How do you drive your NSX??

I was driving with my 16 year old the other day taking her to school. I was going the speed limit.
A vehicle some distance away quickly catches up and I mention the sudden appearance to my daughter who now is taking note of the vehicle.
They pass me the at the first opportunity which puts them over the speed limit and in time were gone from our sight.
The car in question looked well under control and my guess it was just going 10-15 mph faster than myself.
I ask her what do you call a person that drives like that?
She says " a little agressive"?
I tell her no, .... you call them customer.
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pbassjo said:
I tell her no, .... you call them customer.

Good one Joe! :D

This is one of those never-ending debates. There are various categories that each driver falls into:

1. Never drives over the speed limit

2. Drives over the speed limit, but only 5 mph, with the flow of traffic

3. Drives over the speed limit, but only 10-20 mph, with the flow of traffic

4. Drives 10-20 mph over the flow of traffic

5. Drives 100+ mph, but only on deserted roads

6. Drives as fast as possible, but only on deserted roads

7. Drives as fast as possible at all times

8. Engages in street racing

Interesting to hear how those in category (x) think that those in category (x+1) are a menace and a danger to society. Of course, those in category (x) are considered a menace and a danger to society by those in category (x-1).

Furthermore, there are those who are actually in category (x) but once in a while engage in behavior described in category (x+3), but only when they consider it safe to do so. And that makes everyone in categories below (x+3) jump all over them, even if it's just a one-time event under special circumstances.

It reminds me of how George Carlin defines people who drive too slow or too fast: "A moron is anyone who drives slower than I do. An idiot is anyone who drives faster than I do."
Re: Good vs. Bad drivers in the city

I believe that when a city has an above average to high population there is no choice but to be tolerable with each other's driving habits.

Case in point, whenever I go to the heart of San Francisco where it is notoriously overcrowded and cramped, I see the most courteous drivers around. I was walking in a narrow street one time and saw a car pull up right behind a cab. The driver waited for the cab to unload the luggages from the trunk to the curb and for the passenger to settle her bill. Not once did the guy behind them honked, yelled or display any obscene gestures. I'm sure he had to be somewhere else and preferred not to waste any time, but he took it all in stride.

This is a pattern I see time and again in San Francisco (of course they also have their share of jerks but often not the case). In a place like that, you just HAVE to be patient.

Oh BTW, my NSX is a straight Boulevard pimpin' car. :D
hey nsxtasy(ken). good post. very true. perception of speed is relative to the situations. Did i misread nsxtasyMD as torqueing on my animal roadhazard comment? Anybody who has ever hit an animal on the road would know that this is a real carsmasher.

The other day at the cardealer i met a guy whose wife hit a COW in their rangerover on an interstate in KansasCity. No kidding. too wild. The rover made hamburger and only suffered couple thousand in damage. New fog lamps and lights.
If I remember corectly one of our nsxers on his way to xpo hit a friggen armadilo and did some not so nifty damage.
Animals are indeed a road hazard, especially in rural areas (where you don't expect anything on the road), and especially at night (when you can't see them in time). Large animals (usually, but not restricted to, deer) are not only capable of damaging your car, but can kill. I know one fellow whose Porsche hit a deer which came right through the windshield, and had it been an inch to one side, he would not have been around to tell the tale (tail). I knew another fellow who was driving when a deer crossed the road, and he swerved to avoid it and was killed by a car traveling in the opposite direction. (I am not second-guessing his actions; in such situations there's no way to know whether you would or would not be better off trying to avoid hitting the deer.)
Re: Re: Re: How do you drive your NSX??

NSXROX said:
...Why do you automatically assume he's being irresponsible when he's driving.

Because the comments on his first post -- to which I responded to -- were very suggestive that he does drive irresponsibly. Many others thought the same -- why don't you re-read the responses. You can't write something that portends a certain manner of driving, and then ask everybody to read in-between the lines to second-guess whether you really drive recklessly, or whether you appear to drive recklessly. We all took what addisonrecruiter wrote in his initial post at face value; his pursuit of high-speed and weaving in-and-out of city-traffic suggested he was a dangerous driver. addisonrecruiter subsequently went ahead and clarified what he intended to convey in two additional posts, where he expressed his appreciation for driving responsibly. This provided clarity and insight that was not clearly expressed in the original thread.

NSXROX said:
Pretty insulting if you ask me. I drive my NSX agressively too cuz its fun. Get off your high horse.

Stop misinterpreting my comments, and responding off-the-cuff. I never said don't drive aggressively. I said drive aggressively as long as it is done responsibly -- something that nobody on Prime will argue with. Before you post NSXROX, think about what you are writing, and revisit what you are posting a response to. It is clear you did not understand the context of the comment you first quoted me on, and misinterpreted the second one.

