getting the F-car itch...

Jack, you've got to be kidding. After all the soul searching and eventually ending up back with the NSX (and not driving it), you want to replace it with an F-car costing twice as much and that you admit you probably won't drive either; especially since you'll probably feel twice as guilty letting that odometer roll?

I think that if you're going to buy one toy car, you should drive it. Why put money in a depreciating asset only to have it sit in the garage like it was simply a larger model of what might sit on the shelf? Even with low mileage, it's still depreciating, albeit at a slower pace.

Maybe you could consider buying a '60s muscle car instead. This way it would at least be appreciating while sitting in your garage. :D

PS. You're crazy. ;)
lol point well taken:) wife saw me browsing ferrari's online last night, she says "i know what youre up to"....she was not the least bit happy lol
JAck I am moving on the same boat but with a G car the end of the year. :biggrin:

on topic:

What F car were/are you lurking? I love the F430 but can't justify that amount of money for just that car! The NSX has been the greatest car I have owned but I have the same feeling as Jack does, do to the car sitting and going under the knife. Appreciation/depreciation we only live once, trying new things isn't so bad. Ofcoarse the cars will not be as reliable, any car unless your looking at collectors with positive appreciation will depreciate faster than others. It is all on how patient the owner will wait to sell the car to the right person at the cost he won't take so much of hit on or better yet break even/gain money. Whatever way you can't go wrong either direction. You do have a prestine Rio banana NSX!


thinking either a 360, or possibly a gallardo...whatever it is, no egear lol..
If you aren't putting the miles on your NSX how many will you actually put on an Fcar? If you have fears of parking, people touching/scratching it those fears will be 10x on an Fcar. Maintenance on an Fcar needs to be done whether its driven or not. Stuff dries up. $$$

Can I ask if you recently came into a large sum of money? I know, personal question. I only ask because you bought this car, talk about buying another, and are moving to a newer, bigger house, when most people are just trying to keep status quo. If you HAVE come into some (for whatever reason) and can afford the Fcar, than by all means HELL YEAH get one.

PS Put me on the list for your car.

yes, my anal personality is getting the best of me...wife actually made an excellent suggestion, and I am considering it. she said to buy an NSX that has had some use on it, that has not been used as a garage queen. this way, I would actually use it myself, get some enjoyment out of it.

2nd part of your question, not really lol. just humming along with my day job. been saving for a larger house, almost bought one in feb '06, but we decided the market was going to turn (boy I didnt expect such a plunge).
bigger house is old news, just have not acted on it yet, thinking mid '09 for that.....then after that, i can put a new toy into that garage. the way i look at it, spending another $40-80k on top of what im into the nsx is not that big a deal in the big scheme of things. mainenance is another issue i know..
thinking either a 360, or possibly a gallardo...whatever it is, no egear lol..

A Gallardo is going to be in the same category although less hassle than a 360 for sure--which is even less hassle than the 355 SWIFTVISION writes about. Again, comparing the NSX to any of these Italian cars in this way is apples and oranges.

Seriously, there is nothing inherently wrong with making the jump as long as you know what you're getting into. I see no problem with you doing it as long as you are totally clear that any and all of these Italian cars are going to be less comfortable, less reliable, cost more and be more frequently unavailable to drive than an NSX.

If I could afford one and all that goes with it I would absolutely do it. As I said I would probably retain my NSX as my daily driver-toy and part-time the horse or bull. Unless I had 5 Ferraris or Lambos...:wink:

PS--if you can hold off buying a house until at least mid-09 you'll be rewarded handsomely for your patience.
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call me insane, but thinking of just simply buying an F-car....Not using my NSX the way it should be used, treating it like an F-car (i.e. never driving it), might as well just buy an F-car.....tell me im crazy lol....

yeah go for it bro!!!

oh sell me your gt1 exhaust first :biggrin:
well...i guess it's a Lambo raging bull...:biggrin:and its like Imola in color...
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I have been following your story of regretting selling your original car and then finding your dream, at that time, the almost new Yellow '05 and can't beleive that you are now selling an NSX again. The grass is always greener somewhere else isn't it? But in your case it appears the thrill of the hunt is where your joy is, but not the kill or the success of the hunt. I hope you realize that this will happen again, with whatever you buy.

