Front license plate citation

Welp, I figured I'd post up my recent "no front plate" encounters... I posted a thread about 8 months ago when I got my FIRST no front plate ticket EVAR... pretty p-d off at that time when it happened, but whatever, hadn't had a ticket in 8yr or so.

So anyways, one week after i got my first no front plate ticket, i got pulled over at 8am literally 500ft from my condo parkade as I'm leaving. The cop lets me off cause I had the ticket from 1 week ago.

Skip 8months... Last thursday at like 12:30am, I'm leaving my office from our weekly poker game and I get pulled over less than a mile away. Cop tells me he pulled me over cause I had no front plate.... he let me go.

30min ago, I'm dropping my GF's daughter off at school, and as I'm leaving the parking lot, a cop is sitting across the street - immediately pulls in behind me.

I knew what was going to happen... As soon as I pulled out on to the public road, he flipped the lights on and I pulled over literally 500ft from the school. How embarrassing.

So anyways, he asks me if I recognize him. I had a glimmer of hope that I knew this guy from somewhere and he was going to let me go. I looked at him like a deer in headlights... I have no f*ing clue who he is... He says he's the guy that pulled me over like 6 months ago and let me off for not having a front plate...

Blah, whatever, like I remember your face. Long story short, another $216 dollar ticket.

WTF! Really????? There are C5, C6, Z06's, etc running around all day with no freaking plates. I don't see them pulled over... EVAR. :mad::mad::mad:
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I think they're pulling everyone over now. They need the money bad.

I just used a bunch of zip ties for mine. It actually looks ok with a 30 degree slant or so.

Just have to weather this storm.
WTF! Really????? There are C5, C6, Z06's, etc running around all day with no freaking plates. I don't see them pulled over... EVAR.

yeah try take your EG out and see how fast they are going to pull you over:smile:
I always thought nsx is one of the corvettes as they can't tell the difference :rolleyes: well guess until the day i got pulled over, I also thought cop will let miata go as they all know they are just poser sports car for lady and "homo"... well until they pulled me over the other day..

Lately I have been noticing a lot of people getting this no front plate ticket. and 8 out of 10 of these cars fit into the category of "modified cars" profile with either license bracket not put correctly or zip tied. I have talked to one of my customer who owns a corvette. apparently they also get pulled over by that too.

Cresent, get that SOS bracket already... it's traffic infraction and it won't do you any good if in case you get a speeding ticket.
yeah try take your EG out and see how fast they are going to pull you over:smile:

haha ya tell me about it... my friend got pulled over test driving my race car around the neighborhood when I did the K20R swap, albeit he was ripping on it. Got a negligent driving ticket... ack!

Cresent, get that SOS bracket already... it's traffic infraction and it won't do you any good if in case you get a speeding ticket.

Ya, no kidding... I'll have to pick one of those up asap. Problem is, i don't even know WHERE my front plate is! I'll have to order new ones.. argh! Might as well get custom plates while I'm at it now.... "C-speed" perhaps? :biggrin:

haha ya tell me about it... my friend got pulled over test driving my race car around the neighborhood when I did the K20R swap, albeit he was ripping on it. Got a negligent driving ticket... ack!

Ya, no kidding... I'll have to pick one of those up asap. Problem is, i don't even know WHERE my front plate is! I'll have to order new ones.. argh! Might as well get custom plates while I'm at it now.... "C-speed" perhaps? :biggrin:


if i have to do it agian, maybe getting a LEM plate!!! maybe kiss ass is the best way to avoid a harassment ticket.
From what I've heard it won't do you any good. But what the heck....anything is worth a shot.

I honestly think they're just strapped for cash.

I've never runs front plates on my '02 Maxima, '03 350Z, '91 NSX, '03 NSX and my '04 S4. That's 5 cars and 7 years....

Local Gov'ts need your money. Just play by the rules. I'll take some pics of my zip tie set up if anyone needs... just get creative.
From what I've heard it won't do you any good. But what the heck....anything is worth a shot.

I honestly think they're just strapped for cash.

I've never runs front plates on my '02 Maxima, '03 350Z, '91 NSX, '03 NSX and my '04 S4. That's 5 cars and 7 years....

