Haters, and how much they suck (pics included)

What was the motive?

No idea, i stopped by my friends pool hall for about 20 minutes to talk to a friend of mine shooting a tournament. Then left to go home, stopped by the gas station on the way home and the guy in front of me filling up was complimenting the car and happened to say "Man that sucks someone keyed your car thou". I was like.. excuse me? So i walked around the car and saw it, about started screaming when i saw it. It was bright white, i put black touch up paint over it for the time being so it isnt so apparent.

Are insurance laws different out there? I know here in california insurance cant force you to use their shop.

No, my insurance says I can use whomever i want to do the repair work, but since my insurance company dosent have local offices in my town they contract to a ford dealership for the estimates. So i'm stuck with ford's estimate for repair. The Local acura dealership said that ford is on crack if they think 700$ would fix that much damage, acura said it would run around 2000$ for the repair.

what does it say? Looks like AHP to me. What does that mean?

It says HAHA
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One morning after getting ready for work I walk to my car and noticed broken glass and a empty slot where my radio use to be...:frown:

Had the passenger side window replaced and went with a inexpensive radio...:confused:

The next following week my car was broken into and again same scenario, broken glass and missing deck...:mad:

Had the passenger side window replaced but this time went with no radio. At this point I decided to leave a note in the car that reads " No radio, Move on"...:rolleyes:

The next day I noticed broken glass AGAIN and this time the burglar left me a note that reads "Just Checking":eek:

Did this really happen above??^^^or is it a joke?
The Local acura dealership said that ford is on crack if they think 700$ would fix that much damage

On crack? They really said that? That alone would make me feel uncomfortable with such a unprofessional comment.
You inspect the car, form your repair strategy, clearly define it on paper and go over it so the customer understands your proposition.

If it is just the quarter panel and no dents just deep scratches $700.00 sounds more in the ballpark than $2,000.00.

Here's basically what looks like needs to be done.

3.5 hrs panel repair.
2.5 hrs to R&I side marker,(1) tail amp, liner,scoop and loosen/drop bumper
3.5 base clear (looks like black paint. right?)
1hr to de-nib and polish.
$125.00 materials
.5 clean up
sales tax.
From there it depends on your local prevailing collision shop labor rate which is often close to half of the dealer mechanic repair rate.
@ $50.00 per hour $675.00 before tax
@ $55.00 per hour $730. before tax

I am assuming it is only one panel, black and no creases. Just really deep scratches.

If this is so, it could be 1-3 hours variance, tops, in addition to what I presented here.

I never understood demeaning or even mentioning competition when bidding for a repair job. If the customer presets a competitors estimate and want you to explain the differences, you can do so without the nasty comments.

The crack comment is very poor.
It happened twice?

Remember Jimmy (two times) Conway in Goodfellas?
Maybe it's him. Maybe it's him.
My insurance company uses Rusty Eck ford for their insurance work in wichita. When I took it down there the first thing they said was "Is that a prelude with a kit?" Then quoted they code fix it for 700$. They say "its just a honda".

Do you only have the one body shop in town? I would take it to the best shop you can find - also I do not know I would let a friend work on my car.

Here in CA the owner of the car, the insured, gets to select the shop where their car is repaired, not the insurance company.

Get it fixed correctly or you will surely regret it. Best wishes to you and your car and hoping they catch the jerk who did it and spend some time fixing his attitude for good.
That sucks!

I had someone key my car after I had their car towed out of my parking space (I figured it was the son that got out of jail). Stupid thing is they kept parking their car in my space and their space was two spaces next to mine.

One day their daughter ran into my car as I was leaving the parking lot (light scratches to the rear bumper) and I found out she didn't have a drivers license or insurance. The mother was giving me all kinds of BS. I told her I have a good idea how much the repairs would cost since I already had the door repainted after it was keyed and I was pretty sure I knew who did it (but didn't explicitly said they did it). After I said that I got them to sign a written statement claiming responsibility for the damage on my car. They paid for the repairs and never parked in my space again. In fact, they ended up moving out of my neighborhood shortly thereafter.

Hopefully your situation will turn out ok. People like that usually get what's coming to them sooner or later.
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I actually ran into a situation lately, and need some of your opinion. My problem wasn't a hater, but rather, an old lady.

Last week as I was pulling the car cover over my car for a drive, I realized that someone had scratched my driver side rear panel with their bumper, and it had chip some paint and scraped some clear coat. It was a black car as the it left black paint on my car. I was very upset but could not pin point where it had occured. I was bummed for several days.

However, just yesterday, as I went to visit my in-laws, I saw the car that parked on the next parking space had her passenger side front bumper all scrapped up. Seemed like she had done it many times and have problem on that side of the car. In addition, I saw the tip of that right front bumper had my red paint residual. From the look of it, I don't think the lady even realize she had hit me (this is a senior citizen community).

I took some pictures and called my insurance up. I was told that if I can't get the lady to admit she did it, there is nothing I can do about it. The only thing I can do is to go with hit-and-run claim and pay for the deductible. This really sucks, as I had to pay for something I didn't do. Does anyone knows what else I can do to recover my lost?
So I finally got nailed by a hater. :mad: So she's getting painted soon, probably gonna just have the entire car repainted instead of having the fender fixed.




I know the feeling, one lozer hit one of my cars in a parking lot kinda my fault I told him not to give me a dirty look went into store then came out there it is:biggrin:

Hope this helps

Quarter Panel
Acura NSX 2DR,BLK,HEAT 03362 $300 All Star Import & American Auto USA-TX(Kennedale) E-mail 817-572-5009
Really sucks man. I hope you catch whoever did this
i can't believe this shit still happens. i hope you find him and tattoo 'haha' on his forehead.
Damn,that must of hurt!It's ok buddy what goes around comes around.Someone will get him back two time more for what he did to your baby.:frown:
I feel your pain.
When I first got my 1966 Mustang (back in 1987) I spent an entire summer working full time to get enough money to do a restoration on it. I spent close to $10k at the time to replace the 2 rear panels, 2 front panels, and full body work and a nice candy apple red paint job. I had the car for 3 days and took the car to work. I came back 8 hours later and they had keyed both sides of the car, from front to rear, the hood and trunk and they had jumped on the roof and caved it in, and they pulled the antenna out and tied it into a circle. I actually cried. I was 18 years old and I worked so hard for that car and it was destroyed in a day. I still wish to this day I would have caught them in the act. I could have plead justifiable homicide.