I have yet to see another NSX on the road since owning my car.

6 December 2006
N. California
I just can't believe it. I bought my car back in Dec of 06 and have never seen an NSX on the road. I live near Monterey, CA btw. When was the last time you saw an NSX other than your own?
Last sighting was about about a week ago on the interstate in a traffic jam in the rain. A wet black NSX looks great! I probably average about one sighting every two months.
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There are only 38 NSX:es in Sweden, but I have actually managed to see one while driving.. :D

Same here :smile:

AFAIK, I'm the only one with a NSX in my city which is de 2nd largest city in my country.
Usually, when I see an other NSX it is because we arranged to meet. Other than that, I see maybe one or two a year.
In NC, i would see 1 or 2 every couple of months. Haven't seen a single one in MS.
I have owned mine for 1 week. So on the way home from the dealership north of Chicago we spotted a Silverstone (02+) one on I-94 and 3 days later near my home we were driving past a boat dealership and spotted this (05 spa yellow) so I pulled in for a few pics....talked with the owner etc...very cool!

His was very nice with Antera 309's in 19" and 18"...he also stated that it was one of the last NSX's to be built with a serial # of 223 or something like that.
I have owned mine for 1 week. So on the way home from the dealership North of Chicago we spotted a Silverstone one on I-94 and 3 days later near my home we were driving past a boat dealership and spotted this (05 spa yellow) so I pulled in for a few pics....talked with the owner etc...very cool!

His was very nice with Antera 309's in 19" and 18"...he also stated that it was one of the last NSX's to be built with a serial # of 223 or something like that.

Wow a yellow 05 in Michigan? Did you tell him about NSxprime? It would be great to get him to come to one of our meets! That would make two Yellow 02+ in Michigan Oakland county area.
I often see an NSX (not counting my own) during my daily commute and not always the same color. There are definitely a sizable number of NSXs driving around PV, through Torrance and the beach cities, on the on the 405, and in Santa Monica.

Before I bought mine, I saw one daily...in my office parking structure...and, yes, it belonged to a business colleague.
I have met with fifthearth a bunch of times. But if you are talking about just seeing one by chance- NEVER.

I don't mean since i have had my NSX, I mean i never saw one on the road since they were introduced in 1991.

And i drive over 100k annually. The one i purchased was the 3rd one i had ever seen in person.
Come to SF or Marin County. I think there are two NSX's here in Sausalito (including my own) and 3-4 in Mill Valley.:smile:
I have owned mine for 1 week. So on the way home from the dealership north of Chicago we spotted a Silverstone (02+) one on I-94 and 3 days later near my home we were driving past a boat dealership and spotted this (05 spa yellow) so I pulled in for a few pics....talked with the owner etc...very cool!

I see maybe 1-2 per year randomly on the streets here in O-Town.

Wow! What are the odds of seeing 2 NSX's each towing a boat behind?? :wink: :biggrin:
I see maybe 1-2 per year randomly on the streets here in O-Town.

Wow! What are the odds of seeing 2 NSX's each towing a boat behind?? :wink: :biggrin:

LOL! I guess I can buy the boat that I have always wanted!:biggrin:
I see maybe 1-2 per year randomly on the streets here in O-Town.

Wow! What are the odds of seeing 2 NSX's each towing a boat behind?? :wink: :biggrin:

Lol, thats got to be murder on the clutch:biggrin:

I agree with Todd on O-Town, one to two a year randomly.
There are quite a few in my area (Tampa Bay) However I only see one every few months or so. Usually I'm in a different vehicle. I've only spotted another NSX while driving mine NSX one time. And I drive mine everyday. We pulled into the strip club and had a drink and made it rain.
Before I bought my car, I told my girl that one of the reasons why I wanted it is because of its rarity. I asked her, when was the last time you saw an NSX, and she said "ahm once last year", and I was like "yep, there you go". After buying one, we saw 5 NSXs in one month. She was just laughing at me. haha.

Its been normal ever since though, haven't seen any (besides mine of course). Oh except 3 weekends ago, saw like 7, but there was a meet. So that doesn't count.

Its been over a year I have had mine. I have seen ONE other. Ironically, it was identical to mine! :eek:
Have not seen another one in over 3 years! Although lots of people tell me they see a red one running around town here, I have yet to see it. I also know a local lady that has one, a 91 with something like 8,000 miles! Talk about a garage queen! Never seen it though :(
Saw eight or so on The Dragon in March but if I see another I'm never in my NSX. Has happened once when Ive been in my car.