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Gauging Interest for NSX Garage Logo

Option 1 or 2 is fine with me. I know you are going above and beyond the call of duty on this one so whenever you get them done is OK with me. Thanks for staying with the project. I respect your commitment.

you can go one by one that is fine... =) no rush here
I'm interested to. Looks like a great product. Have you considered making it out of Plexi or Lexan? Wood is nice but the plastics would come coloured and may be easier to cut.
Just to give you guys all an update, here is the first set of letters made. It's still taking about 10 hours to make just one set so it's going to take a while. But I hope to get better at this and pump them out faster. Though I may have to bump the price up a bit, I'm eating bits faster than I can replace them. At this rate, I'd be broke before I even sell my first set! :redface:

swbatte said:
I'm interested to. Looks like a great product. Have you considered making it out of Plexi or Lexan? Wood is nice but the plastics would come coloured and may be easier to cut.

Good idea, but I have no idea where I could get the plastic I would need to do this. Also, I don't know how does effective it would be. But if you have any leads on this, I'd love to know. Thanks!
Bobolinski said:
I am ready to send you money once you provide your PayPal mail address.I will send up to $90.00 or so if you like.

Right now the demand is soooo high and it takes soooo long to make a set (10 hours) that I'm just making one set at a time and selling it to the order on the group buy list. Right now I think you are #9 on the list, so I'll give you a heads up when I get there... but it might take a while!!! :smile: :redface:
Yup good news. I plan on having about 2 sets done this weekend. After that I should have about 3 done a month at a steady clip until everyone is happy. Stay tuned, I'll keep you all posted! :biggrin:
As you know, I have also asked to be put on the list. The product is outstanding. Is there a fabrication outfit/shop that you could go to that can product these items at a higher rate now that you have the design completed. From the comments I read on this thread, people seem to be willing to pay up to $100.00 or more.

Great Product
kreh said:

Are the logos still being made and the list fulfilled?

Incredibly interested

Ok, here is the latest update. I just finished one complete set!! :smile: It's ready for paint and shipping. But here's the rub. I tried everything but it still took me 10 hours, a lung full of sawdust and a handfull of worn out cutting bits just to make it. I'm not exactly thrilled at the prospect of burning an entire weekend and various tools just to get one set out at a negative profit margin. So I'm not sure what to do at this point. I feel really bad getting a group list together and not really being able to fill it, but you have to believe me that I tried every system and method to get this to work. In the end, there is no easy way around it. It is simply an incredibly difficult and time consuming process no matter how you slice it.

So the question to the group is this: What should I do with the one set? Should I auction it off? Would it most fair to just give priority to the first person on the group buy list?

The second question is: I have one more trick I can try. Part of the problem is that I'm using 5/8" thick MDF. It's nice becuase It really makes the letters stand out, but it's very hard and slow to cut. I can try going with 1/4" thick MDF. In which case I think I can pump these out much faster, but the letters won't look nearly as nice. Do you think there's still interest in 1/4" thick letters. Keep in mind the ones you see in the picture examples are 5/8" or thicker lettering. If they were 1/4" thick, they wouldn't stand out as much.

Another thought is, part of the problem is the emblem takes about 4-5 hours itself. If I just did the letters, I think I could get these done a lot faster. Would there be any interest in just the letters without the emblem?

Thoughts? I really want to do this for the NSX community, but I feel bad that I can't keep up with the demand. Thanks for understanding.:redface:
I think the original concept including the logo using 1/4 in. material would work for me. It's a far cry from nothing and could be mounted on the wall with spacer blocks to give it the same or more depth than the 5/8 in. material.
As for the first set I think the first in line on the list is entitled to it and work down from there.
Thanks for sticking with it, I do hope to get mine at some point.
Bleh!! Sorry that this project of mine sort of fell apart. Believe it or not but I have been working on this project all this time but I've finally come to the conclusion that this project is economically unfeasible. Which probably explains why nobody bothered doing this before. That's the bad news. The good news is that a complete template is done and I was able to use it to successfully build myself a set (I know selfish me :tongue: ):



The other good news is that I'm about 1/2 done with 3 other sets of complete logos. I expect to have them done in about 6 months or so. Unfortunately the price will have to jump dramatically, but since nobody has sent any money, nobody is obligated to buy them. I'm considering maybe just putting them up auction style and just sell them that way. I don't know yet.

The other good news is that I have a system to product just the N-S-X letters relatively easily. I could probably produce a few. So if there is any interest there, I could probably produce and sell just the N-S-X letters if there is any interest in that? I know it's not quite the whole set, but something may be better than nothing right?
Vega$ NSX said:
The other good news is that I have a system to product just the N-S-X letters relatively easily. I could probably produce a few. So if there is any interest there, I could probably produce and sell just the N-S-X letters if there is any interest in that? I know it's not quite the whole set, but something may be better than nothing right?

I would think the guys who have done the Honda coversions would be happy with that! :biggrin: