Funny how things go...

20 January 2004
Well, sold my '91 a month ago and haven't test driven anything in that time that I liked when compared to the NSX. Seemed the only logical thing to do (after feeding the wife alot of Pinot Grigio to help w/ persuasion) was to pick up another. Big Mike you don't have to break my shoes anymore :)...put a deposit on a Formula Red/Blk '97 NSX-T w/ 47k on it, subject to satisfactory inspection by myself and a PPI @ Acura, both of which will take place next week. Kind of wanted Black again but this one is priced nicely so I find I hard to pass up, and a change would be good. Didn't think a 3.2 car would fit in the budget and I consider myself lucky since I was prepared to buy another NA1. Keep your fingers crossed for me guys, hoping it's one of the good ones...

- Jon
Well, PPI found several things wrong, Rayco said they'd fix them, but now they're backing out. They called me today and told me to take my deposit back! It's clear they'd rather sell it to someone that's unaware that it needs some things. When I gave them the deposit initially, they told me the car was 100% and had no issues. They lied. Also, timing belt and water pump were never done, they said they'd take care of it. They called me back and said it would cost me $3,000 to do it, as it is an engine-out service. I asked them just how stupid they thought I was. The manager himself told me that's a fair price. The place they recommended for the PPI still hasn't even faxed me the PPI checklist, after a week and a half (of course they got paid already). The svc mgr from that dealer (Motorworld) told me he's been w/ Acura since 1988 and has never heard of a PPI. Even faxed him a copy of one, and they still haven't done anything. Both dealers are apparently crooks, looks like this deal won't work out. Not sure if you guys care (judging from the amount of responses to my previous post :))...just thought i'd give a warning never to deal with Rayco Eurospec Motorcars or Motorworld Acura. Been stiffed on a couple of NSX's now...hate to say it but i'm definitely considering other cars now...
Sorry to hear that thing didnt work out John. But you were better off taking your money else where because who knows what other issues the car may have now. Maybe Mike can find you a nice car since now we know you are in the market again for a nsx.
Strange, I know the guys from Rayco and them seem like nice guys. I see them at Manheim AA all the time and they pay up but only buy really choice stuff. Im sure they sold it to you for a low price and didnt want to fix things that would cause them to LOOSE or possibly break even from the profit aspect. Alan (climberao) bought his NSX from RAYCO.
Zennsx said:
I've never had any luck with Rayco or Motorworld either.

I think I remember reading that DOCJOHN had some problems there but I may be wrong.
Auraraptor said:
Yea, that was my old car, btw.

Yes it was, we spoke a few times by e-mail. Ended up buying another black one and had it brought to John Vasos, he did me a solid and spent an entire day checking the car out, told me it was a keeper so I had it transported in from Wisconsin. In the four or five months i've had it i've already spent thousands on it, sometimes I think i'm insane (I know my wife does :rolleyes: ). It's @ Vince's right now so Joe can work his magic. Mike, pretty sure i'm in an NSX for good now.
- Jon
Hey if you are ever back in PA, drop me an email, we can go for a drive if I am around.

BTW do you mind PMing me how much you paid for your 97? I still have the itch so to speak and might pick up another '97, as u gotta love the 6spd.