How much difference can I/H/E make?

Re: small potato's...

There's no aftermarket ECU/chip that has been proven to give any measurable performance gains.

I will let you know if your statement is correct tomorrow. I am getting the ProSpeed Stage II Chip to compliment my headers and exhaust. I will be doing before and after dynos on the same day.

BTW, I agree with your comments about the intake, which is why I use the OEM airbox with paper filter. I am more interested in protecting my engine from dirt than hearing more intake noise and pretending that it makes a difference.
I may go with a ECU chip later on. Since you have an early car it is OBD1 and you can add a performance chip. I have heard of gains of up to 10 hp from a chip. There is a group buy on a performance chip or Dali sells one...

I've never seen or heard anyone claiming those kinds of hp gains for any ECU/chip. If you corner MJ he'll tell you that he's seen 10hp gains in some cars but that the primary function of the chip it to raise the rev limiter. It might do some very small tweak to the A/F ratios but I challenge anyone to show more than 1 dyno run for any real hp gains with any of these chips.

I wouldn't bother and I wouldn't lose too much sleep not having an ECU/chip mod.

I look forward to your dyno charts! We don't get enough before/after runs of these types of mods. Just make sure the only variable is the chip.
all in synergy...

First, there's no measurable bottleneck at the TB for NA cars (except strokers). Increasing the bore of the TB adds nothing that a good TB cleaning won't give you. Same goes for intake manifold bore.
This is something I don't have personal experience w/ on my own NSX. I only saw (in person) someone w/ the SOS "Big Bore Throttle Body" have some gains on the Dyno; they did a before/after run. Their existing mods' were I/H/E, simply the throttle body was swapped. I guess I must've been seeing things. . .

NSXGMS said:
... there's no aftermarket ECU/chip that has been proven to give any measurable performance gains.
I have the NA1 NSX-R ECU/chip that I acquired from Procar Specials NSX which was from Honda R&D. A 5-7rwhp gain was observed, via a Dyno. I believe this is the same ECU/chip that is offered by Dali Racing here.

Also, Prospeed's ECU ROM TUNE seems to provide "measurable performance gains" (read here). Are you saying that it's all a farce?

NSXGMS said:
A lightweight flywheel and clutch can reduce drivetrain power losses resulting in more whp but not bhp. That is legitimate. Using R-comp or slick tires also can improve acceleration provided you're skilled enough to actually take advantage of them.
Again, to-&-fro' the 1/4mile drag-strip in a nearby towne... a different clutch and lightweight-flywheel produced a slightly better time. And no, the previous OEM clutch/flywheel weren't worn/slipping.

NSXGMS said:
The cats are also not a measurable bottleneck on NA NSXs. Just replace your exhaust and headers.
In person I witnessed a dyno of someone who replaced their OEM NA1 cats' w/ these, they gained 5-6rwhp. I must've been seeing things, again.

NSXGMS said:
The only bolt-ons proven to give hp gains are headers and exhaust. The best intake is the stock airbox with the stock filter. Some argue the UNIfilter is better but there's absolutely nothing wrong with the Honda paper filter.
SOS did a before/after Dyno using an AIS (analogous to the Dali/Downforce 'scopp) and noted a 6-7rwhp gain. I guess SOS fabricated the gains...(?)

As far as larger injectors go, I wouldn't know from personal experience. I just noted that someone who went the drag-strip posted on 'Prime some phenomenal 1/4mile times, and they had larger injectors (in addition to their I/H/E).

I am in total agreement w/ you that H/E are the bolt-ons to give the most measurable gains in performance. However, I feel the other smaller bolt-ons all applied in synergy also provide a measurable gain in performance. Had I not seen it, I wouldn't have believed it either.
hmm, some good reading there. can anyone`else verify these gains for those mods?

also, is there a good thread that compiles all the different header/exhuast combos together with dynos so one could look and see which had the best gains per dollar?

for instance, that topspeed header compared to a comtech, fujistubo or a GTone. which would produce more hp?

im trying to do as much research as possible before i purchase my H/E/I ecu and i was debating about pulleys and a bigger TB along with some drivetrain mods like jdm shorties, 4.23 or 4.44 FD with a new clutch/flywheel.
I've never seen or heard anyone claiming those kinds of hp gains for any ECU/chip. If you corner MJ he'll tell you that he's seen 10hp gains in some cars but that the primary function of the chip it to raise the rev limiter. It might do some very small tweak to the A/F ratios but I challenge anyone to show more than 1 dyno run for any real hp gains with any of these chips.

