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The truth about stmpo

People that have driven with the STMPO FSTB have said this...

People that have never driven with the STMPO FSTB have said this.....

Price Increase.... 489.95

Thanks Danny...


Regards, Cheers, Givin you 5... hit around to the backside of the hand... followed by a knuckle pound... then blow it up,

No problem Ross. Maybe I will finally take the plunge and make a bunch of bumper beams (too easy) and sell them at cost just for kicks. A simple jig or two and we'll pump out a bunch of rear strut bars as well- maybe triangulated for even more rigidity. Anything else you want to raise your price on? How many more times will you continue to threaten to leave? I kinda lost count.


No problem Ross. Maybe I will finally take the plunge and make a bunch of bumper beams (too easy) and sell them at cost just for kicks. A simple jig or two and we'll pump out a bunch of rear strut bars as well- maybe triangulated for even more rigidity. Anything else you want to raise your price on? How many more times will you continue to threaten to leave? I kinda lost count.



I'll bet that within a couple hours of normal nsxprime BS.. this part should be over 400.00 soon...

My guess would be around 3 pm pacific time :)

Regards, Cheers, Givin you 5... hit around to the backside of the hand... followed by a knuckle pound... then blow it up,

bad guess...

price increase...

No problem Ross. Maybe I will finally take the plunge and make a bunch of bumper beams (too easy) and sell them at cost just for kicks. A simple jig or two and we'll pump out a bunch of rear strut bars as well- maybe triangulated for even more rigidity. Anything else you want to raise your price on? How many more times will you continue to threaten to leave? I kinda lost count.



429.95 - Danny has been the most profitable experience for us.


Regards, Cheers, Givin you 5... hit around to the backside of the hand... followed by a knuckle pound... then blow it up,
lol... I would never hit a handycap person... you were the one mentioning and egging that on... lol

thats too bad, i was looking forward to it. fyi, i am not really handicapped but if you want to blame your problems on that please do, it will only turn more people against you. yes, my story clearly shows how filled with hate i am, how i completely lost my composure dealing with deceit and lack of training and how i finally lost my cool after you blamed it all on me. you truly are a winner.

for the last time, just so i understand:

my inability to interract with liars and hacks makes me an asshole and allows you to endanger my life by performing sub-standard work on a car out of spite- amazingly SOS has no problem taking my money and they even treat me decently- imagine that! yes, some people are satisfied with parts that others made for you and you sold- ok, i will go with that one. that does not erase a fact that you are clueless and deliberately deceived me by saying the work was to be performed by an expert and in appropriate time. judge will love this one. i promise you that once this is over you will not be laughing out loud. oh crap, i forgot, you have no insurance. i guess i will be parting out a messed-up, primer-black NA1 piece of junk in the future.
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No problem Ross. Maybe I will finally take the plunge and make a bunch of bumper beams (too easy) and sell them at cost just for kicks. A simple jig or two and we'll pump out a bunch of rear strut bars as well- maybe triangulated for even more rigidity. Anything else you want to raise your price on? How many more times will you continue to threaten to leave? I kinda lost count.



Ross is moving onto the Ferrari parts as our community is cheap and clueless. i can't wait to see that show- these guys will sue him into the gutter within a month.
thats too bad, i was looking forward to it.

for the last time, just so i understand:

my inability to interract with liars and hacks makes me an asshole and allows you to endanger my life by performing sub-standard work on a car out of spite. yes, some people are satisfied with parts that others made for you and you sold- ok, i will go with that one. that does not erase a fact that you are clueless and deliberately deceived me by saying the work was to be performed by an expert and in appropriate time. judge will love this one.

I look forward to seeing you in court... that is where things like this are supposed to go...

and if I dont make parts... why cant anyone else sell what I make... wierd

Unless there's a POV that I'm not seeing, this makes no sense. You're raising the price on various products as retaliation to a community member that has no need for your product b/c he's made his own? So the only conceivable harm you'll cause is to yourself and a prospective buyer?

Plus, now, you're talking to yourself. This is crazy!

I genuinely hope you do well w/ the other prospective car and brand you decide to develop products for but if this the business model you'll be using, I'm not sure that market will be prosperous either.
I look forward to seeing you in court... that is where things like this are supposed to go...

and if I dont make parts... why cant anyone else sell what I make... wierd


you don't make parts- you pay others to come in after hours and do it for you, don't forget i am quite familiar with your 'organization' and you are exactly what you claim to hate- a middleman. the only thing you 'make' is some crappy carbon wraps.
as far as the court thing goes- do you really think that if i choose to sue you, you have even a slim chance of going against the laundry-list of errors found, few of them life-threatening? ever heard of criminal negligence? if i decide, you will get your chance to tell judge how i am an asshole and that gives you the right to almost kill me. like i said, you are very, very lucky that your ineptness forced me to land at SOS because otherwise i might have caused a serious wreck when the engine and drivetrain would fly out of the car.
all this could have been avoided and i tried to open your blind eyes several times - from getting me the tech you promised, bringing one in to fix crap you could not or simply covering SOS bills. now i just hope you dissapear. poof!
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I guess I got tired of following the vitriol and needed to throw in my .02 to vent my disgust with the turn of events.

