Pimp my Garage Episode 2 - Bend Pak Strikes Back!

The PL-7 Arrived yesterday. I think I finally learned how to post a picture so here goes. The lift arrived without driving over one curb in the neighborhood! And I am already patting myself on the back for hiring someone to unload and install the lift.

The lift was way too heavy for the 1700lb. capcity of the fork lift. Took about 2 hours to get it off the truck and into the garage.

Also, a photo of the rubber tire tracks on the driveway. All in all, not too bad an experience so far. The installers come back Thursday morning to assemble the lift.


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The garage lift is in! Took a whole day (8 am - 8 pm) to install. The results are quite good in my opinion. Didn't have a digital camera to take pics but should have some to post soon.

The lift fits like a glove. No tight space issues. I can open the NSX doors on both sides for easy exit/entry. Also, parked the RL underneath and very easy access into that car too! I am Pumped!!!

I cannot stress enough how great a decision it was to hire a crew to install this lift. Worth every cent!!

Will try to post pics soon.
As promised, here are some pictures of the Bend-Pak PL-7. I'm very pleased with the results. Next project will probably be to get rid of those bare exposed light bulbs. They look sort of low rent in the photos.



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nice ;) how much does something like this cost if you don't mind?
The garage ceiling is just over 11' high. As for cost, I would recommend hiring out the installation labor. Cost to extend the garage door + cost for lift + cost for unload and install was approx. $4,500.

Nice garage! Good project too! :) But honestly I couldn't sleep having night-mares that something breaks and the NSX's falling on the Daily driver. :D
Somewhat off topic, but I always like to see other peoples garages, so I have included a shot of mine to possibly incite some interest in others sharing some views of what they may have lurking behind the doors.


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champ19 said:
Somewhat off topic, but I always like to see other peoples garages, so I have included a shot of mine to possibly incite some interest in others sharing some views of what they may have lurking behind the doors.

I like seeing others garages as well. Gives me ideas for what I will be putting in my next house. If all goes well that will be next spring. By the way, I want your car... :wink: I love white nsx's, but you do need to upgrade those wheels.
goldNSX said:
Nice garage! Good project too! :) But honestly I couldn't sleep having night-mares that something breaks and the NSX's falling on the Daily driver. :D

The BendPak lift was purchased thru me and they usually tests their lifts at DOUBLE the published capacity! I know first hand of a 7000 lb lift of theirs that was put to the test of carrying a load of 14000 lbs before it started to show signs failing. I hope that makes you feel more at ease :biggrin:
I haven't lost a wink of sleep over the lift install. It appears to have plenty of safety features. Main concern is just to be sure nothing is underneath the lift when you lower it!

The lift has a key on/off (that key is on my key ring) so I don't lose any sleep thinking of my daughter's boyfriends snooping around the NSX! Also, the lift has automatic safety locking points that you can hear lock in place as it rises.

Overall, I recommend it! And John (Anytime) was very helpful in hooking me up with Bend-Pak.

Wow!! Nick that was a great story of detail!!! All the power to you of what you went through. It looks great! I can only hope one day that my garage looks as good as that. There is a person here in town that has a 2 bay garage and on the left side it has a copper plate that you drive onto and it lowers down into a 12 bay garage, now that would be sweet to have!

Shaun Ray said:
As promised, here are some pictures of the Bend-Pak PL-7. I'm very pleased with the results. Next project will probably be to get rid of those bare exposed light bulbs. They look sort of low rent in the photos.


VERY nice. You mind posting some pics from the underside (can you service the car while on the lift?).
Wow, that was cool...

just a note for the people in the southwest... check to make sure your garage isn't a post-tension slab... i hear if you drill in it, it could mess up the whole foundation.

may be a stupid question... not a troll at all, but if either of you were to move would there be ANY consideration of taking the lift with you? just curious!

man, garages are fun!!
Yeah, drilling the garage floor was a consideration. One reason I chose the PL-7 was the stand alone feature. I have not drilled into the floor and plan not to. And yes, I'd definetely consider taking the lift if I move, depending on whether the new home has a 11' ceiling. Of course, if there is already a 6 car garage....... :smile:
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matteni said:
I had epoxy paint in my old house and it looked like hell after 2 years.
Was it two-part epoxy? I think using crappy product (or improper prepping/application) is the cause for most bad experiences with painted floors.

I know people with painted floors that look aweful...dull, flaking, lifting, worn, etc. The problem is they didn't use good paint (i.e. one-part epoxy). The 2-part epoxy paint I used was about $50/gallon (it takes about 3 gallons/stall 3-car garage = $450).

I painted my floor 4 years ago (with help of prime member "cmarsh90"). It's a bit of work (sweep, sweep, sweep, power wash, etch with acid, power wash, paint, wait 24 hours, paint, wait 5 days to cure), but it has held up remarkably well (especially given the variety of crap we track into the garage during winter months). It is still shiney, not chipping/lifting, etc with normal daily use.

Clean up is real easy. A quick sweep (and I mean quick, since you don't have pores like concrete does to hold dirt/dust) every couple weeks to remove loose sand/dirt/dust will keep your garage quite clean (house stays pretty clean too cause there is no dirt to track in). 10 minutes occasionally to wet mop (just water) will take care of the water spots (from dirty water dripping off a car and sitting there until it evaporates). Maybe once every-other year a good clean with an oil-dissolving detergent is necessary to clean off what is essentially road film that's been deposited by the tires (very-light brown tint in line where wheels contact floor).

The one gotcha for me is that, despite it being unharmed by brake fluid and other harsh chemicals, I have a couple blue spots where washer fluid dripped onto it and evaporated, leaving the die. I haven't found a way to clean it up...but it just occured to me I haven't tried acetone (fingernail polish remover). I'll have to give that a shot next time I clean.
The epoxy floors are nice and pretty durable. The only downside is touch up when you do have scratches or paint lift. You can't touch it up except with paint that is close in shade. Its not bad, just a little more noticeable than if you went the concrete stain route with touch up options.
White94 said:
VERY nice. You mind posting some pics from the underside (can you service the car while on the lift?).

Hi Mark,

Sorry for the late respost. Just too absent minded I guess. Here are some photos of the underside of the lift. Please, no rude comments about the shape of the underside of my NSX!:redface:


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