I found the inspiration and genesis of Acura's new design

<IMG SRC="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=31636&d=1171394027">

I'm digging it now... :)

Nobody would screw with you if you had a Predator onboard (unless they hadn't seen the movie, or they were an 'expendable' guy)
anyone see this stand out like I did, "We’ve been sketching this car for a while. Patrick Lukasak, the designer who has been penning this car, is just two years out of design school and he’s been working on this car for a real, real long time. He’s been probably drawing it since first term at Art Center. Billy Yex is the master modeler and he’s been around fifteen or sixteen years. He’s touched everything we’ve worked on. But he’s never had a chance at a Sports Car. So here’s this kid just two years out of design school and he comes up with this sketch and we’re looking at it, and we decide this has all the stuff we’re talking about. So we put these guys together and let them do their thing"

uh, right........exaclty, and you see how excited everyone is about the new design.
As much as I think Acura's NSX Prime design liason - Sotiri - is a donkey, I can't really blame him or the design team for the ASCC cow pattie. It's not their fault. It's the fault of Honda's upper management in dictating what the basic platform should be: Big, front engined GT with room for a 5.0L V10. The design guys just have to work within that framework -- a framework within which nothing short of a miracle could satisfy MR NSX fans.

Most of us aren't fans of the ASCC, but I don't think it is because it looks "bad" in general, it just isn't even close to the style of an NSX (or HSC). I would consider one for 350hp and $50k as a luxury coupe. But definitely not for $120k and likely similar performance to an M6.

Point is - Honda corporate is to blame, not the designers. Except Sotiri. He's a donkey.
I can't really blame him or the design team for the ASCC cow pattie. It's not their fault. It's the fault of Honda's upper management in dictating what the basic platform.
I know how Patrick Lukasak must feel if he comes to NSXprime. Sorry dude, its not you... its Honda's SLR boat idea, that we have a problem with.

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"We aren't scared to try something new"

Anyone else bothered by their constant 'sheer' references?

I guess that's your explanation for the egg shaped Civic SI a few years back? Looks like they are already making excuses for this one.

I guess next they should try a car with 3 wheels, maybe even 5. Whatever it takes to do something new..

Oh yea besides the 11 years with the NSX and 8 year old S2k you really haven't messed with much [s2k arguable]. Right..
"We aren't scared to try something new"

Anyone else bothered by their constant 'sheer' references?

I guess that's your explanation for the egg shaped Civic SI a few years back? Looks like they are already making excuses for this one.

I guess next they should try a car with 3 wheels, maybe even 5. Whatever it takes to do something new..

Oh yea besides the 11 years with the NSX and 8 year old S2k you really haven't messed with much [s2k arguable]. Right..

Tell it like it is brother.