Has your ever NSX casued an accident?

25 August 2005
So today was the nicest day of the year so far here in Ohio. I take the NSX out for a drive in the early evening with my son.

We are driving in some traffic through our town and moving slowly, the traffic going the opposite way is stopped. A guy on a crotch rocket in the oncoming lane is rubber necking looking at my car and runs right into the back of a stopped car. Luckily he could not have been going more than 15-20 MPH, but it did cause some damage to the front of his bike and the bumper of the car he hit.

Everyone appeared to be ok, but I felt bad for the guy.

Public service announcement, keep your eyes on the road!
dammm that sucks , nsx timeless
I was sitting at a stop light and there was a van in the turning lane on the other side of the street, opposite me. When he turned the corner in front of me, he was just checking my car out, without looking where he was going and ran right into a 10 inch high meridian. He flattened his tire and his hub cap went running down the street. Probably bent his rim and for sure, threw his alignment right out of whack on that one.

91 NSX Red/Black
09 VW Jetta TDI White
not an accident, but saw a guy walk right into a shopping cart while I was driving through.
Hey Thumper I heard it was in the eighties in the Buckeye State today! Did your son start laughing? :tongue: Yea, I know, not P C but still, in a twisted way, sort of funny. ACD ain't a rock band.

In the county where I live, it was "crash-em-up" day, with no less than seven critical crashes occuring. And oh yeah, got to see a burned out 'Yota Camry which decided to consume itself in the M-14 EB passing lane 730 pm tonight on my way home.
I guess the body shops will love it.
Had a redneck chase me around a S curve and he ended up putting his truck in the ditch.

I just kept motoring on.
Some guy in a IS300 was rubber necking my S2000 and jumped the curb in a parking lot and hit a trash can. funny for me not for him.
At home depot 2 weeks ago...
I parked far away from everyone else, and as I was getting out, this big blue CRV tries to pull up next to me.
I guess she had second thoughts and decided to keep driving to another spot. She failed to notice the big diamond shaped planter in the middle of the two spots.

She smashed right into it with a loud clunk. I just sort of turned around and acted like nothing happened because... holy shit.
She sat there for a minute, then floored it forwards, hopping over the rest of the planter.

After she left, I noticed a guy staring at me and nodding his head a few spots over in his car. I went up to him and he said "holy shit... lucky she didnt hit your car, the whole other side that you couldn't see was smashed up." And he started laughing.

We talked for a bit, said he loves nsx's and that his neighbor just spent 70k on a crazy z06. Was a good chat.
Yes, My Silverstone....

I was out driving with my cousin one night and this girl pulled out of a restaurant.. I noticed she didnt have her lights on and positioned myself in the lane next to her to tell her as her windows were down. I was next to her and simply said he turn your lights on... she was on the phone and looked over at me and said thank you, and wow nice car... at this point there was a red light and i looked back and said hit your brakes... BAM she slammed in to the car infront of her... :eek: My cousin started laughing hysterical... thankfully it was a 10mph hit or less.