has your e-gf seen the NSX

I was told that I would be mowing lawns for the rest of my life:tongue:

WHen my friend's younger brother (about 10 years younger than I) got picked up by my friend, the vice principal noticed him. She remembered we used to be friends (still are actually) and asked about me. She was "shocked" to find out how I turned out. And even went so far as to mention that I was voted by the teachers as "2nd most likely to fail in life."

Now, that pisses me off. I know of at least two other complete morons that I went to high school with. I should have been voted 3rd at the most. Probably no higher than 5th. Definitely not 2nd.
WHen my friend's younger brother (about 10 years younger than I) got picked up by my friend, the vice principal noticed him. She remembered we used to be friends (still are actually) and asked about me. She was "shocked" to find out how I turned out. And even went so far as to mention that I was voted by the teachers as "2nd most likely to fail in life."

Now, that pisses me off. I know of at least two other complete morons that I went to high school with. I should have been voted 3rd at the most. Probably no higher than 5th. Definitely not 2nd.

When will school systems finally take note that the students who are the most radical and the least likely to take their seats when told to do so are the most likely to be successful. When will they take these students aside and grow their abilities instead of trying to snip them in the bud? :confused:

I hear this same story all the time about how the person least expected to succeed usually does succeed the most. There is only one person who has graduated from my high school who did better than I have. He is the CEO of a MAJOR company and he too was a total f-up in school. Further more I didn't even graduate from high school so I wouldn't even be able to compete in that contest anyways. When will there be emphasis placed on a persons true abilities and not just what the teacher want you to learn.

I remember sitting in school (American History) thinking what the hell does any of this matter me, my two sisters and mother don't have a refrigerator to keep our food in. I don't need to be sitting here learning crap that I can't change when there are things I could be changing by working.

Don't get me wrong I think school is a essential for a lot of people but there are a few people who just don't need anything past the basic principles of knowledge. Unless of course you want to get a job which I knew I never wanted. What the hell good is a degree to someone who does not want a job?

I am sure I will get some shit for this but it really is how I feel. Trust me I know a Doctor needs a degree and I wouldn't want a person doing surgery on me that doesn't have a degree. But even a doctor has to show up to work every day and on days he doesn't want to show up. JUST LIKE SCHOOL!!! My whole goal has always been to do what I want to do when I want to do it, not when I get a hall pass.
That comment just made my week, thanks dude
Not a problem I can keep em coming if you want. :biggrin: :biggrin:

I think when we roll by her place we should have the top down on the car and no fewer then 3 strippers hanging out of the car too. Maybe instead of a donut we can do a heart shaped burnout then spit on it. Look her in the eye and say YOU! Then we can order a bunch of anchovy pizzas to her address.

BWahahahaha. Steve, you kill me.
When will school systems finally take note that the students who are the most radical and the least likely to take their seats when told to do so are the most likely to be successful. When will they take these students aside and grow their abilities instead of trying to snip them in the bud? :confused:

I hear this same story all the time about how the person least expected to succeed usually does succeed the most. There is only one person who has graduated from my high school who did better than I have. He is the CEO of a MAJOR company and he too was a total f-up in school. Further more I didn't even graduate from high school so I wouldn't even be able to compete in that contest anyways. When will there be emphasis placed on a persons true abilities and not just what the teacher want you to learn.

I remember sitting in school (American History) thinking what the hell does any of this matter me, my two sisters and mother don't have a refrigerator to keep our food in. I don't need to be sitting here learning crap that I can't change when there are things I could be changing by working.

Don't get me wrong I think school is a essential for a lot of people but there are a few people who just don't need anything past the basic principles of knowledge. Unless of course you want to get a job which I knew I never wanted. What the hell good is a degree to someone who does not want a job?

I am sure I will get some shit for this but it really is how I feel. Trust me I know a Doctor needs a degree and I wouldn't want a person doing surgery on me that doesn't have a degree. But even a doctor has to show up to work every day and on days he doesn't want to show up. JUST LIKE SCHOOL!!! My whole goal has always been to do what I want to do when I want to do it, not when I get a hall pass.


I did graduate but it was VERY tough for me to do so, Everything I was supposed to "learn" was pointless to me! I knew at a very young age when I was subleting one of my 30 grass cutting jobs a week to my friends and still making 50% of what the customer was paying me that I would not do to well in school nor go to college. :biggrin: I was bringing home more cash a week than my mom was at age 14:biggrin: SHE WAS PISSED!!!!

Anyway I agree with you that every child is different, Some need the conventional schooling and other just will never respond to that, they will simply go threw the motions and then do their thing when they get out of school.

I LOVE seeing people I went to school with:tongue: :tongue:

I did graduate but it was VERY tough for me to do so, Everything I was supposed to "learn" was pointless to me! I knew at a very young age when I was subleting one of my 30 grass cutting jobs a week to my friends and still making 50% of what the customer was paying me that I would not do to well in school nor go to college. :biggrin: I was bringing home more cash a week than my mom was at age 14:biggrin: SHE WAS PISSED!!!!

Anyway I agree with you that every child is different, Some need the conventional schooling and other just will never respond to that, they will simply go threw the motions and then do their thing when they get out of school.

I LOVE seeing people I went to school with:tongue: :tongue:

Yep, I had a ton of lawns to and had all my buddies mowing them including my gym teacher, he worked for me all summer. You have to be a people person. A lot of people are just afraid to approach people and find work.