I wouldn't bother and I wouldn't lose too much sleep not having an ECU/chip mod.

I look forward to your dyno charts! We don't get enough before/after runs of these types of mods. Just make sure the only variable is the chip.

I agree, I will have the car on the dyno and swap out the ECU and dyno again. The only variable will be the chip.

I am keeping my rev limit at 8000, there is no gain in power above that as the curves drop off.

I also plan to have my injectors sent in to RC to have them flowed, cleaned and balanced. There will be a small gain from that also, but this is mainly for maintainence, not performance.
Re: all in synergy...

This is something I don't have personal experience w/ on my own NSX. I only saw (in person) someone w/ the SOS "Big Bore Throttle Body" have some gains on the Dyno; they did a before/after run. Their existing mods' were I/H/E, simply the throttle body was swapped. I guess I must've been seeing things. . .

I have the NA1 NSX-R ECU/chip that I acquired from Procar Specials NSX which was from Honda R&D. A 5-7rwhp gain was observed, via a Dyno. I believe this is the same ECU/chip that is offered by Dali Racing here.

Also, Prospeed's ECU ROM TUNE seems to provide "measurable performance gains" (read here). Are you saying that it's all a farce?

Again, to-&-fro' the 1/4mile drag-strip in a nearby towne... a different clutch and lightweight-flywheel produced a slightly better time. And no, the previous OEM clutch/flywheel weren't worn/slipping.

In person I witnessed a dyno of someone who replaced their OEM NA1 cats' w/ these, they gained 5-6rwhp. I must've been seeing things, again.

SOS did a before/after Dyno using an AIS (analogous to the Dali/Downforce 'scopp) and noted a 6-7rwhp gain. I guess SOS fabricated the gains...(?)

As far as larger injectors go, I wouldn't know from personal experience. I just noted that someone who went the drag-strip posted on 'Prime some phenomenal 1/4mile times, and they had larger injectors (in addition to their I/H/E).

I am in total agreement w/ you that H/E are the bolt-ons to give the most measurable gains in performance. However, I feel the other smaller bolt-ons all applied in synergy also provide a measurable gain in performance. Had I not seen it, I wouldn't have believed it either.

And none if it consistently repeatable. Your experiences are not supported by others' conducted under the same conditions with the same mods.

First, even Chris at SOS will admit he'd never claim more than a 1 hp gain on an NA car with the TB. He's even said it on Prime. It's a FI mod. The gain in hp you saw in your one experience was probably due to the new TB being cleaner than the one it replaced. :rolleyes:

As far as the chip I have never heard of an NSX-R chip being used with any repeatable success on an OEM NSX. The one Dali sells was designed by the head tuner of JUN racing, not Honda. If it was that good Dali would sell it also as he can get any JDM part. I'd ask MJ why he doesn't sell it and he'll probably tell you exactly why--it doesn't help.

Even MJ admits the hi-flow cats are not likely to produce any gains on an NA car. My suspicion is that the car you observed probably had a problem with the stock/existing cats or had AM cats. Again, your one experience doesn't make it so or substitute for a lack of consistent, repeatable test results in the NSX community. Very, very few NSX owners, both NA and FI, have hi-flow cats. That should tell you something.

The SOS Cantrell/UNI test is notoriously unrepeatable. And you don't see dynos showing zero gains because people are embarrassed to post them. Believe me, if there were more than 1 or 2 dynos floating around we'd all be aware of them. What you see are NO dynos. Find me a before/after dyno sheet with the ONLY variable being the AIS/UNI and show me a gain (other than SOS's) and I'll become a believer. Until then I'll continue to assert it's unproven snake oil.

