How many IT people here?

O-Ace said:
How long before you guys get burned out in IT? And what do you do to re-charge? I've been in IT (software development, e-business, etc) for over 7 years now and am getting kinda tired of it :eek:


I was in it for 16 years. Last 10 years was with law firms. Probabaly what caused the frustrations... :biggrin:

Started in programming (BASIC), but ended as IT LAN/WAN manager for some big firms here.

As of four years ago, I have a small motorcycle accessory shop. Pay sucks, but the hours are good, and I love the dress code!

My wife has a REAL job, so this is just a cool tax write-off and keeps me off the streets during the day.
SamBel said:
My wife has a REAL job, so this is just a cool tax write-off and keeps me off the streets during the day.
So, what you're saying is, I should try to get money the old-fashioned marrying it LOL :tongue: :biggrin:

NsXMas said:
This kind of reminds me of the forecast that computers were going to make the paper-less office a reality. Today we have more paper than ever. So I'm not going to rely on any predictions about IT, except that there will be more demand for IT in the future, as the world becomes more technology dependent.

I don't know about paperless, but where would we be without computers? the internet? video games? and especially internet computer video games? ;)

This kind of reminds me of the forecast that computers were going to make the paper-less office a reality. Today we have more paper than ever.

I guess it depends. I very RARELY ever use paper anymore at work. In fact, the only time I can think of is if I have to print out a form to get signed authorization from my director. There's no reason that couldn't be fully automated with digital certification either. Everything else for me is completely paperless. Good for me as I can type WAY faster than I can write ;-)
To those of you who are in the IT dept., does your dept. need another IT guy? I'm asking because I will be graduating this December with a degree in IT from Penn State.
minsbang said:
To those of you who are in the IT dept., does your dept. need another IT guy? I'm asking because I will be graduating this December with a degree in IT from Penn State.
IT is a very broad term. I think you should post some details on exactly which area in IT you're looking to get into.

And man, this thread is OLD! Since I started this thread, I'll post an update on how I resolved my "burnout" issue. I resigned from my fulltime IT job back in February, 2005 and went back to working for myself (IT consulting). Life is good again :cool:


P.S. Shameless plug: :biggrin:
I've been a software developer since '82 and while I don't love/live it like I did in the early days, I still enjoy it as much as anything else I might do for money.

Funny thing about being a dinosaur. I started on IBM minicomputers (System 34/36/38) and worked for a long time on their AS/400 minicomputer system and then graduated to client/server Windows stuff. As it turns out, there's a market for my old skills. They don't teach RPG and COBOL in colleges any more but there's still a ton of legacy code out there. I don't think I'll ever have to look to far for a job.
I develop software for money.

I hate my job and the people I work with but the paycheck is hard to beat.

I have to weigh this, though, against the fact that I hate working, period. Maybe if I was an astronaut or pimp I'd like working. Dunno.
I'm in IT since 1999 but may change to what I've studied: economics and statistics. IT's getting boring to me.
Faceless Coder Monkey for the past 15 yrs. The job has it's frustrations but they're more relative to the company you work for. Current job is great. Looking back I would have chosen the same career. Just would have gotten out of school quicker and focussed more :biggrin:

satan_srv said:
I work in IT for a large fund company (60 Billion). They are very agressive so it never gets old here I'm a business systems consultant so I write all the specs for the multitude of large scale integrations we do when we buy other companies.

It's always fresh when your Senior Buisness Management is very good at creating work for you.

It's funny to see my post from nearly a year ago. I'm now doing IT Consulting on my own :D

just billing the same company twice as much :wink: plus I just don't have to care anymore, I just go in and work and smile and nod all day

Again, I love it because the problems are complex in many cases, and not everyone can solve them. So if you can be that guy, designing simple elegant solutions to crazy stuff, hey you'll always have work.