Garage redone to house my 2002 Spa Yellow NSX

18 September 2005
Houston, Texas
Ok guys I just got my 2002 Spa Yellow NSX three weeks ago and since then I have been going crazy. So far I have the Comptech Intake, Exhaust and Headers and a downforce intake. With that so far I needed a place where I could honor my NSX and hence I convinced my wife to redo our garage. I have included a few pics below. I am awaiting on a poster of two NSX-R's to complete my garage but besides that let me know your thoughts.
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She's a beauty! Kinda like owning a Rembrandt, isn't it? You're a lucky guy!

Sometimes I just stand and look at mine for minutes at a time, appreciating the design.

Besides the picture of Brad Pitt in your garage I like it. Was that your wife's idea?
What kind of floor coating did you use?
Maybe this? :biggrin:

nice set up... This summer Im going to sell my house for one with a garage :wink: and a pool. :eek:
Tools / Workbench

One thing that I've noticed in the "pretty boy" garage pictures (not just this one, but others as well) is the missing workbench and tool carriage.

Don't get me wrong, your garage floor is nice, but how do you work on your cars? Maybe I'm living in the wrong part of town. :smile:
Re: Tools / Workbench

Yellow Rose said:
One thing that I've noticed in the "pretty boy" garage pictures (not just this one, but others as well) is the missing workbench and tool carriage.

Don't get me wrong, your garage floor is nice, but how do you work on your cars? Maybe I'm living in the wrong part of town. :smile:

Very good question.
BTW, I absolutely LOVE that color. :biggrin:
loNfastNSX said:
It was nice meeting you this morning over some margaritas!
The horror! :eek:

Alcohol for breakfast? :confused:

Where was my invitation? :biggrin:
Re: Tools / Workbench

Yellow Rose said:
One thing that I've noticed in the "pretty boy" garage pictures (not just this one, but others as well) is the missing workbench and tool carriage.

Don't get me wrong, your garage floor is nice, but how do you work on your cars? Maybe I'm living in the wrong part of town. :smile:

I agree, they are more of a car storage spot. I would go insane without a work bench. Very clean and lots of room for a nice work bench and some cuboards. :smile:
nice set up... This summer Im going to sell my house for one with a garage :wink: and a pool. :eek:

If I was to buy a new house the size and the height of the ceiling (12 ft tall for the Bend Pak's) of the garage would be the first thing that I would consider. I would also like to know what you used to coat the floor. It looks really good.Allthough some NSX posters would really set it off.
Hey guys thanks for the compliments. Let me try my best to answser evveryones questions and respond to their comments. First things first though...the garage was painted with Sherman Williams Paint specifically made for Garage Floors. I had a contractor do the work while they were painting my new home as well. The job was just finished about two weeks ago as I just bought the home. I am buying a tool bench and the appropriate stuff this week for my garage. As per the Fight Club banner I just did a search on Ebay and found it for about $40 and since I love the movie it made sense for me to buy it and hang up in my garage. I have a poster being dry-matted now of a 2004 NSX-R which I will have hung up this week. Thanks again for the compliments and comments. I love this site!