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Group Buy: Short(er) Antenna Replacement - Guppy Attack - ROUND 5

No power with radio on. I have an aftermarket deck so I'm assuming this is why. Possibly not connected right or not supported. The little blue and withe wire beside always has power even when the car is off. Can I connect to that one or will drain the battery.
I missed it, but should anyone not pay, or have changed their minds I would take and pay for their order.


We still have a few left over from the Group Buy, there's a PayPal link in the first thread if you would like to purchase one at $50 shipped.

Just installed this last night! Looks awesome.. Just couldn't use the one ridged spacer because I couldn't get enough threads exposed with it on.. Works fine without it..
Got mine, thanks for such prompt shipping. Is there an install guide?
Sorry, I forgot about this completely, can I still be able to purchase one?