Few people are good at management and that is where the real money is. Take any doctor or lawyer they make lots of money but if they were to start their own clinic or firm that is where the real loot is. It's true of just about any profession.
When will school systems finally take note that the students who are the most radical and the least likely to take their seats when told to do so are the most likely to be successful. When will they take these students aside and grow their abilities instead of trying to snip them in the bud? :confused:

I hear this same story all the time about how the person least expected to succeed usually does succeed the most. There is only one person who has graduated from my high school who did better than I have. He is the CEO of a MAJOR company and he too was a total f-up in school. Further more I didn't even graduate from high school so I wouldn't even be able to compete in that contest anyways. When will there be emphasis placed on a persons true abilities and not just what the teacher want you to learn.

I remember sitting in school (American History) thinking what the hell does any of this matter me, my two sisters and mother don't have a refrigerator to keep our food in. I don't need to be sitting here learning crap that I can't change when there are things I could be changing by working.

Don't get me wrong I think school is a essential for a lot of people but there are a few people who just don't need anything past the basic principles of knowledge. Unless of course you want to get a job which I knew I never wanted. What the hell good is a degree to someone who does not want a job?

I am sure I will get some shit for this but it really is how I feel. Trust me I know a Doctor needs a degree and I wouldn't want a person doing surgery on me that doesn't have a degree. But even a doctor has to show up to work every day and on days he doesn't want to show up. JUST LIKE SCHOOL!!! My whole goal has always been to do what I want to do when I want to do it, not when I get a hall pass.

Enjoyed reading this.

I have always believed in the saying:
" Don't let School get in the way of your Education.
Don't let Education systems dictate your LEARNING. "
Sarge, high school was SOOOO long ago...you should have a whole new list of girls to get over. :biggrin: :biggrin:

You have a great attitude and we are proud to have someone like you serve for our country.
One of my ex-gfs bought one of those fat@ss, no-options Mustangs and enjoyed blasting past me as I trundled down the road in my old Civic.:redface:
Thanks, Sarge, I hadn't thought of this before -- now that I've got the NSX, I'll keep an eye out for her.:biggrin:
For anyone unfamiliar with the Chappelle Show from Comedy Central a few years back, I suggest you buy or rent all three seasons (2 real seasons plus the 'lost episodes') on DVD or watch as much as you can on the CC website.

The ex-gf skit is the tip of the iceberg and probably doesn't even qualify for the top 20 of the best skits on that show.

BTW, the title of this thread (e-gf) makes me think electronic-girlfriend, not ex-girlfriend, which would be an amusing thread in and of itself.
Yep, I had a ton of lawns to and had all my buddies mowing them including my gym teacher, he worked for me all summer. You have to be a people person. A lot of people are just afraid to approach people and find work.

Few people are good at management and that is where the real money is. Take any doctor or lawyer they make lots of money but if they were to start their own clinic or firm that is where the real loot is. It's true of just about any profession.

LOL, I did the same thing too, no teachers but I was 11 and was making more then my mom working at wallmart. Ryan's grass cutting service, You grow it I mow it! I did have 3-4 people working for me at the time thought. America is really easy to make money if you just get off your ass and put in the EFFORT. As you know Steve just like trading, no matter how smart you are you just have to get it and put in your time and control your emotions.
Growing out my mullet as we speak, should be ready to go in 2 months.

HAHA! I thought about bringing back the mullet myself for fun but was warned by friends of possible beat downs and not being invited out for drinks and stuff anymore. Hence the plans were squashed. :tongue: :biggrin:
LOL, I did the same thing too, no teachers but I was 11 and was making more then my mom working at wallmart. Ryan's grass cutting service, You grow it I mow it! I did have 3-4 people working for me at the time thought. America is really easy to make money if you just get off your ass and put in the EFFORT. As you know Steve just like trading, no matter how smart you are you just have to get it and put in your time and control your emotions.

I don't think it is as easy in big cities because so many people are willing to work for very little money.
Regarding the first post, I used to want to impress my ex-girlfriends. Now I just like to impress random girls that I want to be my girlfriend, even if I only want them for a night. New girls are better than ex's
I tend to keep good distances from ex's once they're an ex no need to have the around. I would be indifferent as to whether they were impressed or not as again they're an ex:confused:

Of course I'm known for being a cold callous bastard anyway:biggrin:
All these comments above Ex - GF's but no pics.:tongue:

Where is my "This Thread is Worthless Without Pics" Sig.:biggrin:
Ok Sarge... sorry about the "this guy will be a cop" line. I just know a ton of cops and they all seem like they are trying to stick it to everyone because they got picked on or some $hit. Seemed like a natural progresssion. :wink:

I will say that I drove my car back to my college homecoming this past fall.
I pulled it right up in front of the old bar we used to hang out in. Neon bar lights reflecting off the windows and paint. It felt pretty baller. And I'll also admit that I've slain more than my share of girls that wouldn't give me the time of day in H.S. But I started that mission before I bought my car, so credit me, not the X :cool:
its all good dude. you know I was the nice guy +100. and about the time I was 22 or so I figured hell with that $hit and just did a 180. said what I thought about/to women. funny thing is that RUDE works. not every time but more than not. basically the girls that wants a nice guy, DOES NOT, I just figured out how to play their game. They dont even understand how they work. After I got a clue, things worked out fine. Take care
its all good dude. you know I was the nice guy +100. and about the time I was 22 or so I figured hell with that $hit and just did a 180. said what I thought about/to women. funny thing is that RUDE works. not every time but more than not. basically the girls that wants a nice guy, DOES NOT, I just figured out how to play their game. They dont even understand how they work. After I got a clue, things worked out fine. Take care

Lucky you finding that out at such a young age. Took me until I was almost 30. :biggrin:
its all good dude. you know I was the nice guy +100. and about the time I was 22 or so I figured hell with that $hit and just did a 180. said what I thought about/to women. funny thing is that RUDE works. not every time but more than not. basically the girls that wants a nice guy, DOES NOT, I just figured out how to play their game. They dont even understand how they work. After I got a clue, things worked out fine. Take care

Isn't that the truth.