
The MT-5 can handle HDTV signals just fine.
The only downside of the MT-5 is that the SVGA is not up to par with XGA projectors in terms of resolution. For DVD/Direct TV viewing, SVGA projectors are the best in handling 480p resolution. For HDTV viewing, XGA projectors are the best to handle the 1280i resolution. Unless you are an HDTV buff, you don't really "need" the extra resolution. Here's the trade-off:

SVGA (toshiba): DVD/satellite = perfect picture; HDTV = you get a few artifacts

XGA (Epson): DVD/satellite = few artifacts; HDTV = perfect picture

Mind you, like I said, even though SVGA doesn't have as high a resolution as an XGA does, it can handle HDTV just fine because it is "HDTV-compatible" and will STILL yield an excellent picture.

Here's an honest and fair review of the Infocus LS110 projector (this is the exact same clone projector as the Toshiba MT5):

InFocus ScreenPlay 110
Evan Powell, ProjectorCentral, February 5, 2002

Seems like every new DLP projector with a decent contrast ratio catches the attention of home theater enthusiasts these days. Add the words "Faroudja delinterlacing" onto the spec sheet, and the market is even more interested. But bring the retail price in below $5,000 and suddenly home theater buyers everywhere are feverish in anticipation.

That's what we have with the InFocus Screenplay 110. Initially released as the LS110 and quickly renamed, the Screenplay 110 is the first serious attempt by commercial projector-maker InFocus to create a product specifically for the home theater market.

We first saw this projector at CES in Las Vegas a few weeks ago and the demo looked great. We could hardly wait to get one into the lab for a closer look. We've had it in-house for the last week now, and we are able to give you a more thorough assessment.

Product Overview

The Screenplay 110 is built on the same physical chassis as the InFocus LP530, which is an XGA-resolution commercial presentation product. They look identical from the outside. But that is about where the similarities end. Inside, the Screenplay 110 features the new 848 x 600 "dual mode" DLP chip from Texas Instruments, instead of the XGA chip. The 848 x 600 resolution chip is called "dual mode" because it will handle 16:9 video material in a native widescreen 848 x 480 format, and 4:3 material in 800 x 600 format.

The big advantage of the 848 x 600 resolution is that there is no scaling required for the 480-line widescreen material that you get from a DVD. No scaling means no scaling artifacts, and no softening of the image in the scaling process. The result, quite obvious on the screen, is that the Screenplay 110 delivers a very clear, razor sharp picture.

This projector has a brightness rating of 1000 ANSI lumens and contrast of 600:1. Thus it is intended for use in a home theater setting in which ambient light is controlled and the viewing room is dark. It is HDTV 1080i and 720p compatible. Unlike many InFocus products, this one will also accept 480p from an external line doubler or progressive scan DVD player.

The Screenplay 110 has a 4x speed color wheel that virtually eliminates the motion color artifacts (rainbow effect) that many users have found irritating on earlier DLP projectors.

The 220-watt lamp has a life of 2000 hours, which is an improvement over many DLP-based products that have 1000-hour lamps. Audible fan noise is noticeable if you listen for it, but it is low in pitch and easy to become unconscious of even with the unit sitting on a shelf directly behind your head.


The strength of the Screenplay 110 is the beautifully sharp, stable widescreen picture that derives from the fundamental advantage of not having to scale or compress the video signal to maintain the 16:9 format. On a standard SVGA 800 x 600 projector, the 480 lines of 16:9 video on the DVD must be compressed into 450 lines of the display. Or in the case of an XGA (1024 x 768) resolution product, the 16:9 image must be scaled up to 576 lines. While compression and scaling have gotten much better than they used to be, the ability to paint the video signal onto the display in its native 480-line format yields an image that is unrivaled in clarity. Friends and neighbors will be blown away by the resolution of the Screenplay 110's image.

Contrast, at 600:1, is not quite as high as we've seen on other DLP projectors in the past year. But it is a definite step up in performance compared to the mass of LCD projectors that come in around 400:1. Nevertheless, one of the several high-contrast gray screens currently available from Stewart, Da-lite, Vu-tec, and Draper are definitely recommended as companions to this unit.

DLP technology is famous for reducing pixel visibility and largely eliminating the "screendoor effect" that is a problem with LCD projectors, particularly in SVGA-class machines. On the Screenplay 110, at a reasonable viewing distance, there is no screendoor effect at all in the video image. However, one will notice pixel structure in text—opening and closing credits, subtitles, and so forth. If you sit too close to the screen, pixels become visible in the image as well. The ideal viewing distance for this projector is double the screen width.

Speaking of screens, this should be treated as a native 16:9 projector that requires a 16:9 format screen for best results. Forget about running 4:3 in the 800 x 600 pixel matrix. It should be run in 640 x 480, which basically sets the 4:3 image in the center of the 16:9 screen. The advantage once again is that the picture is displayed without any scaling, as 640 x 480 is the native format for NTSC.

