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Group Buy: Short(er) Antenna Replacement - Guppy Attack - ROUND 5

installed mine for a few wks now.. great product, fast shipping.. as far as reception i noticed that its not as good as the stock antenna probably due to it be so short? if you listen to the radio alot like i do you may loose signal more often vs stock, but even with that it was worth it. looks much better
We're machining and powder-coating some masts right now, the amplified base is a part discontinued by Metra, which we modify into this antenna.

We ordered a case last year, and after the success of the first GB, bought out the remaining six cases from Metra. We're getting near the end of our supply, after which we can manufacture no more antennas.

Everytime we create a new GB, it's machining and powdercoating masts, then taking the time to assemble antennas.

We're happy to offer this product to NSXprime members, and should have an update in a few weeks (we'll create a new thread).
Scorp965 any more group buys, I am interested in one as well.