getting the F-car itch...

HMMMMMMMM, trying to get a 250,000 F430????

I would not spend that kind of money....I would spend mid 100's...but would have to wait till after we buy the new bigger house...cannot justify that kind of car sitting in the house I am currently in lol
I would not spend that kind of money....I would spend mid 100's...but would have to wait till after we buy the new bigger house...cannot justify that kind of car sitting in the house I am currently in lol

call me insane, but thinking of just simply buying an F-car....Not using my NSX the way it should be used, treating it like an F-car (i.e. never driving it), might as well just buy an F-car.....tell me im crazy lol....

I say DO IT!!
Not many things in life can be that exhilarating as a WOT on a F430 and other Fcars, yes there's some amazing cars out there, the NSX it's one of them, but that "extra" that "IT" that ferraris have can not be reproduced (like a red ferrari) .. sometimes when i do 9K on the S2k i imagine how amazing could be having a V8 made of 2 of the S2k engines .. then i think, every time i drive around Ferraris i always want to just hear that noise --and wet my pants-- OVER AND OVER AND OVER .. like if it was made of 2 s2k engines + has an passion embedded on the sound that comes from the pipes..
If you can afford a used on the mid 100's do it, definitely you'll keep as garage queen and take out 4 times per year but that is "ok" ..... and you might not lose 2 much as an investment as long you service right and keep your miles low ..

Do it. There is no experience that compares to F-Car ownership. (well perhaps other true exotics). The NSX is an amazing car, but exotics have come a long way in terms of reliability, as well as performance. To be honest, owning an NSX can't truly be compared to driving a modern day Ferrari. Many regard them as the best driver's cars out, period.

Do it =)
why too many people use "invest" on those CARS?????????

they better learn what investment means.

if it's negative return, i will give a LOL to them.
I will tell you my quest for that "ferrari sound" has given me a wake up call. I like the NSX because it looks like a Ferrari. I want an exhaust to make it sound like a Ferrari. Why dont I simply, buy a freaking Ferrari? I dont think the two can be compared. I may go that route. then again, i have spent so much on my current NSX, I wouldnt want to take a major hit...
I would not spend that kind of money....I would spend mid 100's...but would have to wait till after we buy the new bigger house...cannot justify that kind of car sitting in the house I am currently in lol

100,000. i will think of a c6 z06. or add 30000 more for a brand new GT3.
but seriously,u already have a top lvl car. why waste more.
if i were you, i will be very very happy with that mint 2005 rio yellow nsx.
they better learn what investment means.

if it's negative return, i will give a LOL to them.

Investment in this particular case doesn't necessary mean $$$$$$$$ or losing money, yes buying @ 250K brand new it's losing instant money (i think is smart to buy a F-car "used" with 4K miles for 100K less) and this will be the case in any other form of vehicle, specially a exotic sportscars ... what you invest it's on a SMILE in your face, an instant gratification of achievement and happiness of an F-car, you like sportscars don't you? some people think NSX owners are crazy for spending 40K on a used 290HP car that has been since around since 91 instead of getting 400+ on a vette ... try to explain that also to the that your investment is not in HP but in a dream car of yours ...

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I will tell you my quest for that "ferrari sound" has given me a wake up call. I like the NSX because it looks like a Ferrari. I want an exhaust to make it sound like a Ferrari. Why dont I simply, buy a freaking Ferrari? I dont think the two can be compared. I may go that route. then again, i have spent so much on my current NSX, I wouldnt want to take a major hit...

no. nsx is not ferrari. i am sure that u wont own it so long since they are hella expensive to maintain. if u think u spent too much on nsx, u will complain when u spend much more than a used Ferrari.
this is why most people call them DREAM cars. that dream is just too costy.
peronsally, i really love F430. but i know it's something that requires a deep pocket seriously.
Investment in this particular doesn't necessary mean $$$$$$$$ or losing money, yes buying @ 250K it's losing money and this will be the case in any other form of vehicle, specially a exotic sportscars ... what you invest it's on a SMILE in your face, an instant gratification of achievement and happiness of an F-car, you like sportscars don't you? some people think NSX owners are crazy for spending 40K on a used 290HP car that has been since around since 91 instead of getting 400+ on a vette ... try to explain that also to the that your investment is not in HP but in a dream car of yours ...


