getting the F-car itch...

If you can afford it, buy it.
Money is just money. Happiness is priceless.

You're only young once. Get the darn thing. Get me one while you're at it.
+1 on and wife were an inch to getting one before the NSX...i was even that close to buying a 360 owned by NIC CAGE while i was still in Vegas...We were in BH,CA about to sign on a yellow F430 spider and even a Lambo in Vegas again...after hearing what my renter in Vegas has to say (he was a Fcar driver in Miami before Vegas), we concluded that paying that much for maintenance and insurance is just not's my wife's dream car gift to me but no it aint practical to keep one right now...did a lot of thinking about this and we're ready but holding on still...i love my NSX that's why i keep getting one (it's my 3rd):biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:


no. nsx is not ferrari. i am sure that u wont own it so long since they are hella expensive to maintain. if u think u spent too much on nsx, u will complain when u spend much more than a used Ferrari.
this is why most people call them DREAM cars. that dream is just too costy.
peronsally, i really love F430. but i know it's something that requires a deep pocket seriously.
Investment in this particular case doesn't necessary mean $$$$$$$$ or losing money, yes buying @ 250K brand new it's losing instant money (i think is smart to buy a F-car "used" with 4K miles for 100K less) and this will be the case in any other form of vehicle, specially a exotic sportscars ... what you invest it's on a SMILE in your face, an instant gratification of achievement and happiness of an F-car, you like sportscars don't you? some people think NSX owners are crazy for spending 40K on a used 290HP car that has been since around since 91 instead of getting 400+ on a vette ... try to explain that also to the that your investment is not in HP but in a dream car of yours ...


Buying an exotic car or dream car is a big boy toy. It is not an investment.
JAck I am moving on the same boat but with a G car the end of the year. :biggrin:

on topic:

What F car were/are you lurking? I love the F430 but can't justify that amount of money for just that car! The NSX has been the greatest car I have owned but I have the same feeling as Jack does, do to the car sitting and going under the knife. Appreciation/depreciation we only live once, trying new things isn't so bad. Ofcoarse the cars will not be as reliable, any car unless your looking at collectors with positive appreciation will depreciate faster than others. It is all on how patient the owner will wait to sell the car to the right person at the cost he won't take so much of hit on or better yet break even/gain money. Whatever way you can't go wrong either direction. You do have a prestine Rio banana NSX!

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supra2nv, u probably dont know that how many HONDA owners will be jealous of your rio yellow NSX. :biggrin:
when i drive my nsx to CSU LA and PCC, there are so many students that will keep their eyes on my car. i think u guys all know how it feels.
cmon, u have owned one of the hottest&best cars in this world. it's good enough. dont desire more. save money, and buy another house at a correct time. a few yrs later, it will bring u a good return instead of a depreciating asset.
Do I think Ferraris are the greatest car ever? Of course not. Do I think the NSX is superior in virtually every way? Yes. Would I love to own a Ferrari? Yes.

Hey, if I could afford an F430 or 599 GTB I would buy one in a second. I would also do so with the understanding that it will have a higher price tag, cost much more to maintain, be in the shop quite a bit more and not be as reliable.

As long as you're OK with those conditions I say go ahead and get one! It sounds like you're not putting enough miles on the NSX to take advantage of it's daily driveability and reliability so I see nothing inherently wrong with making the switch.

I of course would almost certainly retain my NSX because I like to actually drive my cars (unless I had a stable of Ferraris, of course. :wink:)

Also, I personally would not purchase anything older than the 430/599. Too much hassle compared to the NSX and not enough difference. To me there would be no reason to abandon my NSX for a 348/355/360. I would rather drive my NSX than those Ferraris. The 360CS might be an exception. But the 430/599? Wow.
I get the same itch once a month! One day I will scratch it- seems like the natural evolution for many NSX owners.
Jack - I challenge you to drive your NSX for two weeks straight! Work, grocery store, work, movie theatre, work, gym, dinosaur museum, whatever...

You need to get back into driving an NSX and if at the end of two weeks of solid driving you still want a F-car then go get one. I simply think you have more time to spend thinking "What If" instead of actually driving your NSX. Drive a few days with the goal of targa top off driving and then switch back to roof on, then switch back to roof off.

When mine arrives it will be my daily driver for 2 months at least!:biggrin: and even then I'll have driven it more than you have driven yours since you've bought it...LMAO.

Who's the prime member with the 05 LBBP that has 21K miles on it and daily drives it? Good on him!
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So you are not satisfied enough with your new exhaust sound to keep your mind from wandering towards the "F" car sound. Well....strip your car of the after market goodies and sell should not take too much of a hit there. Then sell the "X" and be done with it! Mid 100's will get you a nice 360 or an earlier 550. Spend less and you are into a nice late model 355 (best exhaust note IMO) Spend more and you are into a late production run 360 or 575 but you gotta really step up if you are thinking f430!!Then you will want a Tubi exhaust for the mid $3k range.....and something else and some this and that:biggrin: the mod bug never quits biting, no matter what you have!
if u know ur investment gonna lose moeny and u still do it, that will be a exactly moron. i am not trying to insult u, but sounds like u are not in a business major or u have never do business with people.

So what you are saying is that anyone who bought any car that will depreciate is a moron? I can't agree with your logistics.

There are those who can afford a depreciating asset and those who can't (whether it's $5k or $500k). For those who can, the return of satisfaction and/or need out weighs the loss (keep in mind "loss" as well as "afford" is relative to the net worth of an individual).

I do feel a little indirectly offended since I have bought investments I know I'm going to lose money on. A return on an investment can be more that just capital.

note: when I write "little" I mean barely.
I bought mine new and drive it all the time. I am getting a fantastic return on my investment.....the unfettered joy of NSX ownership.