As far as larger injectors go, I wouldn't know from personal experience. I just noted that someone who went the drag-strip posted on 'Prime some phenomenal 1/4mile times, and they had larger injectors (in addition to their I/H/E).

I'm surprised, you having been around the block, would use this anecdote to make a blanket statement such as "larger injectors = hp gains." which is completely baseless and without merit. To not preface it with "I've heard that..." or "There might be something to this..." or even "I saw..." is completely reckless. One cannot say A = B absolutely as you did if they are basing that on vague, anecdotal references of some long-lost post that may not be directly correlated to cause and effect. Might as well say fuzzy dice help performance because someone posted that they were faster with them. That's the extent of the worth of your comments.

I hate to be harsh and to sound like I'm attacking you but this is one of the areas I feel most passionately about. I get fired up when unsuspecting new car owners are suckered into buying expensive products that don't work. There's plenty of snake oil out there and even things that might seem logical to the intelligent but non-tech savvy and that work on other cars don't work on the NSX. It would be easy to think the NSX's performance could be boosted by chips, BBTBs, or bigger induction scoops but they don't and intelligent, informed people are separated from their money every day because of unsubstantiated claims of product efficacy.

There's always the factor of people who spend good money on something aren't that anxious to report that it doesn't work. They think they'll look like fools. So IMO there's always that invisible force and lack of data when expensive products don't work and this can often be misconstrued as "no data doesn't mean it doesn't work" when in fact if it did work there would be a preponderance of supporting data. This is a trend that is continued and supported by the manufacturers of such products who will spread untruths and tout their products as often as possible. Lack of data is nothing but a bad sign. This is the case with just about every mod mentined above.

My biggest nemesis is the AIS quite frankly. People swear that it works, creates gains, etc. They say this because it makes a whoosh sound, looks like it works better, SOS has ONE dyno session showing a 7hp gain and, most importantly, costs ~$300.

To this day no one has come forth with another before/after test with the ONLY variable being the AIS showing an average gain. Even SOS's tests had the AIS/UNI filter together. The gains might only be from the filter. Who knows? There's never, ever, ever been consistent, repeatable results showing gains from the AIS alone and I defy anyone to say otherwise and show them.

When you show me consistent, repeatable dynos showing power gains I will acknowledge it but so far no one has come forth with anything in the chip, intake, BBTB and IM departments. Larger injectors don't make a difference because of the nature of the air/fuel supply in the NSX and the lack of bottlenecking at these points has been corroborated by every NSX tech and tuner I've ever spoken with and I've ever seen post--including SOS.

To make blind claims based on one post years ago supports these useless products by confusing the consumer. It's our responsibility for the new/prospective owners to stick to the facts and proven products, not speculation or stories.
NSXGMS said:
As far as the chip I have never heard of an NSX-R chip being used with any repeatable success on an OEM NSX. The one Dali sells was designed by the head tuner of JUN racing, not Honda. If it was that good Dali would sell it also as he can get any JDM part. I'd ask MJ why he doesn't sell it and he'll probably tell you exactly why--it doesn't help.

Really, I talked to MJ when I bought my DC Headers and he said that the guy that tuned the Dali chip was dissappointed that he could only improve on the OEM chip by 10-14HP and Mark said he didn't even expect that much. There are a few Dali hot chips running around.

IMO the reason that most folks don't bother to Dyno is because is it takes extra time and costs extra money that doesn't contribute to the cars performance. It is merely documenting their experience on the car.

I would be willing to dyno the AIScoop if someone wants to donate one and pay for the dyno runs.:biggrin: I can run a OEM paper filter and the Uni filter. Kind of do our own Mythbusters episode.:wink:
Really, I talked to MJ when I bought my DC Headers and he said that the guy that tuned the Dali chip was dissappointed that he could only improve on the OEM chip by 10-14HP and Mark said he didn't even expect that much. There are a few Dali hot chips running around.