I have no dog in this fight but I have to say, Ross, that reading your "responses" in the various threads have left such a bad taste in my mouth that I wouldn't put your parts in my heavily tracked car even if they were given to me for free. Now, mind you, this is not a commentary on their quality or performance value but simply a reaction to your over-reactionary comments. They might very well make me faster on the track but I would rather be a back marker than display your name on my car after the nonsense that has transpired on Prime recently.

So I guess you can add my name to the "list" of members who forced you out of the community but either leave and get it done with or find a way to do business without the constant rants and bickering. Stop the total b.s. with "raising prices" every time someone criticizes you in an effort to turn the rest of us against those who do not praise your omnipotence. Find a way to get along or just simply move along but please end this already before everyone associates "STMPO" with "STFU".
I guess I got tired of following the vitriol and needed to throw in my .02 to vent my disgust with the turn of events.

I have no dog in this fight but I have to say, Ross, that reading your "responses" in the various threads have left such a bad taste in my mouth that I wouldn't put your parts in my heavily tracked car even if they were given to me for free. Now, mind you, this is not a commentary on their quality or performance value but simply a reaction to your over-reactionary comments. They might very well make me faster on the track but I would rather be a back marker than display your name on my car after the nonsense that has transpired on Prime recently.

So I guess you can add my name to the "list" of members who forced you out of the community but either leave and get it done with or find a way to do business without the constant rants and bickering. Stop the total b.s. with "raising prices" every time someone criticizes you in an effort to turn the rest of us against those who do not praise your omnipotence. Find a way to get along or just simply move along but please end this already before everyone associates "STMPO" with "STFU".

Too late.

peace out then....
peace out then....

It's really sad that you have such an inability to grasp any concept of what some of us are trying to say here. It's your immaturity and responses that are leaving the sour taste, it has nothing to do with products or pricing.

I don't give a shit who is right or who is wrong, NO BUSINESS EVER should threaten to knock someones teeth out regardless. You simply choose to do business with that individual or you don't, and you settle business accordingly. All the other commentary is VERY unprofessional, period.

I guess I got tired of following the vitriol and needed to throw in my .02 to vent my disgust with the turn of events.

I have no dog in this fight but I have to say, Ross, that reading your "responses" in the various threads have left such a bad taste in my mouth that I wouldn't put your parts in my heavily tracked car even if they were given to me for free. Now, mind you, this is not a commentary on their quality or performance value but simply a reaction to your over-reactionary comments. They might very well make me faster on the track but I would rather be a back marker than display your name on my car after the nonsense that has transpired on Prime recently.

So I guess you can add my name to the "list" of members who forced you out of the community but either leave and get it done with or find a way to do business without the constant rants and bickering. Stop the total b.s. with "raising prices" every time someone criticizes you in an effort to turn the rest of us against those who do not praise your omnipotence. Find a way to get along or just simply move along but please end this already before everyone associates "STMPO" with "STFU".

I agree completely. I'm 100% neutral with no bias in either direction, but based on all the replies and comments I have seen from this vendor as of late, I would not have any STMPO products on my vehicle, ever. I just do not want to associate my support to a company that will make threats or react as I have seen recently. Unbelievable.

With that said, don't let the door hit you on the way out. I will miss the innovation of your products, but I certainly won't miss your immature responses.
I guess I got tired of following the vitriol and needed to throw in my .02 to vent my disgust with the turn of events.

I have no dog in this fight but I have to say, Ross, that reading your "responses" in the various threads have left such a bad taste in my mouth that I wouldn't put your parts in my heavily tracked car even if they were given to me for free. Now, mind you, this is not a commentary on their quality or performance value but simply a reaction to your over-reactionary comments. They might very well make me faster on the track but I would rather be a back marker than display your name on my car after the nonsense that has transpired on Prime recently.

So I guess you can add my name to the "list" of members who forced you out of the community but either leave and get it done with or find a way to do business without the constant rants and bickering. Stop the total b.s. with "raising prices" every time someone criticizes you in an effort to turn the rest of us against those who do not praise your omnipotence. Find a way to get along or just simply move along but please end this already before everyone associates "STMPO" with "STFU".

thank you.
as you can imagine his demeanor here on prime is much more sanitary than in private. this had really been an exercise in self-control.
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sucks that the last straw was at my expense.


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Will throw a few cents in there. Dealing with car shops and customers is HARD on both ends. Lots of $$ involved and lots of emotions on BOTH sides. Add the Great Recession we're in, and it gets even more stressfull.

For low-medium volume shops (and that's everyone short of Acura dealership) it's very hard to get quality mechanics to work for you.. at $12.00 / hr, and part time as business is just not solid enough to keep someone on the books for 60K / yr salary.

