How 'bout that stock market?


Here is another screen to use:

Look for stocks that close within 20% of its high signalling that there is plenty of demand. For ameritrade, I use

(Bar[High,D]-Bar[Close,D])/(Bar[High,D]-Bar[Low,D]) < 0.20 AND
MovingAverage[MA,Volume,10,0,D] > X

I also add a 10 day moving average filter. Set the moving average X to be 10x your position size so you can get out quickly without moving the stock if it goes the wrong way.

I also fish new positions by getting a small amount (1/4 of my regular size). This way I'm forced to watch where it goes.
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Question from my brother:

Bro: I'm Googling now, but so far I haven't found what I'm looking for.
Do you know of a website or have friends that can access FOREX data going back as far as 60 years? I need a chart from1950 to now that plots the dollar against a basket of other currencies (Yen, Ruble, DM, RMB, Rupie, Swiss Franc, and maybe a few others).

Me: I'll ask but I don't think that data is available earlier than the 70s because bretton woods was fixed rate exchange

Bro: good point. 70s until now will do. I'm trying to reproduce someone else's charts that oil and gold tracked side by side until the bretton wood agreement collapsed and the dollar got hammered on the FOREX in 73, 79, and 94 leading to the decouple of gold and oil in 86. The FOREX exchange rates on the dollar is the only piece I'm missing.
Question from my brother:

Bro: I'm Googling now, but so far I haven't found what I'm looking for.
Do you know of a website or have friends that can access FOREX data going back as far as 60 years? I need a chart from1950 to now that plots the dollar against a basket of other currencies (Yen, Ruble, DM, RMB, Rupie, Swiss Franc, and maybe a few others).

Me: I'll ask but I don't think that data is available earlier than the 70s because bretton woods was fixed rate exchange

Bro: good point. 70s until now will do. I'm trying to reproduce someone else's charts that oil and gold tracked side by side until the bretton wood agreement collapsed and the dollar got hammered on the FOREX in 73, 79, and 94 leading to the decouple of gold and oil in 86. The FOREX exchange rates on the dollar is the only piece I'm missing.

PM ryan, he can whip that chart up in 3 seconds.
hind sight is alway 20/20...but for those younger investers who have never seen such large swings in the market, I stayed all in through the big selloff and did some bottom buying of more of what I already owned,and have seen a very satisfying return...take home point,if you are all long...don't panic sell.
hind sight is alway 20/20...but for those younger investers who have never seen such large swings in the market, I stayed all in through the big selloff and did some bottom buying of more of what I already owned,and have seen a very satisfying return...take home point,if you are all long...don't panic sell.

I am VERY happy I panic sold my LEH before it imploded. That would have been a major disaster had I held it.
Agree..... Have several mutual funds. Held through the mess.
Most are back, emerging markets up 68% ytd. But was down as much. (about 20% of the port)

Bought individual stocks late 08/early 09. Sold 'em this Nov. Dec.

Still long on the funds though, more or less for the past 20 yrs.

Should have held the F I picked up in the $1.25 - $1.50 range though.

O-well, 2010 should be solid right?

Will watch the 3's 100 day. if it drops below, will probably go to cash till it breaks back above. If not, not.
For those that remember me talking about opening a trading account with access to Canadian stocks, the company I was interested in at $0.90 a share just got bought by a bigger competitor at $2.70 a share.

Yeah, I missed that one. Big time.
hind sight is alway 20/20...but for those younger investers who have never seen such large swings in the market, I stayed all in through the big selloff and did some bottom buying of more of what I already owned,and have seen a very satisfying return...take home point,if you are all long...don't panic sell.

If you panic sold the Nasdaq 1/2 way down from it's high when it crashed back 10 years ago, you would still be in the black today.
Nasdaq March 2000 - 5,048
Nasdaq today - 2,308
Highest it's been since 2000? Around 2,800

Add in 10 years of inflation, and the numbers get ugly.

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I have NEP in my portfolio as well. Here is the others that I currently own.


.. have all done pretty well in the last few weeks. You still liking any of those?
anything new you're looking at? :cool:
.. have all done pretty well in the last few weeks. You still liking any of those?
anything new you're looking at? :cool:

I still like some of them and do have them but others I have sold off (portions of them) to rebalance my portfolio. Sometimes I sell because I see a reversal and other times just to keep no stock larger than 10% of my total portfolio size. Rather than just give you a list of stocks, here are places that I get picks: (member - its worth the $30 annual fee)

For aaii, pick a strategy that you like (buy every month and sell and rebuy the next month). Graham's strategy, Piotroski, Free Cash Flow, Foolish Small Cap 8, Magnet Simple, Tiny Titans, PEG, etc. are all great strategies that have returns 700% or more over the last 10 years. I go through all of them and then apply screener to them.

This one is good for growth buyers with their (CAN SLIM) strategy (2000% return over the last 10 years, but when the market goes down, you need to have a good exit approach or you get killed).

Good luck
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Having fun trading ARB today, it was going bezerk yesterday too. Only playing with 500 shares so I don't have to watch it too closely. Got in at 27.89 and BOOM it spikes to 28.75 within 10 seconds.
you guys have me looking at these China small caps....spu looks interresting as well as cdii and nep.
cdii is flaming hot....why?

had some awesome guidance on the last earnings...even though the actual earnings werent up to par.

Im still long on NEP , just be careful. Look what it has done since october... over 100% gain. Theres PLENTYYYYYY of juice left.. just be careful for pullbacks.

15/share on book value
I have an oddly efficient memory at times and recalled today that I belive Ski had recommended a couple of those security/home alarm firms, half due to balance sheet etc. and half due to his theories on mass mayham erupting at any second. Well sure enough, CFL got bought out today, steady at 41.50 a share.. was trading at 31.50 last week.
I have an oddly efficient memory at times and recalled today that I belive Ski had recommended a couple of those security/home alarm firms, half due to balance sheet etc. and half due to his theories on mass mayham erupting at any second. Well sure enough, CFL got bought out today, steady at 41.50 a share.. was trading at 31.50 last week.

I'm curious sahtt.. Would you have taken profits when it reached $30+ after buying in around $22 where Ski had suggested it. I think Ski had mentioned it would take 15 or 18 months.. how did he generate that time frame?
I bought SYX just after they bought out Circuit City back when it was around $12. Currently, it's up over $17. Look at the past 6 months. :)

Also, AIG has rebounded in such a tremendous amount I find it hard to believe. I'm still very worried about my position with FNM and FRE. I have about $10k in them collectively.