IMO the reason that most folks don't bother to Dyno is because is it takes extra time and costs extra money that doesn't contribute to the cars performance. It is merely documenting their experience on the car.

I would be willing to dyno the AIScoop if someone wants to donate one and pay for the dyno runs.:biggrin: I can run a OEM paper filter and the Uni filter. Kind of do our own Mythbusters episode.:wink:

Yes, he does state the tuner was able to produce 10+ hp but of course that was on the few cars the tuner used to develop the chip. BTW, I have the Dali chip and H/E and I noticed no gain on the butt dyno, which means nothing but I would put forth that one would absolutely feel 10+ hp. And if I recall MJ states any hp increase came in the lower end of the power band and didn't increase peak hp.

Mark and the tuner ran their tests but again, very few dynos, if any, particularly outside of the mfr. tests, show consistent, reliable gains with any chip/ECU combo. If you push Mark (and you've already bought the chip) he'll tell you that the main purpose of the chip is to raise the rev limiter. It's well known to any good NSX tuner that the stock ECU is pretty much as good as it gets. I would imagine there are some NSXs that have some room to improve and some that are maxed out based on the margin of error for any universal tune so of course it is possible that some NSXs do show 10+hp gains but there are just as many that wouldn't.

And for the record, the most common response one gets when challenging the performance of a part is "if you pay for the dyno, I'll do it"--not that I'm blaming you (I wouldn't necessarily want to shell out $70 to support/disprove someone's assertions either) but that's the way it goes. And of course, no one wants to pay, and it goes untested.
so I/H/E wouldn't help much on NA2 (2002 to be specific) ? I assumed this because everyone said it'd make a big difference on early car.
Really, I talked to MJ when I bought my DC Headers and he said that the guy that tuned the Dali chip was dissappointed that he could only improve on the OEM chip by 10-14HP and Mark said he didn't even expect that much. There are a few Dali hot chips running around.

I had the Dali-chip put a couple of years ago and had the car dynoed with it to compare the difference. On a stock car, the average corrected gain was about 5 RWHOP troughout the RPM-range. Maximum output was not affected.
At that time, I posted the results here:

In conversations with Mark he, also, told me that the guy was programmed the Dali Hot-chip for him was hammering away at the keyboard for a full day and was indeed rather disappointed that he wasn't able to improve on the stock ECU anymore.
Since then I have the full I/H/E-packaged including the SOS big bore throttle body.
I still have the new ProSpeed ECU on my desk, planning is to put it in this weekend. And yes, I have planned to get it dynoed later this year. Also have planned to some acceleration testing with both chips, because, in the end, comparison. that's after all why we do it.
NSXGMS, I appreciate what your saying. I am not trying to persuade anyone to spend their money on a chip. I bought one and will post my experience with it. I am hoping it will gain me at least 10rwhp between 3000 and 7500 rpm, I'll know this afternoon. I wanted to do before and after dynos when Jerry installed my headers at Greenlight, but the dyno is only available on weekends. I still wish I could have done it.

MVM, thanks for the link to your thread. I had not seen that one. I think one reason for the low number is that the car is completely stock. Your numbers are actually better than what ProSpeed saw on a stock motor. I think the whole point is to have these H/E mods installed before adding the chip to realize a bigger gain. I am surprised that you bought one since you already have a Dali Chip. Its funny how you are doing a DYI that I was considering doing myself for NSX Driver. But I'll find something else to do a write-up on... I have a few more ideas.

nsx-tee the '02 models have the improved exhaust manifolds which are the biggest part of the equation for bolt-on mods. They are also OBDII and they don't offer a chip for that. Read post #7 to MVM's thread about the difference between OBDI and OBDII
If funds allow, then go with short gears and 4.23 RP also. I can't wait for my clutch to go away. My luck it will last years.:frown:

I drove (locally in Greensboro/Winston) a stock with short gears (I don't know exactly the ratio) back to back with my I/H/E/chip and I'd say they felt about the same "around town" driving/accelerating.
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Has anyone ever compiled an "ULTIMATE I/H/E" list with dyno numbers or track slips to back it up? I would be very interested in learning which of the many products available yield the largest usable power gains. To me $3500 is allot of money to spend on 20-27 hp. Especially when that usually only puts our cars back at the supposed factory perfomance numbers. The NSX has a very efficient engine and unfortunately for us doesnt leave allot of room for squeezing cheap hp out of it.