Local Gov'ts need your money. Just play by the rules. I'll take some pics of my zip tie set up if anyone needs... just get creative.

that's for sure!! anyone still insisted he could get away will sure get caught soon. Well, maybe not in fowler's nation ;) (In fact, Arnon was just complaining about it yesterday when i talked to him. He just took the plate off since all of us don't have a plate at the front. now he had to go find the plate and put it back on. :) ) I only worried what's the next? (as more people comply with the front plate.) Had anyone looking into the illegal modifications rules in WA? I'm so sure that soon I'll come meet you guys with a farting exhaust silencer... and then non DOT hid... the list goes on and on....

This is how we do it with 2 black zip ties. In the country:biggrin:
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This is how we do it with 2 black zip ties. In the country:biggrin:

I did something similar, but I used the "stock" license plate holes and mounted it up higher (flush) with the top part of the opening. I didn't want air to be pushed down into the lower part and make a wind dam.

Regardless, it's on there.... one less thing to get pulled over for. :wink:
I flipped mine back down this morning. Then I saw 2 or 3 bellevue police on my way to work. I think it was only a matter of time before one of them was in a bad mood and decided to get me. :biggrin:
It should say "DA DOC"
This is how I mounted mine


I hate having it on, but will rather have it than pay any fines.
OMG! I *HAVE* to vent...

So I just got home from picking up my gf's daughter from school. I sit down at my computer for no more than 2min and my cell phone rings. Its the Bellingham Police dept. I recognized the number because my office was burglarized a month ago and have been communicating with the detective.

So, of course I answer the call, figuring its the detective calling me with some (good) news - I am 99% sure of whom the suspect is that burglarized my place.

I say: "Hello?"
Caller: "Hi can I speak with Crescent Kao please?"
Me: "Speaking... you have some good new for me?"
caller: "Umm, I'm calling because I gave you a no front plate ticket over a week ago. Why don't you have a front plate on the car yet?"
Me: (thinking) OMG are f*cking serious? Is there nothing else going on in this city that requires police attention and usage of our tax payer dollars, than to harass some dude about a front license plate??????
Me: "I can't find my front plate, so I have to get new ones."
Caller: "Ok, so why haven't you gone to the DOL to get new ones yet?"
Me: "I figured if I'm going to get new ones, I might as well get custom ones."
Caller: "So why haven't you done that yet?"
Me: (i have no comment) darrrr.... c'mon man.. seriously????
Caller: "You can't drive your car without plates. I'm going to send you another ticket in the mail by the 7th".
Me: Ya, ok f*ck off. "Ok, I'll take care of it".

End of conversion.

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you freaking kidding me???? Is there really nothing better to do around town than to hound someone over a measly front plate???? I'm sure he saw me off in the distance or something just now, and ran back to the office or whatever he did to look up my phone number, *JUST* to call me????? OMG!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::confused::confused::confused::confused::mad::mad::mad::mad:

WTH! Seriously!

(end rant)
(end vent)
so " cold calling " is cop's job description now?

Cresent, if I were you, and I hopefully you don't drive the nsx much, will just tell the cop fuck off and you don't need any plate if you are parking your car at home. I really don't think that he can give you a ticket "knowing" you don't have a front plate.

but then 2nd thought, with all the modified cars going in and out of your shop, maybe it's not that good of an idea pissing off the "local" officer. Especially he's a prick and he loves you.
so " cold calling " is cop's job description now?

Cresent, if I were you, and I hopefully you don't drive the nsx much, will just tell the cop fuck off and you don't need any plate if you are parking your car at home. I really don't think that he can give you a ticket "knowing" you don't have a front plate.

but then 2nd thought, with all the modified cars going in and out of your shop, maybe it's not that good of an idea pissing off the "local" officer. Especially he's a prick and he loves you.

Sounds like this cop is probably seeing him around town. lol.

That's pretty damn funny.

At least he called and didn't just charge him. The cops around here would have just sent a bill.
This is how I mounted mine


I hate having it on, but will rather have it than pay any fines.

When I was messing around with mine I looked into this position. I just felt it blocks too much air flow being straight up and down...

It's probably fine of course... not like the angled plate is a whole lot better. God I hate stupid laws...such a waste of everyones time.
I've been lucky so far! I drove all the way to CA and back w/o problem w/front plate. I drive my nsx a lot these days because of the weather, local cops used to see me all the time w/my uniform. They know i work at the local po in lynnwood. i occasionally deliver their mails, so they never pull me over. plus i don't drive crazy and thats help. Now things are different i fixed my front plate last friday...


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Does anyone know if there's a law that says the plate needs to be made of metal? what if we made a slightly smaller flexible plastic decal out of it and just glued it on like the clear bra on the front of the bumper?

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