Hello everyone !

11 July 2002
Orange County, CA

I've been lurking in this forum for quite awhile and in that time, I have "stolen" from the vast knowledge and experiences offered by Acura owners and enthusiasts.

I've hesitated in the past to register as a member due to the fact that I don't have the most coveted Acura NSX--and most elusive one at that. Maybe because I also did not want to "jinx" myself. However, I decided to come out and join your ranks as an enthusiast and hopefully one day, become a fortunate owner.

I have always dreamt of owning the NSX. Financial responsibilities and constraints have prevented me from acquiring it in the past (ie/ full-time student stature). But I am finally in a position of maybe entertaining that possibility and making it into reality. We'll see.

I managed to have brief contacts with a couple of members already. Namely Ilya, who gave me the joy of driving me around Los Angeles in his NSX as I met him at his work to check out his gorgeous car. I'm sure he's just as sad to see it go as I am sad not being able to purchase it from him. But it was a delightful experience just the same. Best wishes with the new baby, Ilya!

Also, through e-mail, I have encountered "netViper" as I congratulated him (along with the rest) in his new acquisition of a white NSX. Beautiful! Actually, I have to give him part of the credit with encouraging me to register for membership in this forum. His long journey of seeking out the NSX have been a source of motivation for me. I'm elated to see a fellow enthusiast realize his dream. Again, congratulations.

Now, hopefully, it's my turn.

I've been looking at NSX's here and there trying to look for the "perfect fit," if there is such a thing. I've gotten rides a couple of times but not really the opportunity to drive one. I guess I don't blame the owners. I wouldn't let just anyone drive THAT car either. But, I promised myself not to get into the "I-gotta-have-it-now" phase; although admittingly, I've fallen guilty of such mentality. I can't really help it. Everytime I see an NSX, it never fails to evoke a sense of covetousness. No car has ever done that to me. I guess this trait makes the car all the more special.

So, thanks for listening and let the search continue....

** Forgive me if I posted this in the wrong place but I wanted to take the opportunity of having my first-ever post as an introductory one. My name is Joel and I look forward to interacting with you all.


You ARE off the (NSX) deep end, at this point, based on what I read
. What you need to do is really spend some time in the FAQ here. It will inform you about a lot of things about the car that you should know when looking for one.

I assume if you know Ilya, you are on the west coast. No one has let you drive their NSX yet!!! Shame on them!!!! Anyway you really need to drive one, but make sure you have the money to buy one, because after as little as 5 miles behind the wheel, you WILL need one ASAP!!

One of the best places to look is in the want ads here. Many of us know the cars and owners, and frankly I have not met a larger group of straight up folks that are on the forum.

I would not be too concerned about doing a nationwaide search, since I am sure you will find many folks here that will check a car out for you long distance. If you find one in the Northeast, let me know.

Best of luck with your search. Hope you are back soon telling us about your new ride.

Thanks Larry.
Actually I have visited the FAQ's pages, devouring every information I can get about the NSX. I have a running folder/chart on all the information I'm getting from as simple as window regulators to the complex snap ring failure issues. I've never known so much about something I don't even own.
Glad I'm here. I'm also glad that I can network and find people who can check out a car that's 3000 miles away from me. Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.

The only reservation I have about purchasing an NSX out of state is that they don't (or do they) meet California's stringent emissions standard. I could be wrong.

I could be wrong but I am under the impression all NSX's are 50 State compliant.

Can someone confirm this please??

Thanks Lud,

Well Joel, I guess you can go "nationwide"

BTW, You mentioned the snapring and windows, just a few things in addition then that:

A/C - expensive to repair
Timing Belt Service (90K OR SIX YEARS)
bodywork, aluminum (expensive)

Originally posted by Larry Bastanza:

No one has let you drive their NSX yet!!! Shame on them!!!! Anyway you really need to drive one, but make sure you have the money to buy one, because after as little as 5 miles behind the wheel, you WILL need one ASAP!!


First of all I want to welcome you here to this forum. I myself was like you and kept a low key here and I still do. WELCOME!

This is exactly what happened to me, I drove my friends 92 and immediately...I HAVE TO HAVE IT. Shortly after that I bought a set of wheels for a car that I haven't even purchased yet. Took me about 9 months before I bought my 97.

Good luck to you in your journey in finding the right car.
Originally posted by Joel:
Thanks Larry.
Actually I have visited the FAQ's pages, devouring every information I can get about the NSX. I have a running folder/chart on all the information I'm getting from as simple as window regulators to the complex snap ring failure issues. I've never known so much about something I don't even own.
Glad I'm here. I'm also glad that I can network and find people who can check out a car that's 3000 miles away from me. Thanks! I'll keep that in mind.

The only reservation I have about purchasing an NSX out of state is that they don't (or do they) meet California's stringent emissions standard. I could be wrong.

Hey joel,

I should be getting my NSX in late July from an owner in Virginia. I am in Los Angeles county and don't expect a problem with registering it or smogging it. ill let you know how things go and maybe let your drive the car as long as you dont grind the gears. ive been looking for quite a while now too, and especially at my younger age (25), i hope to be drving it for a while. im sure ill be yelling my acquisition from the rooftops as soon as i see it come off the transport carrier for all the owners on this forum to welcome me. good luck in your search.

[email protected]

I'm excited that you're going to get your car soon. I'd like to meet you and find out how you went about purchasing the car from way out there and shipping it out here. With the rarity of NSX's, it's very possible that I might have to look outside the CA borders.
Originally posted by Joel:

I'm excited that you're going to get your car soon. I'd like to meet you and find out how you went about purchasing the car from way out there and shipping it out here. With the rarity of NSX's, it's very possible that I might have to look outside the CA borders.