The problem is that rarely has anyone compared stock to modified dyno runs on the same dyno on the same car at the same (or nearly the same...corrected or not) conditions.

I bought mine with mods and dyno'd I don't have an accurate baseline ON MY LOCAL DYNO.
i did all three on my Auto 1991 NSX....The but Dyno and my freinds could tell a big difference in throttle response....I was cheap...
Ebay headers(Replica DC headers), Weapon r Intake, DC Exhaust . Installed and all a lil under 2000 . Being it was a used car, i wanted to save some money for items that the car needed..IE Timing BELT, plugs, COILS, BRAKEs, etc....

However I did one at a time....The headers moved my power band and red line limit up. Low end torque that i once enjoyed was not present anymore, but i do have an automatic. I had to give it allot more gas for it to kickdown. So someone gave me a free Venom 400 ....Wow...The increase in HP is BS. But it made where I didnt have to floor the car for it to move....No Dyno or Tuning DOne..
MVM, thanks for the link to your thread. I had not seen that one. I think one reason for the low number is that the car is completely stock. Your numbers are actually better than what ProSpeed saw on a stock motor. I think the whole point is to have these H/E mods installed before adding the chip to realize a bigger gain. I am surprised that you bought one since you already have a Dali Chip.

Dali Racing claimes about the same RWHP gain for a stock NSX that I got on my own NSX. With the full I/H/E-package, Dali claims a gain of up to 15 RWHP compared to the OEM ECU.

When ProSpeed recently came out with their new chip, I also wondered if it would be better than the Dali Chip and asked them so. Both question and aswer are listed below:

Currently I have the following mods:
- Cantrell air intake
- AIS Unifilter
- Taitec headers
- Taitec GTLW exhaust
- SOS big bore throttle body
- Dali chip.

With this setup, I am making 270 RWHP as measured on a Dynojet. When the car was stock, I added the Dali chip as my first (easy) mod and gained nothing on the top end but did gain about 5 HP over the 2500-7000 RPM range.

If I understand you correctly, swapping the Dali chip out for your chip would give me at least another 7-12 HP gain over the whole range PLUS another 7 HP as my peak power for a total of around 277 RWHP.

ProSpeed said:
You have a nice setup. Our dyno graph above is just a taitec exhaust and thats it. We still manage to pick up 4 to 5 hp up top and 10 to 12 hp throughout the powerband from about 2800-7000 rpm. Expect to at the very least pick up close to 5 to 7 hp on top and 7 to 12 hp throughout. So yes, you understand me correctly

According to ProSpeed, their Stage 1 chip adds about 4-5 RWHP on top and 10-12 RWHP in midrange. This compares nicely with the 0 RWHP on top and about 5 RWHP in midrange of the Dali Chip. So, their Stage 1 chip produces more than the Dali Chip.
And, according to their answer, their Stage 2 chip might add another 5-6 RWHP on top and 7-12 RWHP in midrange.
And, of course, the only way to find it is to try :smile: So, that's why I bought it.
However I did one at a time....The headers moved my power band and red line limit up. Low end torque that i once enjoyed was not present anymore, ...

Same for me, torque below 3.5k rpm diminished with a header, above 4k rpm it's higher than stock. I'm glad I've combined it with short gears/4.23 to keep the revs high.
Sometimes I miss that low-end torque too.
Come on NSXGMS, take it a bit easier. I hope you know that at least one vendor guarantees the claimed benefits. I don't throw my money away but if the benefits are guaranteed, then what's the problem? They show dyno results to know what you are getting.

I have purchased their ECU product but not had time to install it. The high temp around here is about 20 and my garage is not heated. However, I will dyno mine after I install it, as I have done after my other mods (headers and exhaust).

