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Gauging Interest for NSX Garage Logo

kreh said:

I want what ever you can make. I want to stay on your list.


Same here. I am/was #4 on the original list and want whatever you can make available. Thanks,

I hate to bring this thread back from the dead. I have sold my NSX and the original (see post #1) garage logo is up for grabs. I wanted to get opinions on what I should do with it. I guess I could just post it for sale, but I have no idea what to ask for it. As Vega$ can attest it was a time consuming project.

Let me know what you all think I should do?
I hate to bring this thread back from the dead. I have sold my NSX and the original (see post #1) garage logo is up for grabs. I wanted to get opinions on what I should do with it. I guess I could just post it for sale, but I have no idea what to ask for it. As Vega$ can attest it was a time consuming project.

Let me know what you all think I should do?

Personally, I would just keep them. They would be your only memento left from your NSX. Plus, think of all the work, time and effort your put into making them.

However, if you do plan on selling them, I would say they are well worth over $100. I know that sounds expensive, but having already tried making several sets I've come to realize how extremely hard and time consuming they are to make. The simply is just no easy way to make them and still look good.
I hate to bring this thread back from the dead. I have sold my NSX and the original (see post #1) garage logo is up for grabs. I wanted to get opinions on what I should do with it. I guess I could just post it for sale, but I have no idea what to ask for it. As Vega$ can attest it was a time consuming project.

Let me know what you all think I should do?

I will take it. PM me with payment and shipping information
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I have plenty of NSX memorabilia. I will need the wall space for a new logo, since I just picked up a Porsche C2S.


I will send you a PM.