if u know ur investment gonna lose moeny and u still do it, that will be a exactly moron. i am not trying to insult u, but sounds like u are not in a business major or u have never do business with people.
Jack, you've got to be kidding. After all the soul searching and eventually ending up back with the NSX (and not driving it), you want to replace it with an F-car costing twice as much and that you admit you probably won't drive either; especially since you'll probably feel twice as guilty letting that odometer roll?

I think that if you're going to buy one toy car, you should drive it. Why put money in a depreciating asset only to have it sit in the garage like it was simply a larger model of what might sit on the shelf? Even with low mileage, it's still depreciating, albeit at a slower pace.

Maybe you could consider buying a '60s muscle car instead. This way it would at least be appreciating while sitting in your garage. :D

PS. You're crazy. ;)
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If you aren't putting the miles on your NSX how many will you actually put on an Fcar? If you have fears of parking, people touching/scratching it those fears will be 10x on an Fcar. Maintenance on an Fcar needs to be done whether its driven or not. Stuff dries up. $$$

Can I ask if you recently came into a large sum of money? I know, personal question. I only ask because you bought this car, talk about buying another, and are moving to a newer, bigger house, when most people are just trying to keep status quo. If you HAVE come into some (for whatever reason) and can afford the Fcar, than by all means HELL YEAH get one.

PS Put me on the list for your car.
Jack, you've got to be kidding. After all the soul searching and eventually ending up back with the NSX (and not driving it), you want to replace it with an F-car costing twice as much and that you admit you probably won't drive either?

I think that if you're going to buy one toy car, you should drive it. Why put money in a depreciating asset only to have it sit in the garage like it was simply a larger model of what might sit on the shelf? Even with low mileage, it's still depreciating, albeit at a slower pace.

Maybe you could consider buying a '60s muscle car instead. This way it would at least be appreciating while sitting in your garage. :D

PS. You're crazy. ;)

so true. agree. buying a depcreiating asset includes everything what we need to explain.
if u know ur investment gonna lose moeny and u still do it, that will be a exactly moron. i am not trying to insult u, but sounds like u are not in a business major or u have never do business with people.

What is your point? are you trying to show off that you are a successful business man or something? on a car forum? was your sunday a "sucky" one? ... my point as an investment was investing that in this case the investment it's in yourself as source of happiness, yes investing on a "business" it's a total different story, we are talking about a ferrari here, not about buying a hole on the wall that happens to be a business ... and yes I am not a "business" person but i own my own business, I am 31 and i consider myself very successful ... i hope you're happy now ..
I hope your Sunday night ends up good!
What is your point? are you trying to show off that you are a successful business man or something? on a car forum? was your sunday a "sucky" one? ... my point as an investment was investing that in this case the investment it's in yourself as source of happiness, yes investing on a "business" it's a total different story, we are talking about a ferrari here, not about buying a hole on the wall that happens to be a business ... and yes I am not a "business" person but i own my own business, I am 31 and i consider myself very successful ... i hope you're happy now ..
I hope your Sunday night ends up good!

whatever,not going to agrue anymore. end of it.
There is a simple solution here: drive the car!
I will tell you my quest for that "ferrari sound" has given me a wake up call. I like the NSX because it looks like a Ferrari. I want an exhaust to make it sound like a Ferrari. Why dont I simply, buy a freaking Ferrari? I dont think the two can be compared. I may go that route. then again, i have spent so much on my current NSX, I wouldnt want to take a major hit...

i see the reason why u bought ur 05 rio yellow nsx.

hmm, there is another opportunity for someone who dreams a yellow nsx :biggrin: because u trying to get rid of it.LOL
If you don't feel the need to daily drive it, I would go with the Ferrari F430. Looks like a fun car