If a vendor makes a claim, backs it up with dyno charts and guarantees results, that's what I call good support for a product. Plus, I don't mind the extra expense dyno'ing my car and my shop is convenient and price competitive.

You know some of us will dyno ours before/after with the ECU upgrades and have full reports for you. If we show 10hp, are you dead set against trying yourself? :)
Come on NSXGMS, take it a bit easier. I hope you know that at least one vendor guarantees the claimed benefits. I don't throw my money away but if the benefits are guaranteed, then what's the problem?
And we all know that we can always trust a vendor, right? :eek:

The information in my own posts is presented to provide additional insight and considerations to help prospective buyers make the most informed decision possible.

I've observed from the many posts by NSXGMS that he has a lot of insight and expertise and I've grown to respect his opinions as a result.

As long as it's accurate, the more information we have, the better.
Come on NSXGMS, take it a bit easier. I hope you know that at least one vendor guarantees the claimed benefits. I don't throw my money away but if the benefits are guaranteed, then what's the problem? They show dyno results to know what you are getting.

I have purchased their ECU product but not had time to install it. The high temp around here is about 20 and my garage is not heated. However, I will dyno mine after I install it, as I have done after my other mods (headers and exhaust).

If a vendor makes a claim, backs it up with dyno charts and guarantees results, that's what I call good support for a product. Plus, I don't mind the extra expense dyno'ing my car and my shop is convenient and price competitive.

You know some of us will dyno ours before/after with the ECU upgrades and have full reports for you. If we show 10hp, are you dead set against trying yourself? :)

Who guarantees results? You mean that they will accept a return minus a "restocking fee" if you don't like the product for any reason. But that means one has to spend money to remove the product, etc and get less than a 100% refund in most cases. Most people opt not to do that and just eat it.

And I refuse to take it easy on vendors who claim products are effective with nothing but their own dyno tests to show it. Good money is spent on these products and I demand to know if they work.

This is a bad attitude to have IMO. Vendors don't exist to help us--they exist to make money. No one can show any evidence that the AIS delivers more performance than the stock airbox yet SOS sells them like hotcakes. Does anyone else realize how ludicrous that is? SOS hides behind one dyno session with the UNI filter and everyone goes gaga.

Another example is a product like the BBTB which is really designed for FI or stroker NSXs. Period. But do you think Chris is going to talk you out of buying one? Of course not! He got some dyno somewhere to show a 1hp gain and therefore he can state it will show some gains and it will "help." $300 is an awful lot to pay for 1hp and there are people here who constantly want to get it or suggest spending hundreds on Infiniti M45 throttle bodies becuase they just have no idea. I feel it's our duty to point out the facts and evidence and or in this case the lack of it. If the attitude is that a fool and his money are soon parted this forum shouldn't exist in the first place and we certainly shouldn't be participating in it. If we're going to be a part of this forum we ought to do our best to uncover the truth and educate the inexperienced and unenlightened.

Believe me, I have nothing against mods which have proven gains. But the facts are that repeatable, consistent dynos showing gains for some of these products do not exist. Any dyno on any given day can show a gain, particularly a 1-10 hp gain. Show me 5 and I'll start to listen. Show me 10 and I'll become a believer. That's how I operate and I think it's foolish to do otherwise.

All I'm doing is pointing out a lack of evidence (which is incontrovertable) and I get doubters...:confused: Personally I don't purchase anything that doesn't have proven gains and I've done fairly well. Yes, I have an AIS and a Dali chip but I was given the AIS and Dali chip and the $50 or so it cost to tune the ECU was to me well worth the raised rev-limit, so I paid it. I do not suggest for any minute the parts actually increase performance as I can't back that statement up with consistent, repeatable proof and neither can anyone else.
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I took my car to have the ProSpeed ECU rom installed and here is a video.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

We put the car on the dyno and did a baseline run. Then we changed out the ECU and did 3 runs after that. We noticed that the ECU was learning the new ROM because each successive run was making more power. I think if I would have ran a couple more, I would have realized more power. I didn't want to break the bank, so I was satisfied with the results of the last run.

