Front license plate citation

it's a cool find, but noway that will be fit under the spoiler, my car is only 2.25 inches off the ground in the front area. any bump on the road will take the whole thing out.

Yeah I think you're better off with the SOS "Oops I forgot to lower it back down" frame.

^^^ Hey, I installed that mod!

Always taking all the credit... :wink:


I gotta take credit for something other than washing the car, switching the stereo, and taking a picture.

Actually my Blodi diffuser came today and my new Jetz wing is coming tomorrow. Things are gonna start looking different very soon.
^ ^ ^ LOL!!! Can't wait too see the new additions on Erics.....oops I mean your car, hehe J/K bro. But take some pics anyway. Speaking of which, how's the HDR photos coming along?
:confused: oh boy, I am confused about the sliding plate?!/? I thought the idea was to drive w/o the front plate. If you get stop by the police for driving w/o one how is this sliding thing going to help you? do you drive w/plate up? or do you drive w/plate down? I can understand when the car is in the parking lot part. please explain

It would be so funny if police catch you dicking around w/your remote trying to flip one up after he cought you w/o the front plate :-) :tongue: :biggrin: :biggrin:
I just leave it up. It has been that way for a while now. If I ever get stopped I can hope that playing dumb would be enough to get out of it. It has to be better than no front plate at all.
:confused: oh boy, I am confused about the sliding plate?!/? I thought the idea was to drive w/o the front plate. If you get stop by the police for driving w/o one how is this sliding thing going to help you? do you drive w/plate up? or do you drive w/plate down? I can understand when the car is in the parking lot part. please explain

I think the idea is that "oops, I forgot to put that back down, don't write me a ticket".

I actually like the plate down, but raked back. Looks good...or at least tolerable.

:confused: oh boy, I am confused about the sliding plate?!/? I thought the idea was to drive w/o the front plate. If you get stop by the police for driving w/o one how is this sliding thing going to help you? do you drive w/plate up? or do you drive w/plate down? I can understand when the car is in the parking lot part. please explain

It would be so funny if police catch you dicking around w/your remote trying to flip one up after he cought you w/o the front plate :-) :tongue: :biggrin: :biggrin:

besides tracking the nsx, I really don't mind driving with the plate on, if we on a group drive and someone will be filming or taking pics, i will definately put it up though..

i like the 30 degree down too...
First of all a thanks to Arnon for getting me registered on here(or the blame depending), as I do not have an NSX. I would need a crane to get in and out. But to the topic.
I was only issued ONE plate, a rear. HOW you ask, I have a collector car plate, and I never have to buy tabs again...EVER. Ok so your cars are not as old but some are getting close. I think its 20 years, you'll have to check.
For those to far away, I think this is legal, pretty darn sure, and don't want to mount a front plate. Displaying your plate inside the front windshield on the passenger side, visible to oncoming cops is just as good. It just has to be seen. You could get any generic plate holder and tape to windshield or affix as you like. You wouldn't want it sliding around. And remove when you wish, like out of city limits..etc.
For those wanting to mount the "JB" style, cute but I think you have toooooooo much time on your hands.
And yes be very careful in the suburbs, you will get pulled over and ticketed for almost anything these days, the theory being most won't take the time and effort to fight it.
Good luck and thanks for letting me join.
First of all a thanks to Arnon for getting me registered on here(or the blame depending), as I do not have an NSX. I would need a crane to get in and out. But to the topic.
I was only issued ONE plate, a rear. HOW you ask, I have a collector car plate, and I never have to buy tabs again...EVER. Ok so your cars are not as old but some are getting close. I think its 20 years, you'll have to check.
For those to far away, I think this is legal, pretty darn sure, and don't want to mount a front plate. Displaying your plate inside the front windshield on the passenger side, visible to oncoming cops is just as good. It just has to be seen. You could get any generic plate holder and tape to windshield or affix as you like. You wouldn't want it sliding around. And remove when you wish, like out of city limits..etc.
For those wanting to mount the "JB" style, cute but I think you have toooooooo much time on your hands.
And yes be very careful in the suburbs, you will get pulled over and ticketed for almost anything these days, the theory being most won't take the time and effort to fight it.
Good luck and thanks for letting me join.

Bill, welcome aboard, you never had a nsx, but you probably showed up more of our events than some other members. You are part of the family.

Stay in touch.
First of all a thanks to Arnon for getting me registered on here(or the blame depending), as I do not have an NSX. I would need a crane to get in and out. But to the topic.
I was only issued ONE plate, a rear. HOW you ask, I have a collector car plate, and I never have to buy tabs again...EVER. Ok so your cars are not as old but some are getting close. I think its 20 years, you'll have to check.
For those to far away, I think this is legal, pretty darn sure, and don't want to mount a front plate. Displaying your plate inside the front windshield on the passenger side, visible to oncoming cops is just as good. It just has to be seen. You could get any generic plate holder and tape to windshield or affix as you like. You wouldn't want it sliding around. And remove when you wish, like out of city limits..etc.
For those wanting to mount the "JB" style, cute but I think you have toooooooo much time on your hands.
And yes be very careful in the suburbs, you will get pulled over and ticketed for almost anything these days, the theory being most won't take the time and effort to fight it.
Good luck and thanks for letting me join.