The hunt for a car is the beginning of the courtship, you then have to use it to develop the true love and build on that relationship. By not driving the car you buy, which is what the car is intended for, you will never really develop the love and attachment that most DRIVERS acquire. At least you will be getting something that is better at being parked than driven, an F or L car.

Good luck in your search, sorry to see you plan to leave, you've been entertaining.

I think you should get the F-car or whatever in those standards but still keep toy NSX .. or @ least get a '97 nsx for mid 40's ,,,, so you'll have the best of both worlds ... remember, the F-car or lambo will only see the streets 4-5 times per year .. good luck ..
thank I am thinking lambo gallardo's going to be something this route...italian exotic, it's just calling my name lol

Hey Jack

Don't know if you are track guy but this is a good read. It's from the current issue of Road & Track. The Gallardo is impressive!

Roand & Track track test
You should get an R8. Better than any of these cars in the 120 price range and more rare too. It'll be my NSX daily driver replacement when I get back to Miami... they're gorgeous in person.

A Gallardo and the R8 are going to be similar in reliablity. Neither car has the best reliablity when it comes to any part of the electrical system.
thank I am thinking lambo gallardo's going to be something this route...italian exotic, it's just calling my name lol

That's exactly what I was thinking based on the price range mentioned. I think I'd rather have a gallardo than a 360. If the reliability of the Lambos is in fact better than the Ferraris, I think it'd be an easy choice for me.

The interior of any F-car older than the 360 is just ugly IMO. The Gallardo interior is gorgeous :biggrin:

Maybe you should rent a 360 for a weekend and see if you still want one.
I would absolutely take a Gallardo over a 360. The only Ferraris I'd get would be a 430 or 599 (saw a 599 today, actually :smile:).

I was under the impression the OP was looking at 430s. However if $125-150K is the price range I would definitely choose the Gallardo over the 360, hands down. I would not really encourage the OP to make the jump from his NSX to the 360.

R8's not a bad choice but I think the OP wants something with little flair to it and very much different than the NSX.

I have been following your story of regretting selling your original car and then finding your dream, at that time, the almost new Yellow '05 and can't beleive that you are now selling an NSX again. The grass is always greener somewhere else isn't it? But in your case it appears the thrill of the hunt is where your joy is, but not the kill or the success of the hunt. I hope you realize that this will happen again, with whatever you buy.

The hunt for a car is the beginning of the courtship, you then have to use it to develop the true love and build on that relationship. By not driving the car you buy, which is what the car is intended for, you will never really develop the love and attachment that most DRIVERS acquire. At least you will be getting something that is better at being parked than driven, an F or L car.

Good luck in your search, sorry to see you plan to leave, you've been entertaining.


I have to agree with Tytus on this one hence why I challenged Jack to drive his car every single day for at least 2 weeks to re-discover the love for the car. Problem is now, if he does sell the NSX, it will be even harder to find another low mileage example that's as pristine as his ad surely indicated his is.

You know I live in Dubai and do well for myself and the urge to step up into a Gallardo or R8 is there but you know what? I fell in love with the NSX for a reason and much like the relationship between driver and car it needs to be nurtured. Most of my mates who have GT3's or Gallardo's hardly drive them and they always buy and sell...
Didn't you search high and low for the NSX you have now, and if I am not mistaken you have not had it that long.

You my friend have what my friends and I call "the gots to have its". Nothing will cure it until you get the F-Car and then it will be quest for the Lambo, etc. etc.

F-Cars are nice but it will truely be a Garage Queen. My neighbor has one and it barely sees the light of day. I drive my NSX all the time and try to goat him into tagging along.

If you can do it, go for it. Just post pics when you do.
