I have Drew's abs bleeder tool

I will try to send it out tomorrow. Drew's original deal was that each person would foot the bill to forward it on to the next person. I'll be paying for the shipping. The kit includes the T tool and switches to solenoid cycling. The box is pretty long and narrow (at least 3 1/2ft by 8 inches by 8 inches).

We probably should start a sticky that keeps the location of the tool updated in the DIY section. Or perhaps make it a commonly updated reference link.

I would like to get on the list to use these tools. I will happily pay the US postage to send to the user after me.

Roger Garrell
[email protected]
Put me down after you ^^^Metteni^^^ once you get it send it my way, then I'll fwd it to whomever is interested after me.
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NSX~Pert please put me down on the list after you:smile: I was soo tired of listening to the solenoid noise I pulled the fuse.
Hey, CAL thanks for answering up. I'm so busy doing other stuff I've lost track of it.

My original idea was that I would kick start some inertia so that other people would put their other specialized tools "on the road" for others to use too. So far that has not happened...

Maybe NSXCA could pop for a few tools that gets sent to members?? I think this would be a reasonable expenditure for NSXCA. The tools could be sent around with the recipient paying for the shipping to the next requester (CONUS, extra charge for off shore). Obviously, my experiment has set the precedent that such a scheme will work.

1. clutch replacement SST kit
2. Valve adjuster
3. Crank pulley wrench
4. ABS diagnosis computer

I'm willing to loan out a valve adjuster of somebody will come up with #1 or #4.

/current box is a rifle case that triggers the "oversize package" costs and the delays for a "weapons search". Maybe somebody could donate a better carrier?
//don't send it back to me guys. It just costs me money to send it to somebody else... ;)
///That think has been around now for about six years. Been across the country so many times that it is hard to comprehend. I was wondering if we should put in a history log in with it...or maybe a www.wheresgeorge.com on google maps.
I've got a transmission main shaft that I would be willing to ship to someone for use as a clutch alignment tool.
I did my ABS last week and then mailed the tool to Erin Johnson in Chandler, AZ last Thursday 05/04. When you bleed your ABS with this tool for the first time, keep a watchful eye on the cup level of the tool. The pressure build-up on my car was high enough that fluid gushed over the top of the cup (the lid was on) and sprayed all over the engine compartment. I had to stop what I was doing and spend about 30 minutes cleaning up the mess. The fluid will appear foamy the first time you do this. I strongly recommend you have old towels draped around the front of your car before doing this procedure so fluid does not get on the paint. Good luck!!

'91 Red/Ivory
Where is the tool now? Been awhile since it has been shipped to the next proud owner.......
I've got the tool!

I was going to ship it last week to the next recipient but I allowed a fellow NSXer to use it before shipment. It'll be back to me this week and out the door the same day. :smile:
Taking a ticket to get in line for this after Bob K. I can ship to the next guy or probably drop it off with Drew when I'm done. With so many cars in such a small place maybe we should have a socal tech day.
To add some organization, I believe this is the list so far:

Jim jr
95 Cruzer

From thread history, I think the tool has gone this path:

4/18 Cal sends to Breaknose (1st on list)
5/4 Breaknose sends to Reshsift (not on list)
6/27 Redshift loans to local NSX owner (not on list)

It seems fair to use the tool as quickly as possible and then send it to the next person on the list. Am I off base here?

Totally agree w/ 1badNSX

After I posted my name on this thread on 04/17, that same evening at 9:01pm, I received a personal message from Erin (Redshift) asking for the tool after I was done. Then Roger (Fastcat99) added his name to the thread on 04/18. On 04/19, I sent a PM to Erin and Roger. I said that as soon as I was done with the tool, I was planning on sending the tool to Erin since I received his request first. Both Erin and Roger were fine with that decision. I received the tool on 04/22 and mailed it to Erin on 05/04.

I thought this was the fair thing to do since I got Erin's request first. If me doing this causes any inconvenience to anyone, my apoligies for that. I appreciate this site and all of its members. Everyone here has been very informative and helpful to me the past two years since I bought my first NSX.

'91 Red/Ivory
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I promise to use the tool promptly as soon as I receive it. Probably cannot guarantee overnight turnaround, but as quickly as possible! :-)

I will then send it on to Matteni right away.

Beaknose said:
After I posted my name on this thread on 04/17, that same evening at 9:01pm, I received a personal message from Erin (Redshift) asking for the tool after I was done. Then Roger (Fastcat99) added his name to the thread on 04/18. On 04/19, I sent a PM to Erin and Roger. I said that as soon as I was done with the tool, I was planning on sending the tool to Erin since I received his request first. Both Erin and Roger were fine with that decision. I received the tool on 04/22 and mailed it to Erin on 05/04.
John, no worries and your logic makes perfect sense. It just wasn’t obvious to those of us who were wondering where the tool went. It’s not my tool and I’m not trying to control it, just hope to use it.

Put me down on the list please.

PM when my turn comes up. I am in Atlanta, if anyone in the area is getting it and we could share shipping it out.

NSX~PERT said:
Put me down after you ^^^Matteni^^^ once you get it send it my way, then I'll fwd it to whomever is interested after me.

I received the bleeder tool yesterday when I got home from work. I am going to try to get to it this weekend and ship it out next week to NSX~PERT.

Thank you FastCat99 for great shipping and the tips!!!