How 'bout that stock market?

Accidently taking more overnights than usual turned out to be a profitable error. The one I was most concerned about actually gapped up 30 cents. I got hit on all my offers about 20 minutes ago and I'm going to be trading very lightly the rest of the day. A lot of what I trade is at/near multi-year, and very extended, highs.

i.e., I've been making money in JPM-I preferred shares for a long time. You have be quick in and out with a lot of size to make money but I'm good at it. The par on this thing is 25 and it's trading at 27.56 on the bid right now. Sure there is going to be some premium for the low interest environment but damn.
I need xom to correct back to 70 before friday. Still ITM but want that biotch pinned to 70.

All I know is I'm maxing out my capital on XOM at 66.06 and taking the rest of the month off with limit sells at 70/70.75/71.50.
Damn now I have to buy at 66.10 since you guys are all buying.
Who the f$$k is buying right now? Haha all the guys on the floor were cheering then they all said "ok, time to sell".

That FSLR move was incredible. I figured there was news and didn't even look at it. Should have just bought a couple hundred shares.
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Who the f$$k is buying right now? Haha all the guys on the floor were cheering then they all said "ok, time to sell".

That FSLR move was incredible. I figured there was news and didn't even look at it. Should have just bought a couple hundred shares.

I Bought faz and tza when we hit 10k.

I wouldn't want to buy much of anything at these levels and hold for more than a few minutes.
I guess I answered my own question. I went to go tell the risk manager to watch one of my positions and over heard a meeting between the management and some consultant. He said several of the healthier banks have so much cash it's beyond what they can control and have hired him to help manage it, since for political reasons they can't hire who they normally would to do it inhouse. Looks like the market is going higher after all.
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I am getting wrecked/raped/abused in today's market. Just while typing that last sentence I lost more cash. I don't know what the hell is going on. There must be a massive seller in every damn position I'm in. The size I've been working off of for weeks is getting pulled and or moved down just as I buy more in front of it. I'm in ING/BCS related stocks mainly, it has to be the same guy doing this. I guarant-fucking-tee you I put the bottom in a couple of these things. Once I get out of this $hit I'm going home to clean my bike or something, I don't want to sit here and watch them go back up.
Gold over the last 5.5 years (fill in the blanks for the future):

3/31/04 – 427
6/30/04 – 392
9/30/04 – 418
12/31/04 – 437
3/31/05 – 427
6/30/05 – 435
9/30/05 – 468
12/31/05 – 516
3/31/06 – 581
6/30/06 – 613
9/30/06 – 598
12/31/06 – 636
3/31/07 – 663
6/30/07 – 647
9/30/07 – 743
12/31/07 – 834
3/31/08 – 915
6/30/08 – 924
9/30/08 – 870
12/31/08 – 880
3/31/09 – 918
6/30/09 – 926
9/30/09 – 1008
12/31/09 –
3/31/10 –
6/30/10 –
9/30/10 –
12/31/09 –1200
3/31/10 – 1400
6/30/10 – 1600
9/30/10 –seized

Gold over the last 5.5 years (fill in the blanks for the future):

3/31/04 – 427
6/30/04 – 392
9/30/04 – 418
12/31/04 – 437
3/31/05 – 427
6/30/05 – 435
9/30/05 – 468
12/31/05 – 516
3/31/06 – 581
6/30/06 – 613
9/30/06 – 598
12/31/06 – 636
3/31/07 – 663
6/30/07 – 647
9/30/07 – 743
12/31/07 – 834
3/31/08 – 915
6/30/08 – 924
9/30/08 – 870
12/31/08 – 880
3/31/09 – 918
6/30/09 – 926
9/30/09 – 1008
12/31/09 –
3/31/10 –
6/30/10 –
9/30/10 –
I am not sure...........

Lots of folks that fled to gold, could start getting back into the market.
Now that its safe........ :rolleyes: DOW 10K might be a signal to some.
(Yes, I believe some are still on the side lines waiting to get in)
Causing gold to drop, and stocks to go higher.....

I am not a day trader, and just go with the flow......

Hammer away!

I need a trading platform/site that will allow me to buy and sell not only from the America markets but also the Canadian markets (TSX Stock and Ventures Exchanges). Any suggestions?

I don't want to have to go through a phone-in process to get my orders filled, which is what my bank would require (BOA) if I go with a linked US bank account (I'm in Texas) while trying to purchase shares off the TSX Stock or Venture Exchanges. I am not going to be doing quick moves or anything so I don't need extremely low "per trade" costs or anything. These will be buy and hold, in general, with an occasional quick move.

Thanks for any and all help/suggestions.

I need a trading platform/site that will allow me to buy and sell not only from the America markets but also the Canadian markets (TSX Stock and Ventures Exchanges). Any suggestions?

I don't want to have to go through a phone-in process to get my orders filled, which is what my bank would require (BOA) if I go with a linked US bank account (I'm in Texas) while trying to purchase shares off the TSX Stock or Venture Exchanges. I am not going to be doing quick moves or anything so I don't need extremely low "per trade" costs or anything. These will be buy and hold, in general, with an occasional quick move.

Thanks for any and all help/suggestions.

If you find a good one please let us know.
I'm thinking I might have to open a Canadian trading account (already applied for one) and just handle it from that side. I hate to do that since it complicates my taxes a bit but it may be the only real solution to keep from having to be on the phone any time I want to make a move with my Canadian investments.
man, getting realllllly hurt these days in the market. yes, i am still long.

Wheres' that guy that told me not to go long financials? lol :redface:

tomorrow could be bad, all about the GDP numbers....3.2% estimate does not seem achievable, but what do I know.

things that worry me:
crazy GDP forecast
I am long A LOT

Sell covered calls on all of your stuff while you ride this out, might as well make some money while the market does it's thing. :smile:

man, getting realllllly hurt these days in the market. yes, i am still long.

Wheres' that guy that told me not to go long financials? lol :redface:

tomorrow could be bad, all about the GDP numbers....3.2% estimate does not seem achievable, but what do I know.

things that worry me:
crazy GDP forecast
I am long A LOT

man, getting realllllly hurt these days in the market. yes, i am still long.

Wheres' that guy that told me not to go long financials? lol :redface:

tomorrow could be bad, all about the GDP numbers....3.2% estimate does not seem achievable, but what do I know.

things that worry me:
crazy GDP forecast
I am long A LOT


Long A LOT as in no dry powder left?