Here's a Question... your NSX or your mate?

23 June 2002
San Jose, Ca
I guess I was the only one... guess I was wrong...

In my search of the NSX, a friend of my friend is expecting his first child... his wife is threatening to leave him if he doesn't get rid of his 94 NSX... She's asking for a family car.

On my end, my girl friend is threatening to leave me if I bought a NSX. She rather have me save the money to try to buy a house.

What is up with that

So which one would it be for you guys... NSX or your mate?
If she loves you, she'll understand and "let" you keep the car. If she is ready to leave you if you don't get rid of the car, she doesn't love you; she's just trying to control you.

his wife is threatening to leave him if he doesn't get rid of his 94 NSX... She's asking for a family car.

So if he gets her a family car and keeps the NSX, is that okay? If not, then it's not about the car; it's about who makes the decisions.

On my end, my girl friend is threatening to leave me if I bought a NSX. She rather have me save the money to try to buy a house.

I assume it's your money and your decision.
This story is soo common around any "impractical" sports car out ex had problems with the car, and it always bugged me that I couldnt be myself and she never understood what it meant when i just wanted to "drive"....It's one reason why we may have broke up because she couldnt understand having the car garaged and covered 3-4 days a week and paying some a good amount of cash every month...try to find a woman that backs you up and understands what you truly enjoy in life..
Gosh, this one is so easy I'm suprised it's being asked.

It's simple.....

Talk your friend of a friend into selling his NSX, because a child is much more important than a car (if he can't afford both.) Also, offer him the incentive of being able to see his other "baby" (his old NSX) every once in a while. That should seal the deal.

Then, dump your woman, and find one that respects you enough to allow you to pursue your hobbies. Women are a dime a dozen, and there are plenty out there who will let you have a longer leash.
Time for a new G/F


2001 QuickSilver Corvette Coupe - Not Stock

2002 Black Acura 3.2 TL/S
This is how I view it. EVERY single girlfriend I have had has always asked me "what would you rather have, me or the car?". Of course, I always pick the girls because I have never had the car.

Reality check. If I had picked the girls over the car, I would be without the girl in three months and not have a cool car. My NSX will never cheat, or leave me. It will always be there when I need it. It brings me pleasure (ok, the girl wins more here).. etc.

So, in short... Keep your NSX!
Tell Him to take the NSX over the girl.
NSX are worth alot more, and alot of the time he would rather be with his NSX instead (im sure). Cars dont nag, bitch, yell, and complain.

With a NSX it should be easy for him to get another girlfriend without a problem.

7.62mm Catridge is just right!
Just curious, those who sell because a baby is coming...

Is it because you need the funds to purchase a family car, you need to reduce monthly costs, you need to start the college fund, or you dont think you'll have time to drive it anymore or something else?

I guess I just don't see how the NSX and a baby are connected.

Originally posted by 94lude:
On my end, my girl friend is threatening to leave me if I bought a NSX. She rather have me save the money to try to buy a house.

Once when I was in Vegas I had a black jack dealer from China say to me when I had 20 and he drew 6 cards and got to 20, which is a push. Meaning you had a chance for a win, and you get screwed. The dealer looks at me and says " Push Push better than take take"

The moral of this story...You better not be thinking of marriage because she is Push Push and later she gonna take take.
I'm not sure what the baby/NSX link is, either. I have an NSX and 1.2 babies, and don't see the problem with it. My daughter even got to ride in the NSX the other day (it was a special treat) and she loved it. But usually she rides in the Integra.

As for the house question, you would be well-advised to buy the house first, and then think about getting the car. Aside from being the responsible thing to do, house prices and interest rates are quite low right now -- it's a real good time to buy. Besides, you're going to need a garage for the car, right?

Finally, you guys with women who don't like the NSX -- think carefully about your future with these women. Clearly, they don't understand one of the basic components of your personality. I couldn't be with a woman like that. Fortunately, my wife fully understands my NSXmania.

-Bob ('94 #496)
I'm still new here, but here is my take. I'm almost in the same situation as you. I'm looking to buy my first used NSX soon. While my wife would rather have me save the money for the house, she is oaky with me getting the NSX. The situation is the NSX will cost a lot of money, and it will push back the house a little while; however, she understands this is a dream of mine and knows the house will eventually come. If the NSX is going to totally prevent you from getting a house, than I say get the house instead. If not, I don't see any reason why a girlfriend is telling you how you should run your finances. Are you guys engauged to be married? In my opinion, anyone who stands in the way of someone elses dreams are selfish. It that someone you wnat to be with? Even if your dream is impractical, no one should tell you that it is them or your dream. You do need to be practical, but if you can afford an NSX and still save money for the house, then go for it.

