I have seen the Matrix...

10 September 2002
and it is freaking amazing. Oh my God!

The fight sequences, the special effects, the complex subplots, it'll blow your mind! As revolutionary as the original Matrix was, Reloaded is just as ground-breaking in the art of story telling. The action starts from the get-go, and doesn't stop until the credits start scrolling, and it'll leave you wanting more..

Can't wait till November!!
Re: Re: I have seen the Matrix...

john576 said:
20 more hours till I get to see it here... I'm so stoked
You will NOT be disappointed. "Reloaded" takes movie making technology to another level, just as the first Matrix did. Relax, sit back and enjoy!

NSXaholic said:
What happens then? Is that when the third installment of the trilogy gets released.
Correct. The second and third installments were filmed together, much as the "Lord of the Blings" series were. :D The third one is currently being edited according to last night's Charlie Rose special about the movie (on PBS).
Not going to see Reloaded 'til this Sunday.
Actually, it's going to be a 'Matrix' day...

Bunch of friends are coming over to my house and watch the 1st Matrix on the big screen in my home theater. Then grab a late lunch and off to the theaters to see Reloaded--in THX of course.

It's going to be crazy!
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speaking of the matrix, i just sold mine on monday....sorry, i'm being stupid here....:D

yeah, i can't wait to see it.....i'm a super fan when it comes to sequels, prequels, trilogies....

i've already got the following on DVD

The Mummy I, II
Harry Potter I, II
Rush Hour I, II (waiting for III to come out??)
Star Wars I,II,IV,V,VI (some on LD)
X-Men I (definitely gonna get II)
The Matrix I (drooling for II and III)
Shanghai Noon (waiting for Knight)
Lord of the Rings I (waiting for II)
Fast&Furious I (also drooling for II)

I love it when I can collect trilogies and series so I can watch them all in one night.....imagine 9 full hours of Lord of the Rings in one night!!
PHOEN$X said:
...EDIT: P.S., I just read that a trailer for the third film (MATRIX REVOLUTIONS) is supposed to be shown following the ending credits. I left as they started rolling, but don't you guys miss it! :(

Good to know. Thanks. Will definitely keep an eye out for it.

PHOEN$X said:
Here are a couple of reviews to whet your appetites while the countdown continues...

A whole bunch of reviews with grades and categorization are also available online, at www.movies.com. Here is the direct link. The main page also has the following comment:

Critics were less excited about The Matrix Reloaded than about its predecessor, but nearly every one of them expressed awe at the film's stunning action sequences.

PHOEN$X said:

EDIT: P.S., I just read that a trailer for the third film (MATRIX REVOLUTIONS) is supposed to be shown following the ending credits. I left as they started rolling, but don't you guys miss it! :(
DOH! I wish I had read this before I saw the movie! :mad:

Oh well, at least I have an excuse to see it again now... personally I was a little dissappointed the first time through, but I think its because I was so caught up in analyzing all of the special effects and plot twists that I never really just sat back and took it all in. I'm sure the second viewing will be much better, especially if I can see it in a theater that's not quite as packed as it was tonight.
should be seeing shortly too, the critics havent been too kind though, c's, b's and a d! i saw one a-, but again as above who cares what critics think, they mention in a review that the trailer for no.3 was on after the credits sneaky!
I can't wait to see it! We are planning on watching it Friday night at the IMAX theatre in Dublin. Thanks for the heads up regarding the trailer for Revolutions
So <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>, what did you think of the scene pictured here...
<IMG SRC="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=141936">

Was the NeoNSX awesome or what?!?!?!??! :D (Sorry, the blue NSX is the SingleSamuari who is also in the Matrix.... the NeoNSX is red... :)

25.5hrs until i know the truth. :p

Hope you all go see it so i make a lot of money for mods. ;)
i'm impressed nobody has posted spoilers so far... unlike another web forum i was reading (on PC hardware - totally unrelated) where some idiot posted "the spoiler is ***********" .... argh!!! :mad: spoiled in an instant! :(
I saw it today, and it was a good movie. The special effects are along the same lines as the frist Matrix, but it was not as exhilarating as frist one because we've seen the slo-mo stuff so much already. The fight scenes were good, but they were too overwhelming for the eye to look at sometimes. The most amazing scene though was the highway chase. I also liked how they slipped in lines and ideas from older movies. Especially the "one adam twelve" reference for us kids that watched that show in the 70's.

Overall a good movie for a matinee.
NSXaholic said:
It should be. I read that it took them six weeks of shooting and over $16 million (I think) just for that one piece of the film. :eek:

"Piece of film" or "digitally processed file"??? :confused:

<B>MiamieNeSeX</B>: that is an awesome smiley... i'm keeping that! how many million did it cost for the special effects used in creating that smiley? :D
it sucked

i just got back from watching the matrix.
it was terribly disappointing.
they completely cheezed it up.
the fight scenes were lame and all done before.
the digital animation was so obvious to the eye.
the car chase started off good... but by the time the 5th car flipped over i was yawning.
i'm not sure what i think of the story yet as i'm not bright enough to figure it out from watching it once.. but i may never know as i do not plan to watch it again.

can someone explain to me where the humans are getting their energy, and why the machines can't tap that same enery source instead of relying on the human farms?
NeoNSX said:
So <B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>, what did you think of the scene pictured here...
<IMG SRC="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=141936">

Was the NeoNSX awesome or what?!?!?!??! :D (Sorry, the blue NSX is the SingleSamuari who is also in the Matrix.... the NeoNSX is red... :)

25.5hrs until i know the truth. :p

Hope you all go see it so i make a lot of money for mods. ;)

Wait a minute, Single Samurai has a black interior. I have the Tan interior. Be carefull with my car.:p

Ground breaking movie. Setting the benchmark for action sequence and choreographing. Just like the 1st Matrix it will be copied over and over by others. Seeing it again to analyse again.
