I got rear-ended today in the vette.

So then why post what nationality he was?

It obviously does matter to you as you assumed many things. And you know what they say about people who assume right?:biggrin: Maybe he was also a racist like you and figured hey, it's a vette and everyone knows that only assholes drive vettes.

PS: Last I checked this is still an NSX forum, sorry if many on here dont cry over your squeaky wagon.


Wow, the guy just got his car hit and you start hurling insults at him. Go ahead and call him on being a racist, but no need to call him an asshole because of the car he drives or insult him with things that have nothing to do with being a racist (not saying that NetViper is or isn't).

Also, not that it really matters, but he stated the criminal's ethnicity.

Just curious, but in your mind is it better to be a con-artist than a racist? Seeing as how you've misled the buyer of your previous wrecked NSX, didn't send him parts for months, and tried to deceive people about the mileage on your current NSX in your for sale ad, I'm surprised to see you stand up against racism of all things.
I will apologize to those that were offended by my comments about this guy being illegal, uninsured or having no license. I was angry and whether or not the statements are true, they were probably not the PC thing to say.

I just want to find this guy and make sure he doesn't do it to anyone else or worse kill someone.

Goodman Netviper!!

I can understand your anger and rage, I hope to never find out how I would react in that situation!
Wasnt trying to throw rocks at your glass house..I have enough broken windows in mine!!
Hope your car gets fixed up ASAP and you catch the Mofo!!!
Wow, the guy just got his car hit and you start hurling insults at him. Go ahead and call him on being a racist, but no need to call him an asshole because of the car he drives or insult him with things that have nothing to do with being a racist (not saying that NetViper is or isn't).

Also, not that it really matters, but he stated the criminal's ethnicity.

Just curious, but in your mind is it better to be a con-artist than a racist? Seeing as how you've misled the buyer of your previous wrecked NSX, didn't send him parts for months, and tried to deceive people about the mileage on your current NSX in your for sale ad, I'm surprised to see you stand up against racism of all things.

Thanks for posting that. Some of us including myself weren't on PRIME back then.
Isnt there some saying about casting stones...
Wow, the guy just got his car hit and you start hurling insults at him. Go ahead and call him on being a racist, but no need to call him an asshole because of the car he drives or insult him with things that have nothing to do with being a racist (not saying that NetViper is or isn't).

Also, not that it really matters, but he stated the criminal's ethnicity.

Just curious, but in your mind is it better to be a con-artist than a racist? Seeing as how you've misled the buyer of your previous wrecked NSX, didn't send him parts for months, and tried to deceive people about the mileage on your current NSX in your for sale ad, I'm surprised to see you stand up against racism of all things.

Listen Mr. 267 posts, NetViper and I have been calling each others bullshit for many years, get yor facts straight before you try pissing in this pool.

FireMarshal Bil says: leme tell you somen


Why!:eek: :eek:


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I had to chime in. I was in a similar situation. I was rear ended in my S2000 on the freeway during rush hour. We pulled to the side and when I asked him for his insurance and driver license, he said he'll get it, got back into his car and instead took off, nearly hitting me by a few inches. I was so amazed that I stood there dumbfounded :frown:.

Gave him a quick chase until he drove along the sound wall scraping against it. I never got close enough to read his plates and also he was kicking up dust while driving along the side of the road.

Till this day, I still get frustrated and white knuckled that I did not react quick enough to read his plate. I cannot help but scan the road for a 1990'ish green Honda Accord, Latino driver with a beanie on. His memorable word before getting back into his car, "What? You don't trust me?!" :mad:
Listen Mr. 267 posts, NetViper and I have been calling each others bullshit for many years, get yor facts straight before you try pissing in this pool.


You're right - I don't have many posts here, because I can't contribute too much since I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to the NSX. Instead, I read a lot of posts and have been fortunate to meet some local members who have helped me time and time again with my car when I needed it.

That being said, you have 4,xxx posts currently and have been here for years before me. I'm sure you've made many friends here and wow'ed a lot of people with the turbo setup on your car. I suppose this is the reason why your attempt to deceive people about your car(s) is always swept under the rug.

