA Tire the other day, but that was the first one I'd seen since late least year/jan of this year.
I see more Ferraris around here than NSXs on the road... I only know of 6 or 7 NSXs in this city though and we're pretty spread out.
Wahoo!! Listen to this story! I get off work today and start driving on 101. My first thought is to actively look for an NSX. Sooo, I'm buzzing along on the 101 and see a bright yellow car far ahead. Could it be? LOL, nope. It was a yellow s2000. But get this! Less than 30 seconds later, I see a real low car ahead on the opposite side of 101. At first, I had no idea what it was! It was a brooklands green NSX! It finally hit me as it passed me in the opposite direction. It was definitely lowered and looked real nice. How funny is it to not recognize another NSX? I can just imagine other people when they see our car. Most of them probably say "wtf was that?":)
I see some at auctions, in my showroom and at events but other than that...its pretty rare. We actually have 4 NSX's in my small town:eek: