I have decided to quit my job and be a bum!!!

6 September 2002
Northern VA
I will be officially a bum in two weeks. After talking and contemplating about working without any appreciation, I called it quit today.

I am tired of being the person that is responsible for everything and every dollar generated....but yet I am being treated as a nobody where my suggestion and opinion means jack shit and my policy and procedure when to the trash can!!! Who wants to be a bum? lets take our X and drive in the rain :biggrin: allllll day.
Calvin,,,what (do) DID you do???

Sorry you dont feel appreciated...did you give notice???

Welcome to the unappreciated professional world.
Best to quit after you find something else.

Greeter at WalMart has little responsibility. :smile:

Time for the Joy Luck club to network and find you something else. :biggrin:
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Congrats! Why waste your talent at a company that's not going to appreciate or recognize your efforts? F*ck em! I hope this leads to better things.

OMG :eek: Calvin I thought you was just venting when you told me that, didn't thought you would actually do it. anyway, hope everything gets worked out.

BTW I'll be part of your bum club :biggrin: after I solve the leak :frown:
I found out a few minutes ago a friend of mine for 20 years died this morning of cancer, knew it was gonna happen but....
So if you ain't happy make those changes!!!!!!!!!!!

We all seem to forget how short and awesome life is...I am a very lucky man, I just seem to forget that until life reminds me...
So good luck and do whatever it takes to be Happy :smile:
Dude I feel for you. It sucks being unappreciated, especially when you work your tail-off. As Homer Simpson says "don't quit your job, just go in every day and work half -assed" Maybe you should have found some way to replace the income before making the decision? But then again it may be a decision for the better. It is always said "that everything happens for a reason". Your future sanity and success may be the reason.

Are we starting a "Bum Luck" Club too? JK
Thanks so much for the good words guys. We had a meeting earliar today about it and will finalize next week Tuesday so they can give me more work. My company needs somebody to launch another division :confused: Maybe then I get my pat on the back..............for good work?

Instead of doing what you have to do the goal is to do what you want to do; then it doesn't feel like work. That's where I am, I do it because I like it. What do you want to do with all the talent you have? Go for it!
PoohBEAR said:
I will be officially a bum in two weeks. After talking and contemplating about working without any appreciation, I called it quit today.

I am tired of being the person that is responsible for everything and every dollar generated....but yet I am being treated as a nobody where my suggestion and opinion means jack shit and my policy and procedure when to the trash can!!! Who wants to be a bum? lets take our X and drive in the rain :biggrin: allllll day.
Welcome to reality and adulthood buddy, The more we grow up the shorter the line to toot our horn gets.

Do It!!

Since you are not Golfing, you want to joint me for a round of Golf on Friday afternoon?

calvin will be heading to vegas on friday morning and will return on sunday nite:D lets talk when i come back...............i do have the urge to smack something. :cool:

awsomr1 said:

Since you are not Golfing, you want to joint me for a round of Golf on Friday afternoon?

Good call. If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will either. Cheers to you for venturing out to find something better. Good luck from the other coast
thanks...more like drive my X everywhere and test out my tires :D Heyyyy, what is the big idea? 3 posts and suspended? what is the problem? :confused:

ZEROcool said:
AGAIN! Its kinda cool being a bum...Watching Oprah all day and drinking beer. Who need a job! :biggrin: