How 'bout that stock market?

Single best trading day ever.....sold that lot of aapl @ 130.60....then clicked off another 6 round trips for another 6K. :biggrin:

I was doing great with aapl and then one bad trade at the end of the day. Boom the whole days profits gone. What the hell happened to aapl today? I couldn't find any news about why it fell so much.:confused:
Da3dalus and Steveny,

Thanks so much for taking the time. I'll check back after I'm done reading. Da3dalus, I seem to recall you saying you had a mentor. Was his guidance not enough for you to avoid losing your first $10k? I only ask b/c I'm willing to lose it if the lessons are worth it in the future. It seems you and Steve are opposites with respect to your origins in trading.

I work at an ibank in L.A. doing financial reports, but I find trading much more exciting.

Trade on a simulator and you won't lose a dime of real money. Problem is and you will see when you start using real money things change.
Bam....three rounds trips through aapl short sale....I'm done for the day, and its only 10 am. :biggrin:

Happing trading guys!
Bam....three rounds trips through aapl short sale....I'm done for the day, and its only 10 am. :biggrin:

Happing trading guys!

I was watching bidu also shorted apple at 127.50. and covered at 126.80 It's almost at the high again and I am waiting to short it
Da3dalus and Steveny,

Thanks so much for taking the time. I'll check back after I'm done reading. Da3dalus, I seem to recall you saying you had a mentor. Was his guidance not enough for you to avoid losing your first $10k? I only ask b/c I'm willing to lose it if the lessons are worth it in the future. It seems you and Steve are opposites with respect to your origins in trading.

I work at an ibank in L.A. doing financial reports, but I find trading much more exciting.

ditto.. except for working at an ibank! :wink:
Da3dalus and Steveny,

Thanks so much for taking the time. I'll check back after I'm done reading. Da3dalus, I seem to recall you saying you had a mentor. Was his guidance not enough for you to avoid losing your first $10k? I only ask b/c I'm willing to lose it if the lessons are worth it in the future. It seems you and Steve are opposites with respect to your origins in trading.

I work at an ibank in L.A. doing financial reports, but I find trading much more exciting.

Happy to help! My mentor provided me with a method to trade, but knowing how to use a system and actually TRADING a system with real money are completly different things. Only so much can be taught, and the other part of it is trial and error and learning the hard way. Thats why I can't stress enough that book by Mark Douglas, because that deals with HOW to trade a system effectively. 90% of traders start off mock trading, and they make money, but as soon as its their real money on the line, everything changes and they lose money, then they go back to mock and make money, go back to real money and lose. Its a vicious circle that can only be defeated by being aware of the emotional aspects of trading and not allowing them to affect or alter your entries, managements, or exit.

In other news... I'm long the EURCHF from 1.6139 with my stop at b/e, trying to get an exit at 1.6163... its getting close!

I'm really trying to put in the extra hours and trade more and more. I had great account growth in January (>75%) but in February i've just been spinning my wheels. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is my job, and I am being paid to sit in front of the screens all day. It can be so easy to quit early!

Happy to help! My mentor provided me with a method to trade, but knowing how to use a system and actually TRADING a system with real money are completly different things. Only so much can be taught, and the other part of it is trial and error and learning the hard way. Thats why I can't stress enough that book by Mark Douglas, because that deals with HOW to trade a system effectively. 90% of traders start off mock trading, and they make money, but as soon as its their real money on the line, everything changes and they lose money, then they go back to mock and make money, go back to real money and lose. Its a vicious circle that can only be defeated by being aware of the emotional aspects of trading and not allowing them to affect or alter your entries, managements, or exit.

In other news... I'm long the EURCHF from 1.6139 with my stop at b/e, trying to get an exit at 1.6163... its getting close!

I'm really trying to put in the extra hours and trade more and more. I had great account growth in January (>75%) but in February i've just been spinning my wheels. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is my job, and I am being paid to sit in front of the screens all day. It can be so easy to quit early!


+1 I have allowed my emotions to get involved in the past too and it totally effect your decisions. I wonder how someone would do if they thought they were on a simulator and were actually trading real money.
Happy to help! My mentor provided me with a method to trade, but knowing how to use a system and actually TRADING a system with real money are completly different things. Only so much can be taught, and the other part of it is trial and error and learning the hard way. Thats why I can't stress enough that book by Mark Douglas, because that deals with HOW to trade a system effectively. 90% of traders start off mock trading, and they make money, but as soon as its their real money on the line, everything changes and they lose money, then they go back to mock and make money, go back to real money and lose. Its a vicious circle that can only be defeated by being aware of the emotional aspects of trading and not allowing them to affect or alter your entries, managements, or exit.

In other news... I'm long the EURCHF from 1.6139 with my stop at b/e, trying to get an exit at 1.6163... its getting close!

I'm really trying to put in the extra hours and trade more and more. I had great account growth in January (>75%) but in February i've just been spinning my wheels. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is my job, and I am being paid to sit in front of the screens all day. It can be so easy to quit early!


Nice job man, I was sick today and had to go out looking for a beater car. Looking to spend 4-6k, I dono what it is with beater cars but I like'em. I posted on the FF site that we had lots of TC's coming up glad you cought one, keep a eye on that 200ma.
+1 I have allowed my emotions to get involved in the past too and it totally effect your decisions. I wonder how someone would do if they thought they were on a simulator and were actually trading real money.

I have helped people trade and they made over 1 million paper trade then they get to real money and blow up. You get to a point when you know you have made it that it's just paper and you will win some lose some. I guess it's a family thing. My brother plays poker for a living and I have seen him down 30-40k and he really did not care and said it's part of the game and it's true. My goal is to make 100 million by the time I am 35, I am 32 now. Will I sell my 150k home and my 4-6k$ car I am looking for? Hell no I think it will be cool calling my bank and hearing the balance LOL :biggrin: In all honesty I will use it to help others. What makes me happy now is getting in shape and getting strong, kinda over "things".
Made a killing yesterday and lost it all AH betting the farm. Bah. 4 fantastic trades today. Gonna quit while I'm ahead.

Do you guys want me to keep posting my trade confirmations?
Two trades on BIDU today.

2 more trades. For a total of 9.5K today.


And that last trade toward the bottom is me covering my short that went awry from last night. Ugh.
Happy Friday! Went on a bit of a spending spree last night getting essentials for the new house. I close in less than two weeks! Gotta make up for all that today!!

This one paid for the 52 XBR4, lol.

Washer/Dryer are covered, ha.

Took 27 pips out of the GBPUSD last night as I slept... woke up with a nice gain. :)

Met with my new CPA... He said I didn't have to create a LLC or anything to write off my expenses as long as I had trader tax status. Can anyone confirm this?
Took 27 pips out of the GBPUSD last night as I slept... woke up with a nice gain. :)

Met with my new CPA... He said I didn't have to create a LLC or anything to write off my expenses as long as I had trader tax status. Can anyone confirm this?

Nice trade. I am not sure but I do know it's hard to find a good CPA that understands trading. Also I got strep throat so I sat out this week :(
LOL I think the same way about the money I make on a trade. Do a trade and think well that will buy a ??? If I needed one I could buy a pretty sweet fridge maybe even one with a TV in it from todays profits. I could be giving that fridge away though on Tuesday.Finally happy to get back on the right side of this thing today the last couple of days I was in some kind of funk or something. Up about 15k on the week on stocks and 6k with options. Pretty much did lots of small trades today 3 to 4 tanks of gas per trade. Used a few trailing stop orders on a few of them and did quite well. looks like I am up 2.5k over all on stocks. The options I sold are deteriorating nicely to add another 1k to the days total.