There is room for improvement on the Screenplay 110, but mostly in non-image related areas. For example, the evaluaton unit we had would not respond to the remote when bouncing it off the screen. We had to point the remote at the projector itself to get a response, and we had to be within about 8 feet of the projector before getting a reliable IR connection that caused the projector to respond to every click on the remote. Furthermore the front IR sensor is on top of the unit, not on the front bezel. So mounting the projector behind a rear projection wall or putting it in a hush box on the ceiling is not advised if you intend to control it via the remote. Fortunately, fan noise is not bothersome enough to require this kind of set up to defeat it.

As with many projectors, the menus are somewhat cumbersome. To adjust the contrast setting for example, one needs to enter the menu two levels deep, then click down to highlight the contrast control, then select the contrast control, then adjust it, then deselect the contrast control, then skip up to the exit menu, and click back out to the top to get the menu to disappear. With a little effort this interface could be improved quite a bit.

The Screenplay 110 is rather slow to recognize a change in signal format. The good news is that it will eventually figure it out automatically. But if you switch from 480p to 480i for example, it can take 30 seconds or longer to recognize the new signal and synch on it.

One final observation is that there is an unfortunate amount of extraneous light that emerges from the front exhaust grill. If there is any single indicator that this product is designed by a commercial manufacturer, light leakage from the front of the unit is it. No high-end home theater brand would allow this on their products, and InFocus designers would do well to take a cue from them in this regard. The problem is that extraneous scattered light in the viewing room will tend to reduce contrast performance on the screen. If you cap the lens and move your hand in front of the grill, you can see the base level of black change on the screen. This should not happen.

However, having said that, we must put this in perspective. First, the light leakage is not as bad as it was on the LP350 and LP340. Second, the new high-contrast gray screens tend to mitigate the effect. So ultimately the impact on contrast is subtle. Nevertheless, since contrast is all-important, anything that tends to work against the attainment of maximum contrast performance is undesirable.

The Competition

At this writing there are two other home theater projectors with the 848 x 600 DLP chip, the PLUS Piano HE-3100 ($2,995) and the SIM2 HT200 DM ($10,995). The Screenplay 110 at $4,999 is well positioned in terms of price/performance between these two.

With respect to the PLUS Piano, the Screenplay 110 offers a substantial edge in light output (1000 vs. 450 ANSI lumens), so it is capable of illuminating a larger screen. Due to its brightness it is also more tolerant of a small amount of ambient light, though we would recommend avoiding it if possible. The Screenplay 110 is HDTV and 480p compatibility, whereas the Piano is not. And a good HDTV source on the Screenplay 110 looks amazingly high definition despite the 480-line physical resolution. Therefore, for those willing to step up their investment to get HDTV capability and extra lumen output, the Screenplay 110 is a great alternative.

As far as the SIM2 HT200 DM is concerned, the basic performance specs between it and the Screenplay 110 are quite similar. Both are rated at 600:1 contrast with the same physical resolution on the chip. Both are HDTV and 480p compatible. The Screenplay 110 has a slight edge in brightness (1000 vs. 800 ANSI lumens).

In comparing the two, the HT200 DM is quite obviously a more polished home theater product. It offers a variety of features that the Screenplay 110 does not. Among them are a more elegant case design, power zoom and focus lens, more extensive connectivity, a lower wattage 6000 hour lamp, no light leaks, almost silent fan noise, and a more user-friendly menu system.

However, when it gets down to a comparison of image quality between the Screenplay 110 and the HT200 DM, there really isn't much of a difference. So in essence buyers who pay the additional $6,000 for the HT200 DM will be for the most part investing in additional convenience, the longer life lamp, the looks of the projector itself rather than the picture on the screen.


Its various flaws and idiosyncrasies notwithstanding, the ultimate measure of any projector is image quality. And overall, the Screenplay 110 is a pure joy to watch. All things considered it is an outstanding performer in the under $5,000 price class, and ProjectorCentral is pleased to give it an enthusiastic recommendation.


I'm not trying to sell you this product. Merely explaining why I chose it over an XGA projector. But if you like a native 16:9 panel instead of a dual 16:9/4:3 panel in your projector, by all means go with the Epson or whichever projector suits you best.

I'm just glad to hear that you chose to go with front projection set-up for your home theater. Some folks really don't know what they are missing.

And when you do get your set-up, undoubtedly, you will be excited to share this experience with those around you and would want them to get into what you just discovered--like I do with you!

