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    Caveat Emptor!

Gauging Interest for NSX Garage Logo

Based on the time it is going to take to pull this off and a price tag of $55 I don't think there will be any profit made here. If these started being manufactured by the 1000s for a large profit then there may be an issue with the trademarks. I doubt Honda is going to come after a NSX owner that is going to hand make a few logos for fellow owners to hang on their garage wall. There are bigger fish to fry in the ebay world if Honda is looking.

I would also like to thank Vegas for offering this to the NSX community. If I hadn't already made mine I would be on the list for a set of these also. This is just one more example of what a great group of people we have here.
comquat1 said:
Not to buzzkill this idea, but is there any trademark restrictions to profiting off of this idea?

He's making individual letters that I will choose to put in a perticular order, but I have the trademark on the letters:

A,C,U,R,N,S, & X

So pay up! :smile:

(sorry, I have not defense for the symbol)
caz-nsx said:
Based on the time it is going to take to pull this off and a price tag of $55 I don't think there will be any profit made here. If these started being manufactured by the 1000s for a large profit then there may be an issue with the trademarks. I doubt Honda is going to come after a NSX owner that is going to hand make a few logos for fellow owners to hang on their garage wall. There are bigger fish to fry in the ebay world if Honda is looking.

I would also like to thank Vegas for offering this to the NSX community. If I hadn't already made mine I would be on the list for a set of these also. This is just one more example of what a great group of people we have here.

Profit or not, the Acura logo most definately would be a restriction, the letters probably not assuming that they are not sold as a word maybe? Don't get me wrong, I'd do my own if I had the time and material, however selling them is a whole other issue I think. But I might be wrong.
Lex5847 said:
What does it matter anyways. Just simple logo's for NSX Prime members. It's not like he is mas-producing these things for huge sales.

I was actually thinking about it until I realized the trademark issue. Again, I'm not saying it's a big deal to make one yourself, but I was simply bringing up that by selling them without a trademark release might be inviting trouble. Again, do what you want when you want, but if you get a letter in the mail from a Honda lawyer.... Well, I'm sure that will never happen. Carry on. :smile:
comquat1 said:
I was actually thinking about it until I realized the trademark issue. Again, I'm not saying it's a big deal to make one yourself, but I was simply bringing up that by selling them without a trademark release might be inviting trouble. Again, do what you want when you want, but if you get a letter in the mail from a Honda lawyer.... Well, I'm sure that will never happen. Carry on. :smile:

I sure hope not, seems like a pretty good way to piss off a small and loyal group.
White94 said:
I sure hope not, seems like a pretty good way to piss off a small and loyal group.

I agree, but how do you argue with a trademark? It's no different that downloading music. I wish I could knock off every logo out there cuz I'd go build a boatload of things like this and sell them on every forum out there. As seen here, you'd difinately get a handfull of people at every car enthusiest forum that would buy your setup. The only way around this is not doing the logo but manufacturing the letters in the correct fonts and sell the them individually, of course having a package price for the letters with it up to the owner on how to arange them.
Thanks for everyone's concern and discussion on the legality of the issue. This was actually brought up to me much earlier and I had a lengthy discussion about it with my brother who is a contract lawyer. First things first, there is essentially no profit on any of this so that part of the equation is gone. I can pretty much show that all this will be done 'at cost' so they can't say I'm financially benefiting from them, nor could they really show that there is lost sales or financial detriment as a result of what I'm doing. It not like Honda was going to go into the wooden garage logo business or that your $55 to me is a $55 loss to Honda.

There probably is a trademark issue somewhere in there. But on a batch of only 10 with no profit..... the way my brother put it. It'll cost them thousands of dollars more just to have a laywer just examine the situation then they could ever nail me for. Not saying they couldn't (as to make an example of me) but realisticaly probably won't. But should they decide to, I'm willing to be a martyr for the cause. I think we are all loyal NSX owners, and I wanted to do something that could help show our pride in our cars. I can't imagine Honda having an issue with that.