My dream is to own my house and get an NSX. My wifes dream is to own a house. Together we are working to make both our dreams come true. Shouldn't that be the way is supposed to be?
i waited till 35 to get my first 'true' sportscar. so, yeah, the house etc was a first priority.

as said earlier, why is a baby and an nsx incongruent??? if you cant really afford an nsx AND a baby or a baby hauler, then i can understand the baby comes first.

my wife would NEVER threaten to leave me over a car. the door would be slappin her *** if that ever happenened.

for you guys with girlfriends; every girl, girlfriend, and occasional bartramp i ever knew would have loved to run around in an nsx. sounds like you should keep the nsx and decide whether you want to buy a ring or not. personally, any woman who tried to coerce me into a decision about our relationship over a car would just be too manipulative and controlling. Or the relationship would just be too fouled up to bother with. suggest going to a therapist with her--women love that crap and wind up sorting out what the real problem is. i guarantee you it is not the car.

hey Tom, LOL
push push IS better than take take.
Anwser to me is easy- good women are almost impossible to find, good cars are only dollars away. Keep the 'thing' you cannot otherwise find or replace, dump the other 'thing' that is easy to find, and let personal relaionships replace what may otherwise be an unhealthy attachment to material objects.

I wouldn't trade Jane for every NSX ever built.

Nor Dinah- Kipling wrote- "I pray the world see's me as my dog does"

Mark Sigmund Basch
I'm with Mark. Family comes first! When I got married I already had my Lotus. We talked about selling it when we bought our first house, but my wife told me to keep it because it meant alot to me. My 3 kids are now driving age and no one in the family would ever let me sell the Europa (I had talked about selling it to buy an NSX. It's not like I let anyone else drive it either (it's really sort of dangerous...Very twitchy, very tiny, very high limits, easy to get in trouble (it's my therapy car)). For my last birthday my wife bought me an NSX (and I get to keep the Lotus). She drives the NSX (much safer and easier) once in a while. If you have a good family and are patient, you can have your cake and eat it too. I would trade everything I have for any family member.
Paul Harhen

Happy Motoring At all Costs!
Originally posted by huckster:

for you guys with girlfriends; every girl, girlfriend, and occasional bartramp i ever knew would have loved to run around in an nsx. sounds like you should keep the nsx and decide whether you want to buy a ring or not. personally, any woman who tried to coerce me into a decision about our relationship over a car would just be too manipulative and controlling. Or the relationship would just be too fouled up to bother with. suggest going to a therapist with her--women love that crap and wind up sorting out what the real problem is. i guarantee you it is not the car.

hey Tom, LOL
push push IS better than take take.

Above quote touches the root of the problem. I am going to assume that the women in question here thinks like every women I have ever known. The reason she does not want you to keep the car has everything to do with the baby and nothing to do with the baby. A NSX seats two people only. That is you and the baby or you and your woman. You can not just leave the baby at home alone. Your wife is now not able to travel with you when you go somewhere. She is very controling because she is unsecure, and knows that the first line of the above quote is TRUE.
Dump your women all they are is trouble...I can't she owns 1/2 of my assets it's cheaper to keep her... don't make the same mistake I did, buy the car and she if she leaves
I think thier are more issues here on this topic.
1.woman wants to lose the nsx as baby is on the way.please remember when it comes time(as it did with me)I wanted my wife to stay home and not work for 4 years as to be their for the child. LOST INCOME.I was fortunate that I made a respectable salary and could afford this.but get real guys.not everyone of us is rich like so many people its not the girl vs. NSX.its what is (our) priority for our income level.a car or raising our child.thats my take on that.btw I would sell my NSX if need be for my family or if income status it would hurt.
the other issue IS the control freak bitch that feels a threat from you having the NSX (some car hootchie is gonna steal my guy)we all know the reality of that one.but most chicks dont.
with that said I must admit my wife was reluctant about me getting the NSX.those nights I just wanted to drive nowhere just drive.NOW that she has learned to drive the car.hey baby what you think of these gear ratios,oh I think we can get the same mod cheaper at this vendor.honey some guy revved on me so I smoked him but didnt hit the rev limiter are you mad.yes I am a lucky sob.but if another kid came.job status whatever I would prioritize and sell the NSX.AS for you guys with no money issues or children and have a girl that throws down the glove.kick her to the curb and find a chick that digs the scene. my long winded opinion hope it wasnt to preachy..I know I will here about it if it was
If she's the right gal, no price is too high. I'll go Mark Basch one better: I wouldn't trade my wife even for a crystal NSX! The paradox is that if she's the right gal, she is highly unlikely to ask you to sell your NSX unless you yourself already know it's truly necessary.
if she's the right gal, she is highly unlikely to ask you to sell your NSX unless you yourself already know it's truly necessary. [/B]
Bottom line..well put
I guess I'm lucky, I had my NSX when I met my woman, it wasn't paid for at the time, but it is now. Also unfortunately I now owe over $100,000 in legal bills after already having paid over $100,000 and considered selling the NSX. She insisted that I reconsider. "It's a reliable car, it's paid for, after selling you'd have to buy another car, will have no idea how reliable it is, and we'd STILL owe $75K+ in legal bills. Just keep it." All this, we're getting married in August, and then I'm off to federal prison for 15-18 months in September.
I'd take her over the NSX any day.
Unfortunately, $ into an NSX gives depreciation. Fortunately, $ into a house gives appreciation. One can't make an NSX a home, but can make a house a home. I appreciate appreciation and deprecate depreciation, capiche?

95 NSX-T, 5 sp, Red/Tan, Tubi exhaust, Dali street anti-sway bars, Dunlop SP9000s