Good luck and happy searching!
Thanks again Joel.
I ran into a guy at a track event this past weekend who does home theater for Phillips. He had good things to say about the MT-5. I also looked around for articles and have been talking to some friends who are more into this than myself.
Looks like I will be purchasing the MT-5...sounds like the perfect projector for me.

Any suggestions on where to get one?
How about AVMall?

- Don

I see you are still set on the Sharp Z9000, eh?! Guess what. You can get it for $4900!
(over $8000 here in U.S.)

Check out PriceJapan

Here's the thing. You buy it straight from Japan and save over $3,000.

Here's the catch: The warranty is only good in Japan. So if you experience any problems, you have to send it back there. Cost is around $300 to ship back and forth.

Some people bought from Japan and seem to be happy with it and experiencing few if not zero problems with their projectors. They swear by the dealer who runs the website. From what I gather, he seems to be an honest, legit businessman.

Transactions are done through wire transfers. Once he clears it, the projector is shipped from Tokyo to your doorstep in 3 days! That's fast.

Anyways, thought I'd just throw that out your way.

There are few dealers out there that will sell them cheap, but I cannot say I am comfortable to vouch for any of them.

Except one.

Do yourself a favor and sign up for membership at AVSforum if you haven't already. It only takes a few minutes to register and it's free.

Then, use the search button and look for a guy named "Jason Turk." He is a moderator of AVSforum and sells projectors. As I understand, he can get you any projector, screen, or any knick-knacks you need for home theater set-ups for a discounted price. Membership does have it's advantages!

If you wish, search around the internet to look for different prices including AVMall. Chances are, whatever price Jason quotes you will be the lowest you'll find.

But--whatever you do, NEVER buy direct from the manufacturer. They are sticklers about staying close to the MSRP price as much as possible and will not budge, even though you tell them you found THEIR projector at a lower price somewhere else! That's just the nature of the business.

Now, once you get your projector, your membership will begin to pay off and get involved in discussions in the forum. Ask a LOT of questions. Go to the appropriate subcategories in the forums and post your inquiries there...and you WILL have questions. Trust me! Maybe you will even save some money by doing some of the stuff you need for your theater yourself. I know because instead of forking over and extra $500- $1200 for a manufacturer made movie screen, I can make my own for less than $200. I learned from other people who experimented with all sorts of stuff in there. It's incredible what you can learn. I'm going to go through Jason and purchase the actual screen material itself and just build a frame from Home Depot to attach itself to. No problem. If and when you need a screen, hit me up again and I'll tell you which is the best screen to go with your MT5.

I'm kinda jealous of you because when I bought my projector, the MT5 hasn't been released yet. You'll be getting it for far cheaper than I did!

One more thing, choose your projector wisely and make sure it's the one you want. Some dealers charge steep prices for re-stocking fees if and when you decide to return them. Others may not. It just depends who you're dealing with. Ask ahead of time if they do.

Now, go for it!
Spoke with Jason Turk.
He sold me the Infocus LS110 for $3500.
I also bought a ceiling mount from him.

Thanks for the referral...the total for the projector + ceiling mount + shipping was less than AV Mall's best price on the projector alone.

Thanks for all the help...and now another addiction is born....
Boy, that was fast!

Just like that, eh?

No..."Let's wait and see."
No..."I gotta check with my wife first?"

I want your paycheck!

ps: Did Jason recommended the LS110 over the MT5? Or is it that he didn't have any in stock?
He said (and I had read) that the Toshiba is identical to the Infocus, just re-badged.
He cannot get the Toshiba, but had the Infocus.
Hmmm... I used to think my setup was ok, but it is getting a little long in the tooth.

35" RCA TV (old, but ok for my room)
Yamaha DSP A-1 Amp/Decoder
Yamaha Tuner

Definitive Technology BP-3000TL front speakers (awesome)
DefTech C/L/R3000 center speaker
Infinity Ref-5 Rear speakers (left over)
Left over Sonys for front surround

Pioneer DVD player
Mitsubishi Laser Disc Player
Pioneer 18 disc CD changer (sigh, uses cartridges I had in my old car)
Panasonic S-VHS VCR

TiVo upgraded to 120 hours (unbelievable)
Originally posted by Joel:

I see you are still set on the Sharp Z9000, eh?! Guess what. You can get it for $4900!
(over $8000 here in U.S.)

Check out PriceJapan

Here's the thing. You buy it straight from Japan and save over $3,000.

Here's the catch: The warranty is only good in Japan. So if you experience any problems, you have to send it back there. Cost is around $300 to ship back and forth.

Some people bought from Japan and seem to be happy with it and experiencing few if not zero problems with their projectors. They swear by the dealer who runs the website. From what I gather, he seems to be an honest, legit businessman.

Transactions are done through wire transfers. Once he clears it, the projector is shipped from Tokyo to your doorstep in 3 days! That's fast.