First impression: the car has crisper accelleration that is most noticable in the low to mid range.
Dyno Plot: ProSpeed ECU Rom - Stage II

I gained a max of 7.5 HP and 5 ft-lbs of TQ at 3600 RPM
Total power increased is 3.5 HP and 1 ft-lb of TQ.

The best gains are in the range of 3000 to 6000 RPM.

Dyno Plot: ProSpeed ECU Rom - Stage II

I gained a max of 7.5 HP and 5 ft-lbs of TQ at 3600 RPM
Total power increased is 3.5 HP and 1 ft-lb of TQ.

The best gains are in the range of 3000 to 6000 RPM.


Excellent data. It does appear that you gained some power from the chip. Now let's see a few more of these from some other owners! I'd love to be able to say that this product works.
Who guarantees results? You mean that they will accept a return minus a "restocking fee" if you don't like the product for any reason. But that means one has to spend money to remove the product, etc and get less than a 100% refund in most cases. Most people opt not to do that and just eat it.

And I refuse to take it easy on vendors who claim products are effective with nothing but their own dyno tests to show it. Good money is spent on these products and I demand to know if they work.

This is a bad attitude to have IMO. Vendors don't exist to help us--they exist to make money. No one can show any evidence that the AIS delivers more performance than the stock airbox yet SOS sells them like hotcakes. Does anyone else realize how ludicrous that is? SOS hides behind one dyno session with the UNI filter and everyone goes gaga.

Another example is a product like the BBTB which is really designed for FI or stroker NSXs. Period. But do you think Chris is going to talk you out of buying one? Of course not! He got some dyno somewhere to show a 1hp gain and therefore he can state it will show some gains and it will "help." $300 is an awful lot to pay for 1hp and there are people here who constantly want to get it or suggest spending hundreds on Infiniti M45 throttle bodies becuase they just have no idea. I feel it's our duty to point out the facts and evidence and or in this case the lack of it. If the attitude is that a fool and his money are soon parted this forum shouldn't exist in the first place and we certainly shouldn't be participating in it. If we're going to be a part of this forum we ought to do our best to uncover the truth and educate the inexperienced and unenlightened.

Believe me, I have nothing against mods which have proven gains. But the facts are that repeatable, consistent dynos showing gains for some of these products do not exist. Any dyno on any given day can show a gain, particularly a 1-10 hp gain. Show me 5 and I'll start to listen. Show me 10 and I'll become a believer. That's how I operate and I think it's foolish to do otherwise.

All I'm doing is pointing out a lack of evidence (which is incontrovertable) and I get doubters...:confused: Personally I don't purchase anything that doesn't have proven gains and I've done fairly well. Yes, I have an AIS and a Dali chip but I was given the AIS and Dali chip and the $50 or so it cost to tune the ECU was to me well worth the raised rev-limit, so I paid it. I do not suggest for any minute the parts actually increase performance as I can't back that statement up with consistent, repeatable proof and neither can anyone else.

man, I wish I talked to you more often, you probably would have talked me out of lots of mods. Actually, I don't have THAT many mods and I research before I get mine. I have some minor internal rebuilds, headers, exhaust, NOS, shorties and exedy clutch. I know the shorties don't improve acceleration much and hurt top end, but I had to do a tranny rebuild anyway and wanted to go with it:wink:

I love your explanation regarding the absence of evidence regarding solid performance gains for various products. It reminds me of a Boondocks Episode (but the logic is in reverse). Here's the Clip (Warning Explicit language that's censored anyway):

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
we seen a 14.5HP gain from switching just the headers on a NA1 customer's car

stock exhaust, just changed over to the 3.2L headers.

its posted on the fourm somewhere with pictures and dyno

3.2L headers can be had for about 400$ if that...


happy motoring and happy thanksgiving!


would there be much more gain going to a oem NA2 header opposed to the other cheaper options say.. "topspeed" .

whats the weight on the topspeed header anyways?