Hey Bill, glad to see you on the forum! Yeah I have to much time on my hands I agree but hey what else would I do:biggrin:! You guys have to come over soon as I will be heading down to Oregon to swap in my new differential but will be bringing the car up to install the new data aquisition system and can use some help.
it's a cool find, but noway that will be fit under the spoiler, my car is only 2.25 inches off the ground in the front area. any bump on the road will take the whole thing out.

Mounting on the bottom and having the plate come out and swing up would not work for most if not all NSXes. I am thinking in line of mounting the motorized plate holder upside down in the open where the factory plate holder goes. The plate would come out and swing down may work. May need slight modification. Just a thought.
Hi Ferrand and Rick, I kinda wish I had an NSX cos you guys are cool! The Mopar guys never really warmed up to me, but even though my car ain't even close to yours we seem to share the same addiction. I hope they never find a cure.
Rick invite Arnon and me down anytime. Just being near your formula car gives me goosebumps:wink: I would be honored to help you in anyway you would let me. Arnon dragged me to the first event, I really thought you guys were gonna laugh at my car, but you just accepted me, feels nice.
Arnon and I will be at the XXX Sunday looking at the Italian jobs, its how you usually see them....PARKED:tongue:
made it onto PIR thursday I had a ball...cooked my brakes:frown:

I'm not sure which of you mounted your plate across the front lower air intake....but I wouldn't do it, has to block at least half of your air flow and cause turbulance around it at speed, ie maybe lift??
I'm not sure which of you mounted your plate across the front lower air intake....but I wouldn't do it, has to block at least half of your air flow and cause turbulance around it at speed, ie maybe lift??

From everything I've read, no one has had overheating problems with the front mounted plates.

I think on a track day, I'd flip it up for sure....but for driving around town, there's little to no worry.

See ya Sunday!
From everything I've read, no one has had overheating problems with the front mounted plates.

I think on a track day, I'd flip it up for sure....but for driving around town, there's little to no worry.

See ya Sunday!

It is those idiots around Christmas time with the stupid wreaths over their radiator that get to me.
I was pulled over for no license plate in 2003. Glendale California. Cop went out of his way to make a u-turn, and speed up to catch me. it was the only reason he pulled me over.

Funny story, this was in October 2003, when the stevenson ranch fires were going on. I had to evacuate, and I wanted to save my NSX. I Piled cloths and pictures inside the car, and in the trunk. I evacuated to my moms house in Glendale,

I told the cop: "I never take this car out, and the only reason I am here is because of the fires. Look at my drivers license, it says stevenson ranch, and look in my car, looks like I am homeless and living out of my NSX!"

He Said: "it's not my fault you chose to live in Stevenson Ranch." then handed me the ticket.

Our tax dollars at work...
Just my $.02 worth, but to help your case, let them know that the car doesn't even have a mounting surface (if it does, someone pls show me). So if we start drilling holes, we could devalue the car.

Yes, there's a mounting location on our NSX for the front plate. Look in and up, there should be 2 mounting holes...:)
It is those idiots around Christmas time with the stupid wreaths over their radiator that get to me.

Dude, why you all hatein:confused: This is how we do it:biggrin:
LOL for a second there I thought you went an found a random picture, then I realized it was yours.. :: shakes his head ::
From everything I've read, no one has had overheating problems with the front mounted plates.

They don't know that; I've used that one before with success. BTW, the RCW allows for just such a waiver, seems like the F-Chat guys are on the case.

she made a U turn and pull me over; gave me a no front license plate ticket. t was a lady cop, sound young and new. took her 30 mins to write me up.

That sucks Ferrand. Ecconomy is down so they are probably in full steam ahead revenue generation mode. Sounds like a nice safe stop. I think the way it must work is when you are a rookie the last thing you want to do is put yourself in any actual real danger around dangerous criminals. Leave that to the pros. Probably better to satisfy that inferiority complex by simply hassling all the people that actually made something of themselves. :wink:

It's always worth it to contest it. If they are going to take $175 out of your wallet you mine as well make sure it costs them $250+ to collect on it. Sometimes you just gatta pay the man- but never go down without a fight. If nothing else you can probably get the fine reduced with a sob story.
Just got my 1st no plate ticket today in Issaquah. Damn bastards!

lol. Oh well, bound to happen sooner or later. Guess they have nothing better to do.

At least he let Chris get away... must not have noticed his was missing too!

(I was going a little fast, but he didn't seem to care about that... which is probably why he 1st pulled me over...but then I guess he needed to book me with something).

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