I got rear-ended today in the vette.

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL

I am freaking pissed. Some stupid moron rear ended me as I was exiting off an off-ramp from the interstate. I got out of the car and he turn did a your turn an took off through a red light. I almost chased him, but there was too much traffic.

He was hispanic... probably here illegally with no drivers license and insurance. I AM NOT HAPPY.

Something needs to be done about people like this. I am not giving up yet. I am going to be watching for him over the next few weeks and I will find him.

Looks like it is going to be $3-$4000 damage. :mad:
wut the hell. hit and run. did u look at his licene plate? dang. :mad:

There was no time. I will be watching for him. I will make it my personal mission to make sure he is kicked out of the county if he is indeed here illegally.

We need a MUCH harsher crime for people like him and even those driving without insurance. Anyone like this should be punished.
Wow, sorry about the car-hope you did not get injured. But you are making some pretty broad based statements about Hispanics. Don't get me wrong, I hope they catch the bastxxd and send him to jail and then, if he is in fact here illegally, deport him swiftly upon completion of his jail time. But assuming because someone is Hispanic that they are here illegally is pretty harsh. Again, sorry about the accident but all kinds of people flee the scene of accidents.
Sorry to hear about the accident. Even if you catch him he probably has no money or insurance, good news is your not hurt car can be fixed.

I am freaking pissed. Some stupid moron rear ended me as I was exiting off an off-ramp from the interstate. I got out of the car and he turn did a your turn an took off through a red light. I almost chased him, but there was too much traffic.

He was hispanic... probably here illegally with no drivers license and insurance. I AM NOT HAPPY.

Something needs to be done about people like this. I am not giving up yet. I am going to be watching for him over the next few weeks and I will find him.

Looks like it is going to be $3-$4000 damage. :mad:

The vette can be fixed, to bad your racism can't.

Armando, I agree totally with what you posted.

Racism is for the unintelligent people of this world !!!

Until such time the relevance of the colour of a person's skin has as much relevance as the colour of their eyes, we will forever not be able to live in peace with one another.

Did a U-trun and blew a light to run? Boy would it be nice if they had one of those red light cameras there.

Sounds like he was desparate. At least he didn't get out and shoot you before he left.
The vette can be fixed, to bad your racism can't.


I don't care if he is black, white, green, blue or purple... if someone hits you and runs, they are a POS. Running means he is hiding something.

This guy happend to be hispanic. That is a fact. It doesn't matter to me. There is nothing racist in my post. You must be looking for yet another reason to be an Ahole.
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Dang man sorry to hear about the ride. :frown: Friggin cowards, screw up and run away. :mad: Man up and deal with your own stupidity. I say if you run away you void all your rights and get locked away. Hope things get worked out and the car gets fixed back up ASAP.
Any pics?

Nothing to see really. If you just passed by you would not be able to tell anything was wrong besides some scratches. The paint has web's all over it where it hit, but you have to have the light hit it right to see it.
I was a victim of a hit and run about a year ago in the Supe. From your description it sounds like the same guy. I know how frustrated you feel. Hopefully your collision deductable isn't too high.
That freaking sucks man.

Armando I don't think netviper meant anything bad by his comments, he just presumed if a guy is gona hit and run hes probably hidding something, anyone would be pissed off and ready to kick some ass.

If the guy had insurance and a valid drivers licence, there is absolutely no reason to run after a minor accident. The hit and run car could also had been a stolen vehicle carrying things that he may not want police to see or he is just a kid that got freaked out after accident, didn't know what to do, didn't think, and fled the scene (just some assumptions).
That really blows. :mad:

What do you plan to do when you finally catch up with the perp? Might i suggest ripping his throat out like Rambo IV? It makes a bold statement. :biggrin:
I do not think some one who has his car hit by someone who flee's the seen needs shit from other forum members. Sorry to hear about your accident. Let us know if we can do more then offer moral support.
NetViper, those panels are mostly bolted on and flex when hit.

They can have a spider like appearance but the structure beneath may have been impacted as well. You won't know until the panels are removed (and replaced) and a thorough careful, inspection is made of the inner panels. By all means your car should be set up and measured to ensure that structural damage does not exist. Do not let them assume, make them check.

Again if the panels are spidered, I'd replace them. If you want, PM me and I'll go more into why.
I don't care if he is black, white, green, blue or purple... if someone hits you and runs, they are a POS. Running means he is hiding something.

So then why post what nationality he was?

This guy happend to be hispanic. That is a fact. It doesn't matter to me.

It obviously does matter to you as you assumed many things. And you know what they say about people who assume right?:biggrin: Maybe he was also a racist like you and figured hey, it's a vette and everyone knows that only assholes drive vettes.

There is nothing racist in my post.

He was hispanic... probably here illegally with no drivers license and insurance. I AM NOT HAPPY.

You must be looking for yet another reason to be an Ahole.

I dont need a reason, but you just always seem to make it easy.

PS: Last I checked this is still an NSX forum, sorry if many on here dont cry over your squeaky wagon.

Armando I don't think netviper meant anything bad by his comments, he just presumed if a guy is gona hit and run hes probably hidding something, anyone would be pissed off and ready to kick some ass.


I can understand what you are saying, but what does where you are from or what you look like have to do with wether or not you have insurance or a license or have something to hide?

Change the word Hispanic and insert, "American", "Chinese", "Japanese" , "German" and then try and plead his case again.

I can understand what you are saying, but what does where you are from or what you look like have to do with wether or not you have insurance or a license or have something to hide?

Change the word Hispanic and insert, "American", "Chinese", "Japanese" , "German" and then try and plead his case again.


I am not from Iran Armando you have Paranoia, insecurity & racism issues and if I was from Iran you and I would be in a cage match dont be a hypocrite!

If your car gets hit and run and you file a police report it will ask, the person gender, height, weight, race, date, location comprende is that clear enough, Netviper gave a description of the person who hit his car.