I think that this is great. Khuezee, This guy Joel is excited that YOU are getting your car soon! Not himself, but you! This is a great forum! People even get excited when others get a car they don't have yet!

Good luck in your search. I would try and drive a couple of NSX's just to get the idea of what they feel like and make sure you are not getting an abused car.

Good luck!
hey joel, great to hear such enthusiasm for a car that is, truly, an obsession.

im in kansas city, and will let you drive my car. i actually enjoy letting other people drive my nsx(provided they seem like they are willing to drive, not wreck). would you have a bottle of wine that you would never intend to drink? NO! the nsx should be driven and enjoyed. i WILL charge you a pro rate for tires if you drive it THAT well. Im already aware of one person in kansas city who saw my nsx and flew to the dakotas to pick up his own nsx two weeks later. so be warned, it is contagious.

my offer is sincere, to anyone who is willing to drive, not dragrace, and drive, not at 140mph plus, my nsx.

carpe diem!!! good luck!!!
Originally posted by huckster:
im in kansas city, and will let you drive my car. i actually enjoy letting other people drive my nsx...my offer is sincere, to anyone who is willing to drive, not dragrace, and drive, not at 140mph plus, my nsx.

carpe diem!!! good luck!!!

Oh, the temptation!
I have to tell you, the benefits of being a member of this forum far exceeded my own expectations. Here I am, a virtual stranger to all, who has had only the privilege of riding in the NSX, now has TWO offers of being able to actually DRIVE the car.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 12 July 2002).]
Hi Joel, and welcome! That offer goes for me too. If your ever in Boston drop me a line. I'll come pick you up and you can drive all you want. There is also a few available around the metro area. Good Luck!!!
I have to admit to missing NetViper's regular 'NSX search' updates. As a lurker it was kind of fun watching the whole process. Oh well, he's in a better place now!
Originally posted by raoul:
I have to admit to missing NetViper's regular 'NSX search' updates. As a lurker it was kind of fun watching the whole process. Oh well, he's in a better place now!

Well, I still search ebay everyday.. I guess it is just a habit. But you are right, owning is much better than searcing
Originally posted by Joel:
I feel like a 5 yr old in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.


I know what you mean. Every time I see an NSX on the road, i feel all giddy just to know how much joy the person in it is feeling. I wonder if the feeling still persists in stop and go traffic?? hmmmmm....I guess i will have to find out for myself once I get it. In any case, email me around late july and ill give you all the details of my nsx and cruise around your neck of the woods.
Originally posted by khuezee:
I wonder if the feeling still persists in stop and go traffic??

Yes - particularly knowing that, at those speeds, everyone around you can get a really good look at you and your enjoyment...

so nice to hear that there is someone else in the exact smae situation as I am, reading your post has been my life for the past 4 months. This forum has been absolutely wonderful in the information it provided, and has some of the nicest, and helpful folks I have ever met. I am not sure if I am looking for the car because I love the car so much, or just because I want to legitimately attend the meets and be part of the nsx community

I would love to chat with you and find out how you're going about looking, and maybe we can compare notes, and help each other to avoid the bad apples that we encounter. I promise I won't try outbidding you if one ever comes up
Send me an email if you are interested, and wish you the best in your search.
Yes, that would be great 0260n3. At least I'll know that I'm not alone in this one. I'm planning on meeting up with khuezee later in the month and get a good look at his NSX. Why don't you join me then and get some input from him? Obviously he knows what he's doing because he's getting his in a few weeks (all the way from VA!).

On a sidenote 0260n3, as of today, I'm not 100% sure anymore about looking for the NSX either. Netviper's encounter with a tree branch sort of scared me about pursuing the car any further. All of a sudden, "settling" for an S2000 doesn't seem such a bad idea anymore. Read Netviper's thread and see what I mean (and he just got the car last week and he's looking into repairs already!)

I'm not saying that I have completely given up on the NSX. After all, it's not easy to give up on a dream just like that. But it did make me think a little.

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 15 July 2002).]
Originally posted by khuezee:

In any case, email me around late july and ill give you all the details of my nsx and cruise around your neck of the woods.

Okay! I'll take you up on that offer.
I can't find your e-mail address though.

I understand your feelings, but.... I can only assume you will probably have the same insurance company with the same deductible regardless of S2000 or NSX, correct??

So, essentially if an event occured with either car, you would be in that exact same position finacially, correct?

I mention all this since in my past I have owned a few nice cars, and kept them in the garage, nice and pretty, and all that, then I got the NSX. Don't get me wrong I do keep it nice, but getting behind the wheel is the main thing, period. Usually all my sportscars in the past, after about the first year, it was time to look for another one. I just turned my 3 year anniversary with my 1991 NSX, EVERY DAY I HAVE A HUGE GRIN! STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will leave you with this comment above and also this:


Oh, I never asked, "Do you have a garage?"

I do have one prediction: Once Dave gets past all this, he will resume the "BIG GRIN" syndrome, immediately.

Good Luck, go for it, you will not regret it. JMHO.

Thanks Larry for that viewpoint. It does make sense.
Yes, I'll be paying the same deductible for either car. My main concern was just the overall cost of ownership and practicality of an NSX vs. s2000, especially in the event of a tragedy. If an accident happens and I'm at fault, the increase in rates go up and the hike will be much more for the NSX undoubtedly. (I know I'm comparing apples to oranges with the cars)

Yes, I do have a garage but I share it with people I'm living with. I get to park in it every other month. One of the things I was considering was renting a space in storage to keep the car there during the weekdays.