I have seen the Matrix...

Just saw it today. I think its kinda hard to fully compare it to the first one because the first one was so fresh and we kinda knew they would redo the fighting scenes in the same kind of mold, just more enhanced. (<---run-on sentence) Matrix 1 had a lil more plot and character development to me. Otherwise, it was pretty good, though I might have to see it again to fully digest everything.

To those who have not seen it...forget what people say(good or bad), you know u are going to watch it anyway. ;)
ive been reading some reviews, the directors made a five hour movie (as opposed to two sequels) and split in half evidently, so reloaded is the first half...........
as kld12 said youre going to watch it anyway!
I just got back from seeing it... i guess i should leave some comments; afterall my username is Neo and all. :p But none for now... don't want to spoil it for other people.

Anyhow, i hope you all looked away during the "sex scene" or think of me... :o That was all CGI you know... not me... besides, originally the wachowski brothers were toying with a <A HREF="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16936">BlueKnight NSX love scene</A>... err... cant post pix of that. :D

And for those of you who have seen the movie and want the recipe for that cake, <A HREF="http://cake.allrecipes.com/AZ/BetterThnSxCakeII.asp">you can get it here</A>. :D</B>
just saw the advanced screening as well....google.com booked the theater for their employees.....i got in cuz i'm a google user....that counts, right?

i felt like a dork when the entire audience laughed at the software insider joke and i didn't get it......

overall, it was an awesome movie...first hour was a bit boring.

by the way, i didn't see the blue NSX......:D
Blue Knight said:

i felt like a dork when the entire audience laughed at the software insider joke and i didn't get it......

You felt like a dork because you DIDN'T get a software joke?

What is this world coming to? ;)
So did any of you see the trailer for the third after the credits?? is that true?
NetViper said:
So did any of you see the trailer for the third after the credits?? is that true?

Yep, but it's a bit shorter than I expected it to be after that LOOONNNNNGGGGG credit.

Now I sort of understand why Reloaded and Revolution are gonna be release close to each other.

BTW in the credits I understand all the actors, make-up, graphics...etc. But what is Grip? There's like Australian Grips, US Grips, and some other Grips??? What is Grip?
Zuerst said:
... What is Grip?

You must have blinked, there were grips everywhere. They are the guys holding the cameras, microphones, and lights inside the Matrix.
Zuerst said:
But what is Grip? There's like Australian Grips, US Grips, and some other Grips??? What is Grip?

The key grip is the chief grip on the set. Grips create shadow effects with lights and operate camera cranes, dollies and platforms as directed by the cinematographer.

Blue Knight: read my post 6th down from the top.
lol... looks just like me. :p

nah, how vain would that be... first watching myself on the big screen, then buying a doll... hmm...but that reminds me of a Duke-Nukem one-liner: "Hmmm...dont have time to play with myself" :rolleyes:
I saw the movie tonight... I thought it was amazing... maybe even better than the first!
Here's a 2MB Windows Media File of something really funny... maybe they could consider a similiar action scene in Matrix Revolutions?

<B><A HREF="http://members.optusnet.com.au/~psalmody/kung_cow.wmv">Kung Cow</A> [2MB, WMV]</B>
hmm guess i'll add my input. i saw them movie last thursday, and of course it was amazing. i enjoyed it much more than I expected. I can't wait till the last segment comes out, I'm sure it'll live up to expectations. I'm probably gonna go see this a 2nd time because I enjoyed the movie so much, and to whomever asked, yes there's a short trailer for the last one at the end of the credits, if you missed it simply go see the movie again!;)
NetViper said:
I saw the movie tonight... I thought it was amazing... maybe even better than the first!
Phew, finally someone agrees with me! For a while there I thought I was crazy for recommending it, after reading the other reactions from the movie. I guess Tan, NetViper, and rmani are the only ones (so far) who liked it as much as I did!
I totally loved it. I had heard a lot of luke warm reviews, but i was blown away. I never thought it was slow.. but i could have lived without the exotic dance party... that was just weird...
THe effects were amazing, though you could see a like CG here and there. Overall, probably the best movie i have seen this year... better than X2 for sure.... i guess the only thing that migh tbe better is T3... but i am afraid that will suck..
"The hotly anticipated middle movie of the Wachowski Bros.' cyber-epic raked in an incredible <B>$42,508,303 at 3,603 theaters on Thursday</B>, storming past the $30,141,471 that Attack of the Clones posted on this same day last year as the biggest weekday gross ever. That raw number also stands as the highest opening day ever, ahead of Spider-Man's $39,406,872."

<A HREF="http://www.boxofficemojo.com/articles/news/?id=030515m.htm">Full Story Here</A>
PHOEN$X said:
Phew, finally someone agrees with me! For a while there I thought I was crazy for recommending it, after reading the other reactions from the movie. I guess Tan, NetViper, and rmani are the only ones (so far) who liked it as much as I did!

I love the first Matrix movie, but when i walked from the cinema after first seeing it, i felt lukewarm... it was on DVD that i appreciated it.

I think the same will probably apply for Reloaded... it will rock on DVD (coz you can F-Forward to all the action bits :D)
NeoNSX said:
"The hotly anticipated middle movie of the Wachowski Bros.' cyber-epic raked in an incredible <B>$42,508,303 at 3,603 theaters on Thursday</B>, storming past the $30,141,471 that Attack of the Clones posted on this same day last year as the biggest weekday gross ever. That raw number also stands as the highest opening day ever, ahead of Spider-Man's $39,406,872."

<A HREF="http://www.boxofficemojo.com/articles/news/?id=030515m.htm">Full Story Here</A>

i heard on headline news matrix reloaded made an addition 93+ million over the weekend, making it the new record-holder for an R-rated movie. I checked on www.movies.com and the total from thurs-sunday was around 135+ million! Not to shabby considering they're catering to a pretty restricted audience. :eek:
I love the first Matrix movie, but when i walked from the cinema after first seeing it, i felt lukewarm

That's funny...I had the same initial reaction to the first film. Of course, I loved the amazing special effects, but I wasn't sure on where I stood on the film's ending until a few more viewings on DVD. Actually, there are still things that bother me in the ending...

I had a more positive initial reaction to Reloaded, but until roughly halfway through the film I was extremely concerned that I was in for a huge disappointment. I almost fell asleep...and considering that this was an early afternoon showing of a supposedly kick ass action flick, that's shocking. There were some surprisingly bad effects sequences for a film which truly raises the bar in other scenes. And I have mixed feelings about elements in the ending. But some sequences were so damned amazing (especially the burly brawl), I can't deny I enjoyed Reloaded.

And did they seriously show a trailer for Revolution? Damn...and I usually sit through the credits! :eek:
Can someone translate "The Architect's" verbal diarrhea in the movie into plain English for me!

Geez, I've seen it twice already and still confused. He said something about "the problem, as you said, is choice...."

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :mad: