I have never seen an NSX

22 November 2011
N.W. Ontario ,Canada
Every summer for the past 5 years my brother and I have taken a motorcycle trip. I have never, repeat never, seen an NSX on the road. I"ve seen Ford GT's , Lamborghini's , Porsche's, and of course Corvettes on every corner. Hell, we even saw a Ferrari 458 this summer in Monterey. But never have I seen an NSX. We are truly a rare bird.
I used to see one yellow 91 in Cambridge (united kingdom) every day at the train station and one imola once in my town, other then meets that's it. And I've certainly been looking.

My black 91 turns heads and drops jaws every time I take it out, I love the attention haha :) rare bird indeed
To your point, I feel OBLIGATED to drive my car so others CAN see it. I feel owe it to them.

lol Ed.....I just figured out what to give all my friends for Christmas.......................................................a "drive by":biggrin:
I would guess I see 2 or 3 a year "in the wild", meaning I wasn't expecting to see one and don't know who it belongs to and not counting my own of course.
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It's a rare car around here, and I live in a target rich environment. I see more Ferraris than NSXen on the road. Hell, I even see more Teslas -- but living across the freeway from Tesla HQ might have something to do with that :biggrin:
LOL Im in Mississippi and there are 4 of them within 20 miles of each other.....One is a zanardi, one is a 98 Berlina Black (mine), one is a Berlina Black 91, the other is an Imola Orange 02 or 03. I guess it just depends on the local. There are a lot of car fanatics here.....too bad most are older mustangs and camaros.
Every summer for the past 5 years my brother and I have taken a motorcycle trip. I have never, repeat never, seen an NSX on the road. I"ve seen Ford GT's , Lamborghini's , Porsche's, and of course Corvettes on every corner. Hell, we even saw a Ferrari 458 this summer in Monterey. But never have I seen an NSX. We are truly a rare bird.

You got to get out more LOL.
+1 I never see one in the wild.

every so often one at the dealer getting an oil change. thats it.

but when I drive mine everyday and see the sheep cars everywhere I smile inside. and if you see that a-hole weaving in and out of traffic and I pass him he calms down cuz his Civic really isnt that fast.

rare car indeed
Last week, i stopped by my company to see a friend, and one coworker told me, " I have not seen a Fiero for along time it's look nice." I just said thanks.:eek:
Last week, i stopped by my company to see a friend, and one coworker told me, " I have not seen a Fiero for along time it's look nice." I just said thanks.:eek:

There is a different thread exactly for that sorta post but it's quite funny

My best friend is the designer responsible for the dashboard in the Fiero.

If you don't like something about a Fiero dashboard, I'd be happy to forward your professional comments to him.
Must be a Florida thing... splain yoself pls

I change my own oil LOL

when I go to get parts every so often I see one at the dealer.

I change my own oil every month regardless of miles.

as for the sheep comment, lets say you drive to the store the
"Sheep Cars" are Mercedes, Lexus, Bmw, Porsche, Any SUV's basiclly all other cars. except the once in awhile F-car lambo etc.

pick a car any car by the time you get to the store you will have seen 20 same color.

the the people driving the upper class cars think look at me im driving a BMW with cool LED in the front. I pass them they think "well my car really isnt that cool anymore".

not to offend anyone but you know when your driving you NSX you know all eyes are on you, so you know what I am getting at.
Knoxville, TN actually has a pretty healthy population.....maybe something to do with proximity to the Dragon? In addition to my own, I know of at least two other black cars, a red one that gets driven, a red one that doesn't get driven, two GPW, two silver.....and I think that's it. That said, it's at-best a monthly occurrence that I see one on the road during the summer. I'm probably the only one who drives one in pretty much any condition (though less so now that I have my beater back to being reliable).
I see at least one in the San Diego area just about every week. Sometimes I will see 2 or 3 in one day.
It's a rare car around here, and I live in a target rich environment. I see more Ferraris than NSXen on the road. Hell, I even see more Teslas -- but living across the freeway from Tesla HQ might have something to do with that :biggrin:

Wow really Bob? I think the bay area has TONS MORE NSX's than any other area even moreso than Socal due to the smaller region/area.

I see at least 1-5 per week depending on how often I go out (which is not that much these days with the baby).

We had a recent norcal NSX showing and I counted 50 cars at our meet! :biggrin:

Try that with any other region of the USA...
Wow really Bob? I think the bay area has TONS MORE NSX's than any other area even moreso than Socal due to the smaller region/area.

I see at least 1-5 per week depending on how often I go out (which is not that much these days with the baby).

We had a recent norcal NSX showing and I counted 50 cars at our meet! :biggrin:

Try that with any other region of the USA...

i second that. originally from socal, i barely saw any on the road. in the bay area, i see them about once a week.
I am on the north side of Indianapolis, and I almost NEVER see one on the road. It is kind of funny, because usually when I do see one, it will be the one day out of 30 where I am driving something OTHER than my NSX. ARGH!!

I know there are about 8 to 10 in the Indianapolis and surrounding area (including an original owner Zanardi Edition that could use some love...looked pretty ratty when I last saw it), but most are garage queens. When I do see them on the road I still am shocked, my jaw drops, and I openly find myself saying, 'DAMN!! That's an NSX!! Boy does it look good'. Sitting inside of them all the time, you almost forget how cool they look when they go past on the road. :cool:
Oddly, my most recent sighting was on a group drive. 11 NSXs going one direction and we passed a solitary NSX going the other way.

I know this, if I was driving my car and saw 11 NSXs going the other way it would take heaven and hell to keep me from turning around and joining the parade!
Wow really Bob? I think the bay area has TONS MORE NSX's than any other area even moreso than Socal due to the smaller region/area.

I see at least 1-5 per week depending on how often I go out (which is not that much these days with the baby).

We had a recent norcal NSX showing and I counted 50 cars at our meet! :biggrin:

Try that with any other region of the USA...

LOL, meets don't count :biggrin:. That's like counting my own car -- in which case I see no fewer than one per day.