For customers, it's very emotional. We expect and demand perfection - yet willing to pay only half price. Everyone knows the stealership will screw you in $$, but you have teh opportunity to bitch and whine until the cows come home, and you also know that they'll do everything by the book. ANyway, that's the impression I have.

I've yet to be unhappy with work at the dealership when it comes to quality of work they said they did, though I'm usually walking away with a new credit card. I'm unhappy about 1/2x for work done outside of a dealership, though usually ok on the credit card.

Best of luck to both parties. I can tell you from experience of being in court on both sides, for complicated matters like these, unless you're willing to shell out tens of thousands of dollars, you will not gain as much as if you try to come up with a compromise.

Maybe a compromise is an apology and some cash/parts. It's far cheaper than going down the court route, and more redeaming.
Sorry this happen to you. I made the mistake once and took it so someone else beside the shop I always take my car to. I had the same thing happen were I thought that he would know what he is doing but he did not. Long story short I had to get the guys who always worked on my car to do it right. People should just go and get there owrk done with shops that know what they are doing and actually work on NSX's all the time. At the end you dont save anything you end up paying alot more.

I know how you feel and it sucks cause now you have to pay more just to get it back to were it was. But if you take it to a good NSX's shop you wll be OK.

I've been staying out of this, but I can't bite my lip any longer. I am a "more the merrier" type when it comes to vendors, but it pains me to say that I'm not doing business with a company as unprofessional as this. To even talk about physical violence towards a customer on a public forum like this says a lot about one's character and how he chooses to run his business. The icing on the cake is blackmailing (hypocrite much?) the NSX community as a whole to be quiet or he's going to artificially raise prices. My jaw hit the floor when I saw that. Seriously, don't let the door hit you on the way out. No way should they/he make another dime off of this community. Discount your "highly-rated" stuff all you want. Nothing with the STMPO label will ever be on one of my cars even if it's free.

Being a new Arizona resident, I've been excited to find so much NSX-related stuff nearby. Unfortunately, I get to scratch one shop off my list to stop by and visit now.

For customers, it's very emotional. We expect and demand perfection - yet willing to pay only half price. Everyone knows the stealership will screw you in $$, but you have teh opportunity to bitch and whine until the cows come home, and you also know that they'll do everything by the book. .

the problem is that i was convinced by Ross to give him the work, paid the price HE quoted and expected service that was promised by an experienced tech- he lied from the start and my displeasure after seeing the car hacked to bits is not being portrayed as 'bad interaction with shop personnel'. pure denial.
just when i thought this situation was coming to an end it blows up yet again. when all electrical shorts, loose grounds etc were eliminated, the car still wasn't running right with a slight ignition miss / stumble. at sos we pulled the coils to discover that one of the tubes was completely filled with oil- missing seal yet again. once we pulled the valve cover to re-install the missing seal sos checked the timing (as we were ASSuming it was correct) just to discover that BOTH EXHAUST CAMS WERE STILL OFF AT LEAST A TOOTH!!! so basically, even with Ross' "correction' of his work, the timing is still screwed up, not to mention the valves are tight meaning they were not adjusted! the only thing stmpo accomplished is to change the water pump- everything else is screwed up, lost or damaged. at this point, obviously, any sane business owner would return the money he took for the service and quit sucking off Prime as he said he would.
final update,
everything is finally fixed- electrical issues take time unfortunately.
in the end, stmpo collected $600 plus oem NA2 exhaust for installation of the water pump- everything else was messed up- it cost me another $1400 in labor to get it corrected. there is a BIG difference between selling welded tubes and being a professional service shop, especially when it comes to customer relations- ie, not fabricating lies and stories about the customer to cover up / justify your lack of skill, bad attitude and denial that you can still 'fix it' time after time.
Given the amount of money, I think you initial suggestion of small claims court is a reasonable one and worth it both on principle and funds recovery. You should be seeking recovery of all the incremental costs required to correct the work ($1,400) but at a minimum recover the $600 and the NA2 headers or $200 value as a refund.

If you present your case as you have here, and it is the truthful, I can't see how you would lose.
I'm sorry I have to bump this thread..
I contacted Ross for a part last month because I believed they were good products.. I paid him on 9/12. After 5 different promises of shipping it, including a FedEx tracking number that never worked, I disputed my PayPal payment to him. I even warned him and asked him if it was fair. He agreed it would be fair. After that he finally shipped it out this Monday late at night, over a month after making payment. Today I received an alarming text from him calling me an a hole because I put the dispute through PayPal. I refuse to undispute the PayPal payment until I receive the product and confirm that it is ok. After telling him this he continued with the language trying to make me feel Like I was the bad guy in all this when I gave him more than enough chances to ship it out. He even threatened me physically. It got so bad over text that I called him screaming, because I couldn't believe this guy was treating me the way he was.

No way will I ever run any of his products on my car. This guy is a joke and he still apparently has no money because he was desperate for me to pay him.

Glad he is no longer a vendor here. I have all the emails and texts from this guy. And they are unbelievable!!

Swerve I really hope your car and situation all got worked out.

Thank goodness I paid the 20.00 for PayPal insurance!!