I bought an RSX-S at the same time as what I thought would be a DD and it has half the miles of my NSX. I kind of feel bad for the RSX just sitting there, but I aint driving it unless I have to.

I can say that if I ever buy an F-Car, then it will get driven all the time and I will not worry in any way about the financial consequences of its use. Otherwise, I cannot afford it............Steve
So what you are saying is that anyone who bought any car that will depreciate is a moron? I can't agree with your logistics.

There are those who can afford a depreciating asset and those who can't (whether it's $5k or $500k). For those who can, the return of satisfaction and/or need out weighs the loss (keep in mind "loss" as well as "afford" is relative to the net worth of an individual).

I do feel a little indirectly offended since I have bought investments I know I'm going to lose money on. A return on an investment can be more that just capital.

note: when I write "little" I mean barely.

i really dont want to talk about this again.
in a real business, investment will bring future benefit or positive return. the asset may not get you money directly, but it provides other benefit. i think spending money on a ferrari is somewhere entertainment instead of investment. what do u gain if u invest a ferrari???? u pay insurance, depreciation, and maintenance. in ur mind, spending money on a car that becomes "investment". i guess u invest for fun, but i treat investment as more money back. everything depreciates. maybe our home will be exception.
assets do depreciate. no doubt.
if u own a truck company, ur trucks depreciate. u lose money on them, but those trucks will bring $$$$$$ late. return > depreciation which = good investment.
i dont mean to insult anyone. hope it will be the end of it since it's somewhere off topic. i am not offending anyone. i appreciate if anyone corrects me because it will make me think something deeper.

i think we just treat investment in different areas.
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oh, just the 2002 type r conversion. :biggrin: i still having my 97 flip up lights. ha, i like the 02 style.

The only exterior differences between the NSX-R and the OEM NSX are the wheels, hood, rear wing and rear diffuser. Front end is identical; it would just be a standard 02+ conversion.

I converted to 02+ as well. :wink:
i really dont want to talk about this again.
in a real business, investment will bring future benefit or positive return. the asset may not get you money directly, but it provides other benefit. i think spending money on a ferrari is somewhere entertainment instead of investment. what do u gain if u invest a ferrari???? u pay insurance, depreciation, and maintenance. in ur mind, spending money on a car that becomes "investment". i guess u invest for fun, but i treat investment as more money back. everything depreciates. maybe our home will be exception.
assets do depreciate. no doubt.
if u own a truck company, ur trucks depreciate. u lose money on them, but those trucks will bring $$$$$$ late. return > depreciation which = good investment.
i dont mean to insult anyone. hope it will be the end of it since it's somewhere off topic. i am not offending anyone. i appreciate if anyone corrects me because it will make me think something deeper.

i think we just treat investment in different areas.


Not sure why this is even being discussed...:rolleyes:

"Investment" doesn't necessarily imply the expectation of positive monetary return. There are several definitions of investment, including the one that Oscar meant which is basically some measure of devotion of time, money or emotion into something for an appropriate return (not necessarily money).

E.g. I invest in a candy bar; it tastes good, it makes me feel less hungry. I know that I will not be able to profit from it but it was rewarding to me and may or may not have been worth the price but it's for me to decide whether I am happy with my investment.

Clearly this was the intent of the statement and nothing to pick on. Nearly every car that is driven regularly is a depreciating asset. A 91-94 NSX is an example of a very rare exception. Those values, assuming average mileage, appear to be holding steady and are arguably appreciating. There's no need to single out Ferrari. A Jaguar will depreciate faster than a Ferrari and NSX combined. Oscar's point was that if a Ferrari isn't driven much it will lose less value, i.e. be a better investment. This is ostensibly true.
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How are the lease rates on the F430? :biggrin:

Also no point in wanting the Ferrari sound if you dont plan to drive it much to hear it. Would be a sexy show piece though.

I say do it if you have the means.
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White headlights?

I thought this was different as well but this photo of an NSX-R headlight seems to indicate they are the same as the OEM. Perhaps the photo doesn't reveal it from the angle? I just asked Vance Hu for clarification on this--hopefully we'll clear this up. :wink:


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if u know ur investment gonna lose moeny and u still do it, that will be a exactly moron. i am not trying to insult u, but sounds like u are not in a business major or u have never do business with people.
Is it that much trouble to type out entire words?
Perfect solution: This is available here in the greater NY area, and also in the Forida area. I'm sure that there's something similar out by you, although they might not be anywhere nearly as good. Keep the NSX, whenever you feel the need to experience the F-car, rent it for a day, it'll be far cheaper in the long run. I know the owner of this company, he's a great guy and car enthusiast. Hell, if you want you can even rent a S7!!
I will tell you my quest for that "ferrari sound" has given me a wake up call. I like the NSX because it looks like a Ferrari. I want an exhaust to make it sound like a Ferrari. Why dont I simply, buy a freaking Ferrari? I dont think the two can be compared...
Clearly you have the $$ to consider the F-Car. Many people don't. Obviously if you can afford to purchase the F-Car - you can afford to insure it AND replair it. The NSX is the clear winner in both of those categories. Many will argue the NSX is the clear winner in everything performance related also - except engine power of course (styling, creature comfort, etc.)

I too hope to own an F-car one day. When and if that day comes, I will be certain to have a certain amount of money set aside each year to maintain the ride - again simply because I can....

Best of success with whatever you choose to do. :)
call me insane, but thinking of just simply buying a veyron....Not using my F-car the way it should be used, treating it like a veyron(i.e. never driving it), might as well just buy a veyron.....tell me im crazy lol....


why replace one for the other? add to the collection.
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If you want it buy it, life is short........its not about would of, could of, and should of...its I did...