Front license plate citation

Not happy! On a dang 15min drive today, the SAME douche bag cop flips a b*tch and pulls me over AGAIN and gives me yet another front license plate ticket. Obviously nothing is going on in Whatcom County these days.

The kicker is, I had to stop at a stop light, 10secs sooner and I would have made it through. He was on the cross street and turned onto my street going the opposite direction because I had the red and he had a green.


* I know... I know... I should just put the damn plate on the front. Venting. Almost $800 in front ticket fines in the last 7 months. F*cking h3ll.

I have a feeling you're not going to win this one. He's probably got a little board on his wall with tally marks for how many tickets he's given you. Easy money!
I just used some black zip ties... it's worth not having to worry about it. Now you can flip the cop off the next time you see him.
I pull over 3-4 people a night on average, and the only equipment ticket I like to write is for blue lights. Pretty much everything else slides right on by.

No insurance, though, and they're going to get a ticket.
I pull over 3-4 people a night on average, and the only equipment ticket I like to write is for blue lights. Pretty much everything else slides right on by.

No insurance, though, and they're going to get a ticket.

what's considered blue lights to you? those 8000k HiD?? I know my 6000k hid is borderline on that matter, don't quite understand how some people put those 8000-10000k...
I haven't stopped anyone for HIDs yet. For me, it has to be _obviously_ blue, not bluish or violet.

I've seen some almost royal blue license plate lights, and some blue lights a guy had rigged up near his sun visor. Only gotten three tickets for those so far, though. Can't remember what the third one was on.

Pretty much, I try to remember what I wanted cops to do before I got hired as one. Ticket for three over? Ticket for a burned out brake light? Ticket for registration expired the day before? That would just piss me off.
I am looking for a used front license plate bracket for my 2003 NSX. If you live in a state where you don't need to make the front of your car ugly by putting a license plate on it, and have a bracket lying around, I will take ot off your hands. I can get a new one from my dealer for $60.00 but I really don't want to spend that much. Thanks in advance.

Please PM if you have one you would be willing to sell.
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I've been ticketed multiple times in WA for no front license plate. Every time it was the WA State Patrol. Bellingham police and Whatcom County sheriff have never harassed me over it. But the WSP are sticklers for this.

While I was able to always get the tickets dismissed without paying any fine, I finally mounted my front plate at a 30 degree angle just to avoid the hassle. This looks best.

Interestingly RCW 46.16.240 does not directly address the angle of the plate....

1. "Plate shall be placed or hung in a horizontal position" which I take to mean that the plate must be parallel to the ground.

2. "Plainly seen and read" which is subjective. How steep can the angle be and still qualify? If a steeper angle were used, it would look better. Although there may not be adequate space for this.

WA State Patrol made a propaganda poster a few years back showing a picture of their NSX and Hummer with police lights mounted in the front window. But their NSX has the front license plate mounted illegally! The plate was shown mounted directly in front of radiator with the air dam partially obscuring the plate letters.

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