Thanks again for everyone's comments. Just an update to the 10 on the list. I'll be making the molds this weekend. The first batch (I hope) will be done the following weekend. Remember, I'm pretty much doing this for the first time and mostly on my own time so I apologize I can't give more accurate estimations on when I will officially have them done. Thanks!! :smile:
comquat1 said:
The only way around this is not doing the logo but manufacturing the letters in the correct fonts and sell the them individually

I'm not 100% sure on this, but I had heard even the font for the "acura" and "nsx" was patented/trademarked (many popular brands, like Coke, have their font's protected). I don't think by just avoiding the logo, I would be able to loop-hole around it.
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Very cool and now my garage will officially be pimped!


Matteni - (Silver Logo, Red NSX, Black Acura)

Please let me know if I made it and when and where to send the money to.
matteni said:
Very cool and now my garage will officially be pimped!


Matteni - (Silver Logo, Red NSX, Black Acura)

Please let me know if I made it and when and where to send the money to.

Do'h! :frown: Sorry you just missed the first batch buy. But I'm keeping the molds, so if things go well, I'll do a second group buy. I'll keep you posted. Thanks.
Vega$ NSX said:
I'm not 100% sure on this, but I had heard even the font for the "acura" and "nsx" was patented/trademarked (many popular brands, like Coke, have their font's protected). I don't think by just avoiding the logo, I would be able to loop-hole around it.

You are probably right, I was hoping there'd be a way around it to possibly profit from this sort of thing, but evidently not. :smile:
comquat1 said:
You are probably right, I was hoping there'd be a way around it

Like it was stated before, the volume is so low that no one is really going to spend time and money to file a suit against an obviosly loyal Honda customer.

Besides, he's selling us the letters and giving us the logo for free!
Guys, just to give you the latest update. I spent this weekend working on the logo template. The one I made came out great but I did not like the ratio of the letters. I'll play with them some more and change them around a bit. Once I get an acceptable template I'll PM you all with payment details. Thanks for being so patient! :smile:
You know what? If you made a set for me & "gifted" it to me, that would only be in exchange for the gift I was planning for you - purely unrelated to this thread of course.
Of course I can't think of what to get you for Christmas, so I was just planning on plain old cash? Would that be OK? <!--StartFragment -->
Lol you guys are funny. Unfortunately, my hands are totally full with my first batch of 10. But I'm still getting a ton of interest for another set so after the first set goes out (probably before Thanksgiving) keep checking back and there will be another batch of 10. I'll keep you posted! :smile:
Since this is a small limited production, it is highly doubtful that Honda or Acura will proceed with legal matters. If they do decide to pursue, they would issue a "Cease and Desist" letter demanding that further production be stopped.

BTW- Put me on the list for the next batch (if it happens). Unpainted.
I would like to be added to the second batch too please
silver logo, red nsx, black acura
Ok guys, here's the latest. I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I've completed the template and it looks great! :smile: The ratio of the letters and symbol (IMO) looks just right and I think I have a finished product. The bad news is, I did a test run to see how long it takes to produce just one set. The result: 10 hours and 2 torn up cutting bits. :eek:

Obviously, the system I had envisioned probably won't be effective in mass producing these things. So, I’ve come up with a few options:

1) See if I can figure out a more effective way in producing them
2) Make a set 1 at a time, whenever I can and offer them for sale whenever they are done in the order of the group buy list.
3) Cancel the whole group buy

Since I never intended to make any money on this (I’m already in the hole about $60 buying all the materials so far), I’m leaning towards option 2. That way I could just make a set when I can get around to it and offer it to each person on the group list in order. If the person in queue declines I can go to the next name on the list. Then when the list is completed I’ll just put up posts and sell them on a first come first serve basis or something like that.

What do you guys think? I’m certainly open to ideas. I’d like to apologize for chomping off more than I can chew in setting up a group buy. I fully intend to complete the buy, it just might take me a bit longer than all of us had anticipated. But since nobody has paid anything yet, I hope I didn’t disappoint too much. :redface:
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