Anyways, thought I'd just throw that out your way.

Wow! I have never heard of that. It is a little scary IMO.
Well, my set up is the following.

Martin logan THEATER center channel
Marting logan ASCENT front speakers
Martin logan AEON rear speakers
Velodyne RFR12 Sub
onkyo dvd 939 pro scan top of line from onkyo
B&K reference 7270 200wats/chan AMP
synergestic reference power cord,worth$2000
mitsubishi 55'hdtv
sony HD-100 hi/def satellite receiver.
DH-LABS speakers cables.
plus senergistic power cord on all my front speakers,dvd.ect.

Well i don't own this home theater system but my cousins husband. Spent aroung 12K on a hometheater system. He had to import it from another country since they didn't have the model he was looking for. It also has these huge speaker. We have yet seen a movie on it since we don't go out much but i expect it to be a wonderful experience.

I have a question. I thought video games systems can't be used on projection systems.
So I've finally replaced all the computer monitors and bedroom TVs with LCD panels. The only tube left is in the den TV which I'd like to replace with a 40" - 50" panel. What's the e-ticket ride in plasma or LCD screens in the $5K ballpark. I've heard that the plasma screens are short lived, but since the TV standards are a moving target, I'll be happy if it maintains brightness for a few years. Thanks in advance.
Loewe.....anyone have one of these?

I was at a high-end home entertainment store today, and was *very* impressed with this unit.

It is German made and so far, most people I've talked to say it is "better than Sony", largely because Loewe (pronounced, loo-va) is on their eighth generation digital TV.

Side-by-side, compared a Sony to Loewe and the German version is almost twice the Japanese version. Two major differences - can convert analog to digital within and format options eliminate the horizontal / vertical bars when dealing with 4:3 / 16:9 formats. No need to wait until 2006.

Opinions? Michigan?
The Loewe sets look beautiful with their picture turned OFF. I can't say about the picture when it is on, because I have not seen them in person. They have a pretty good reputation in the industry. I would check to see what the manufacturer's warranty is and then judge the picture using the 2 best calibrated instruments available today - your own eyes!

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by AndyVecsey:
Loewe.....anyone have one of these?

I was at a high-end home entertainment store today, and was *very* impressed with this unit.

It is German made and so far, most people I've talked to say it is "better than Sony", largely because Loewe (pronounced, loo-va) is on their eighth generation digital TV.

Side-by-side, compared a Sony to Loewe and the German version is almost twice the Japanese version. Two major differences - can convert analog to digital within and format options eliminate the horizontal / vertical bars when dealing with 4:3 / 16:9 formats. No need to wait until 2006.

Opinions? Michigan?

Andy just picked one out Friday, getting delivered Monday. The TV's are nice. Very clean pictures specs as you have stated. I was told basically the same things you were told. Also that they actually invented the T.V. They are nice. I could give you more feedback when it is installed, if you want.
Len - yes, I would like to know what your opinion is.

Dan - Perhaps it was the lighting, but the Loewe picture quality was better (not twice as much like the cost is
) than the Sony. At the angle I was standing at, the Loewe's image was somewhat approaching the quality of a plasma. Maybe that was my head playing tricks on me, since the plasma display was not side-by-side to the tube displays.

[This message has been edited by AndyVecsey (edited 13 October 2002).]

Plasma TVs picture quality has improved over the years (and its "hang on the wall" convienience can't be overlooked), but most in the industry would say that it doesn't approach the picture QUALITY of a good CRT. Make sure you are comparing the same size sets, and most importantly the same source (a plasma showing an HDTV picture WILL look better than CNN shown on a tube).

'91 Black/Black
Originally posted by Midnight_Raven:

I have a question. I thought video games systems can't be used on projection systems.

This is only true of CRT front projectors and CRT rear projection TV's. It's just the nature of the guns to "burn-in" a stationary image such as a TV logo for instance.

This does not apply towards DIGITAL projectors of the LCD and DLP types. You can enjoy hours upon hours of gaming without having to worry about burn-ins.
Originally posted by AndyVecsey:
Len - yes, I would like to know what your opinion is.

Dan - Perhaps it was the lighting, but the Loewe picture quality was better (not twice as much like the cost is
) than the Sony. At the angle I was standing at, the Loewe's image was somewhat approaching the quality of a plasma. Maybe that was my head playing tricks on me, since the plasma display was not side-by-side to the tube displays.

[This message has been edited by AndyVecsey (edited 13 October 2002).]

Andy, I have had the TV about a week now, and
I absolutely love it. It has a very clean look to it. A very true picture through my eyes. (20/20, not color blind) With a DVD player hooked up via SVGA or Component the picture is simply awesome. Now, price wise I would have to say check all of your options.
I got a screaming deal on mine. The picture seems to get better as the TV is used more.