Also, as a relatively newbie to NSX Prime, the tone of your posts leave a lot of be desired. It's hardly a good way to make friends on this Forum.

Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you drive your NSX??

NSXaholic said:
Because the comments on his first post -- to which I responded to -- were very suggestive that he does drive irresponsibly. Many others thought the same -- why don't you re-read the responses. ...
...addisonrecruiter subsequently went ahead and clarified what he intended to convey in two additional posts, where he expressed his appreciation for driving responsibly. This provided clarity and insight that was not clearly expressed in the original thread.

As a newbie to this forum I was just surprised at how quickly many people were ready to jump on addisonrecruiter's case and assume that he was driving irresponsibly. It's not just me either. A prominant poster in these's forums sent me a private msg explaining that this happens everytime someone talks about aggressive driving. Not trying to piss anyone off, just seemed like everyone was ganging up on him. Which is why he had to defend himself with the two additional posts.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you drive your NSX??

NSXROX said:
...I was just surprised at how quickly many people were ready to jump on addisonrecruiter's case and assume that he was driving irresponsibly...just seemed like everyone was ganging up on him. Which is why he had to defend himself with the two additional posts.

The responses that you saw were not an attempt to "gang up" on a particular member -- we leave that sort of childish behavior to the other forums. Neither are we trying to play holier-than-thou. We all admit to enjoying our NSX -- "experiencing" what the X has to offer is a large part of why we (and I) bought the car. However, the majority of us take the issue of safety very seriously, which is why we were active in responding to addisonrecruiter's initial post -- as well as any to any other post where the driver gloats about what appears to be reckless and irresponsible driving. As I noted earlier, once addisonrecruiter clarified the intent of his original post, you did not see responses lambasting him. Driving aggressively and responsibly are not mutually exclusive options, and us Prime members get a little perturbed at those who think otherwise.

NSXROX said:
...Not trying to piss anyone off...

I understand where you were coming from, but in the future, please take a little time before you "quote" a post, to understand the context of the original post, and ensure that your response is mature and courteous.

No harm done. No offence taken.

So back to the original post's question, which got later set off in a very different direction: How do I drive my NSX?

I drive it everyday, unless it is raining. I avoid the rain because the accident possiblity goes up, and usually my NSX is really clean and I can't just put it through a carwash when done. So if it is raining, I usually take my Lexus SC400.

Unless I am late, I tend to be happy when the light in front of me goes red, as it gives me a chance to enjoy the wonderful acceleration and beautiful sound through my Tubi. I also really enjoy entrance and exit ramps, which let me thrill at the wonderful handling.

If I am away from other traffic, such as on an expressway with no other roads entering and no traffic ahead, and there are no hazards like poor visibility or leftover water patches, I will enjoy it and go significantly over the limit at times (radar detector on). I particularly enjoy this on fun roads like Highway 1 here in Northern California, which snakes in and out along the coastline.

But I rarely go over 80, even on the freeway, and have only gone over 100 in it once (briefly on an Autozotica event, moving with "traffic") even though I know the car can go over 150. That just strikes me as looking for an accident should the unexpected occur, or a possible night in jail if a cop sees me (shudder).

As to the "dangerous" discussion which this thread spun into, what tends to strike me as truly dangerous is not speed alone, but speed in dumb places, such as in residential areas (great way to kill a pet, or worse), through intersections, cutting back and forth almost horizontally through tight traffic, in the rain, or most of all, driving 80 mph eight feet off the bumper of the car in front. In my opinion, that kind of speeding is just stupid.
NSXROX said:
As a newbie to this forum I was just surprised at how quickly many people were ready to jump on addisonrecruiter's case and assume that he was driving irresponsibly. It's not just me either. A prominant poster in these's forums sent me a private msg explaining that this happens everytime someone talks about aggressive driving. Not trying to piss anyone off, just seemed like everyone was ganging up on him. Which is why he had to defend himself with the two additional posts.

While I am not a newbie to this forum - nor am I the prominent poster who PMed NSXROX - I felt the same way.
I drive mine about 5/20 MPH city/hwy, respectively on a regular basis. Love to wind out 2nd merging on the hwy-if open, safe, etc...
I get very upset when one drives in the left lane slowly for no other reason than ignorance. In fact, I believe the media and 16 yo driving classes should STRESS this to lower US accident rates to more "Europeanish" levels. Or perhaps even changing hwy signs currently reading "slow traffic keep right" to THE LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING ONLY. Local news, MTV, and E should get in too on this advertising for it probably pertains more to such audiences. ;)
you know, rereading this post and that other silly spin off post--i just wanted to say 'if you take your car out fast i hope you do it safely', and if 'you take your car out slow I hope you dont tell me how safe you are'.

a lot of us drive fast when the urge and road conditions converge.