Just wanted to make a few comments.
1. Kelley Blue Book is BS.
2. Timing Chains are noisy compared to belts. (My wife's brand new RAV4 has a chain, and it is a "buzzy" little four banger!!) It's a 2.0 liter, so size really does not relate.
3. Timing Chains are smaller(width) then a belt, so when space is tight, they can use a chain.
4. My NSX is 1991 w/29K and the new timing belt IS going on in a few weeks.
5. Timing Belts are glass reinforced, so LOOKING at them will not tell you the wear that is on them. I just did the timing belt on my 1991 Accord (188K miles, second timing belt, admittedly stretched the 90K mark twice!!), if you look at the belt you cannot distinguish it from the new one. However, put it to your ear and twist the belt 90 degrees. You CAN hear the cracking of the glass reinforcements. It was time to go.
6. The timing belt job is by no means an engine tear-down. It is critical to do it right, or you might as well let it break!!!!!!!!!
My $.02