Whatever your history with NetViper, if you post it in a public forum, you have to expect people to respond. Whether or not you two have a history of arguing is irrelevant in my opinion to the matter at hand. You didn't have a problem with the people who agreed with you and posted that NetViper's comment was inappropriate and racist.
viper...they found a license at the scene...

im actually on armando side on this one... im "hispanic" and do take netvipers comments as bull5hit racist comments. I work in wireless with a bunch of different people with different ethnic backgrounds and get along great with everyone but the minute anyone says something stupid and racist i check them quick!!! I dont give a damm if its a customer!!! You netviper typed that comment here on prime but i bet you wouldnt say it outloud in my face or anyone else in so-cal. A lot of people are brave over the web but when it comes down to it 99.9% of 5hit talkers are just that... 5hit talkers only... brave behind a computer... its time to grow up and open your eyes. We're in mid 2008 and people are still talking racist crap??? DAMM!!! SOME NEANDERTHALS NEVER EVOLVED!!!!:eek: Get with the times!!! EVOLVE!!! We're in 2008 NOT 1858!!!

Reffer to people as male or female and just leave it at that. Dont assume their ethnicity. Not everyone is what they appear to be. There is a lot different nationalities that have very similar features. Dont stereotype people PERIOD!! Follow these tips and youll see that youll meet more cool people with similar interests and who will extend their hand to you instead extending their fist and bashing you for being a racist!!! Its better to have more pals than enemies!!! :cool:
This is getting a bit ridiculous :rolleyes: .

Sorry about your vette Viper...

I was hit while pulling into my own driveway by a drunk driver with no insurance.

He decided the best place to put his open beer bottle was through our front fence subversively while he slithered out of the driver's seat, but luckily he was too hammered to run. Probably didn't even feel his face hit the windshield and crack it.
Sucks about the car man.

LoL, wow. Don't take much to hurt some people's feelings now don't it? Who cares if he doesn't like hispanics or that hispanic in general, man has a right to feel however he feels no matter what. Get over it, like it really has any affect on you.
im actually on armando side on this one... im "hispanic" and do take netvipers comments as bull5hit racist comments. I work in wireless with a bunch of different people with different ethnic backgrounds and get along great with everyone but the minute anyone says something stupid and racist i check them quick!!! I dont give a damm if its a customer!!! You netviper typed that comment here on prime but i bet you wouldnt say it outloud in my face or anyone else in so-cal. A lot of people are brave over the web but when it comes down to it 99.9% of 5hit talkers are just that... 5hit talkers only... brave behind a computer... its time to grow up and open your eyes. We're in mid 2008 and people are still talking racist crap??? DAMM!!! SOME NEANDERTHALS NEVER EVOLVED!!!!:eek: Get with the times!!! EVOLVE!!! We're in 2008 NOT 1858!!!

Reffer to people as male or female and just leave it at that. Dont assume their ethnicity. Not everyone is what they appear to be. There is a lot different nationalities that have very similar features. Dont stereotype people PERIOD!! Follow these tips and youll see that youll meet more cool people with similar interests and who will extend their hand to you instead extending their fist and bashing you for being a racist!!! Its better to have more pals than enemies!!! :cool:

I believe you said it best in this reply in another thread:
Reffer to people as male or female and just leave it at that. Dont assume their ethnicity. ...

Hmm, that would be sexist then, wouldn't it? :rolleyes:

People can say what they want, but discrimination exists everywhere unfortunately.

Sorry to hear about your car Netviper, but look at it this way - could have been worse.
A recent survey by Infinity Insurance Companies and Hispanic Research revealed that some areas with a high concentration of Hispanics have an uninsured motorist rate as high as 32.8%. (Link to article) Other southern states also show a disproportionately high number of uninsured Hispanic motorists.

I'll bet that over 50% of Hispanic hit-and-run drivers are uninsured, regardless of whether or not they're here illegally.

Guys, it's not prejudice if it's true.


Once I saw this post went to 2 pages I had to look. That's because any thread only 1 page long is boring, oops is that prejudice?

I have about a hundred or so smart ass comments I would love to add to this thread but I am going to sit on my hands instead.

You guys are funny. :D I can see the bones on some people here because their skin is so thin.
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You also offended the owner of an Imola orange NSX in SoCal who is gay. He told me when he read the topic, he said to himself "There ain't enough room in a Vette" with a lisp, of course.

Gender bias, racial bias we got it all!:biggrin: