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Group Buy: Short(er) Antenna Replacement - Guppy Attack

Can you show a picture of this step? :)

4. For the power splice, I used an alligator clip which pinches the pink/white wire to the blue wire supplied. I did this so that this is reversible and I do not damage the OEM connector.

Basically - this:

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Basically - this:


AKA quick splice

They sell huge bags of them at Fry's electronics, or radioshack will sell you a dozen for the same price.

Any installed pics of the antenna? I was thinking about starting a thread in Picture Gallery for Guppy Attack 'installed' images.
AKA quick splice

They sell huge bags of them at Fry's electronics, or radioshack will sell you a dozen for the same price.

Any installed pics of the antenna? I was thinking about starting a thread in Picture Gallery for Guppy Attack 'installed' images.

No pics, I'll get the camera out this weekend.
Thanks Hijacker and scopr965. I'll need to drive to Fry's to get those for the cable split. I'm done for the day as I'll work on the inside wiring next time. It's just too HOT outside. I have been sweating in the garage doing this :)

Here are some pics.



AKA quick splice

They sell huge bags of them at Fry's electronics, or radioshack will sell you a dozen for the same price.

Any installed pics of the antenna? I was thinking about starting a thread in Picture Gallery for Guppy Attack 'installed' images.
Scorp, are they still available? I just found you this a.m. and for some time, I've been looking for a shorty antenna. Please save one for me if still available. My username is bentonae and I'm a plat charter member of Prime.

Scorp, are they still available? I just found you this a.m. and for some time, I've been looking for a shorty antenna. Please save one for me if still available. My username is bentonae and I'm a plat charter member of Prime.


There's is another thread right next to this one for Group Buy #2...
Did anyone do any water testing after the installation?

I have bad news with mine because I noticed a good amount of water went through down the cable inside the car :(

I did some testing and found out where my leak area.

Rubber Gasket - This piece is fine when I covered everything above it..no leak. However, I started getting leak around the Antenna base:
Antenna base (the top base) plus the piece that goes on top of the Antenna base..those two are my problem child. When I tried to tighten the scren, the second piece above the Antenna base moves along my turn and then I can see a hole gap.

I took a hose and just flood the antenna over with water. Don't sprinkle the antenna... Can someone else test this and report back? Make sure all your cables are tape up to avoid electrical issue.

I hope someone is able to come up with a solution because I really like this antenna. Maybe spray the plastic dip? :)

Let me try to take some pictures of it.




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Can someone please confirm if the installation of this product leaks? I am hoping that maybe this is just an isolated incident from a possible defective part. (My car is currently in the shop so I do not have access to install my unit).

Scorp965 - Does your installed unit leak any water?

Can someone please confirm if the installation of this product leaks? I am hoping that maybe this is just an isolated incident from a possible defective part. (My car is currently in the shop so I do not have access to install my unit).

Scorp965 - Does your installed unit leak any water?


I have had the antenna on my car for about a month, and have washed it maybe 3-4 times, without issue.

The bottom piece is a flexible rubber gasket, so perhaps give the 19mm nut an extra turn to increase compression. If it's not leaking from the gasket, it must be a tiny trickle working its way down the threads, since it's being hit with a direct flow of pressured 'test' water. I can't imagine a real-world situation where this type of direct flow would hit the antenna, perhaps driving through a hurricane, but in any case the Antenna electronics are sealed, away from this area, so it's not a concern. The tiny amount of moisture which can bypass the antenna will evaporate on its own, or drain out of the water drainage hole directly below the assembly, intended for this purpose.

As we all know, the NSX trunk is not an air-tight chamber, and even the factory antenna is surrounded by drainage tubes and drip collectors, since it also experiences a slight degree of leakage. None of these components are water tight, they're intended more to guide the general direction of water towards the drainage hole.

If you, or any one for that matter, who has one they aren't pleased with, let me know. My 92 OEM antenna is pathetic and needs to be shredded! Either way, put me on the 2015 list or whichever one comes out next! BTW, are you coming to Colorado for the "PO?" If you bring a bunch of these antennae, you could pay for your trip. Keep me in the loop--Ben
I wish someone made a utube video of the removal of Oem antenna and installation of this antenna, I think with at least 150 member purchasing a lot of members would benefit, since most of us myself included are not very DIY'er and to avoid wrong installation step
John said he just washed his car again and he had zero water leak.

I guess I'm just an isolated problem. I attempted to take it apart and re-tighten everything and made sure I position it where I didn't see any visible gap. I put a hose of water over it for about 3 seconds...

There is gotta be a way to sealed this baby up....

Here is the result...


John, happen to have a solution for us ppl who want to get rid of the antenna all together? I can't remember the last time I listed to the radio in the NSX.

We use these aluminum sealed hole covers at work that would probably look good if you had them color matched. Ours would be too large for this but i am sure they make smaller ones. If your interested i can try to find them for you. Just need to know the hole size.


As we all know, the NSX trunk is not an air-tight chamber, and even the factory antenna is surrounded by drainage tubes and drip collectors, since it also experiences a slight degree of leakage. None of these components are water tight, they're intended more to guide the general direction of water towards the drainage hole.

fyi. The reason for the drain tubes on oem power antennas is to remove the water that bypasses the mast. Since they are retractable the mast isn't sealed from the outside. Instead they use a chamber on the assembly to route the water out the tube. Any drain holes or drip collectors below would be for condensation from the assembly. A little condensation is normal but the oem antenna shouldn't leak.

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John said he just washed his car again and he had zero water leak.

I guess I'm just an isolated problem. I attempted to take it apart and re-tighten everything and made sure I position it where I didn't see any visible gap. I put a hose of water over it for about 3 seconds...

There is gotta be a way to sealed this baby up....

Here is the result...

Here's the cellphone pic I took right after washing my car, earlier Today:

It's completely dry. During rinsing I sprayed the antenna with an extra couple of bursts of water, and I use a wet-wax, which requires the car be kept wet while waxing panel to panel. I felt around with my hand for moisture and a there was no water I could detect.

I'm thinking the problem with Chris's antenna might have something to do with the orientation of the base pieces.

This is how I have mine oriented, with no gaps and a slight rear sweep - it pivots about 15 degrees, from top to back:

Had the same problem....I checked mine after reading your post. It took about 3 attempts of unscrewing the nut and re-positioning the black dome thng underneath it and that fixed it for me. The black dome thing has a lot of movement under it, so it has to be positioned just right or a little water will get in.

I turned on my radio after I installed but hadn't hooked up the power and I got all but one station. I then used the aligator clip to hook up the power and I still get all the same stations with the exception of the one station, so hooking up the power did nothing for me.

It does look GREAT on the car, loving this so much more than my stock flag pole :biggrin:

John said he just washed his car again and he had zero water leak.

I guess I'm just an isolated problem. I attempted to take it apart and re-tighten everything and made sure I position it where I didn't see any visible gap. I put a hose of water over it for about 3 seconds...

There is gotta be a way to sealed this baby up....

Here is the result...



Thanks for the information. Can you tell me which one is the black dome? People use different name for all the pieces, and I'm not sure which one you are referring to. Much appreciated if you can fix my problem.

Which one is the black dome?


Had the same problem....I checked mine after reading your post. It took about 3 attempts of unscrewing the nut and re-positioning the black dome thng underneath it and that fixed it for me. The black dome thing has a lot of movement under it, so it has to be positioned just right or a little water will get in.

I turned on my radio after I installed but hadn't hooked up the power and I got all but one station. I then used the aligator clip to hook up the power and I still get all the same stations with the exception of the one station, so hooking up the power did nothing for me.

It does look GREAT on the car, loving this so much more than my stock flag pole :biggrin:
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Number 2


Thanks for the information. Can you tell me which one is the black dome? People use different name for all the pieces, and I'm not sure which one you are referring to. Much appreciated if you can fix my problem.

Which one is the black dome?

thanks. I attempted it to move around, but mine is still leaking. Even the antenna is pivoting to the side as I continue to move it around and attempted about 5x times already with no luck. My prefer angle is to have the antenna pivot 15 degree pointing backward. I don't know how water can get through it as I can't see any visible hole around that area. I know the area between 1 /2 and 2/3 are the problem child for me where water escapes inside.

I was thinking about buying a clear bathroom sealant and put it inside and and move to the desire direction and tighten it up and let it dry.

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My number 3 is sitting further forward on number 2 than in your picture.

thanks. I attempted it to move around, but mine is still leaking. Even the antenna is pivoting to the side as I continue to move it around and attempted about 5x times already with no luck. My prefer angle is to have the antenna pivot 15 degree pointing backward. I don't know how water can get through it as I can't see any visible hole around that area. I know the area between 1 /2 and 2/3 are the problem child for me where water escapes inside.

I was thinking about buying a clear bathroom sealant and put it inside and and move to the desire direction and tighten it up and let it dry.
Did everyone receive their antennas already? I'm here in NY and while the usps site/tracking says its been delivered, I haven't received the box. I'm hoping the site is wrong and its just going to take a day or two longer. Figured it was awfully quick for usps to get the box from CA to NY in 2 days according to the tracking info.

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