From the NSXPO 2003 Planning Committee

25 October 2001
Northern California
Well, thanks to you all who joined us at NSXPO 2003, and to our sponsors and supporters, we all had a wonderful time. Many of us renewed old friendships, put a face to an e-mail handle, and made new friends as well. We hope you all made it or will make it back home safely.

As always, within the next few days, once we take a breather and settle down to a more relaxed pace, we will send/post two surveys for those who attended the event to respond to. One for the Social Event, and one for the Track Event. Your feedback to us is of great value as we always aspire to improve our programs to make such events as enjoyable and safe as possiblle.

NSXPO 2003 Planning Committee
Hrant said:
Well, thanks to you all who joined us at NSXPO 2003, and to our sponsors and supporters, we all had a wonderful time. Many of us renewed old friendships, put a face to an e-mail handle, and made new friends as well. We hope you all made it or will make it back home safely.

As always, within the next few days, once we take a breather and settle down to a more relaxed pace, we will send/post two surveys for those who attended the event to respond to. One for the Social Event, and one for the Track Event. Your feedback to us is of great value as we always aspire to improve our programs to make such events as enjoyable and safe as possiblle.

NSXPO 2003 Planning Committee

Many thanks to you, Hrant, and the rest of the committee for organizing such an awesome event. I have to say it's been one of the best experiences in my life. All of the fellow owners were the nicest bunch of people I have ever met.


I must say that I had a great time even though I was helping behind the scenes. I met so many wonderful people, it was so cool to see all these nsxprime members in person. Now I can put a face to the user names. I am a bit tired from the track time, I have never done a 2 day track event. The track was great and my instructors really helped me learn, very helpful. I hope every one that came is feeling like these past few days were just a few days too short and didn't want the NSXPO to end. I am looking forward to the next NSXPO :p
Many thanks to all that were involved in making NSXPO 2003 such a spectacular event. The amount of genuine friendliness and kindness demonstrated by all NSXPO attendees was beyond my wildest expectations. Leaving the bay area with the knowledge that I was part of such a great community makes me want to keep my NSX forever!!!

Thanks again to all that were involved!!

FuryNSX said:
Many thanks to all that were involved in making NSXPO 2003 such a spectacular event. The amount of genuine friendliness and kindness demonstrated by all NSXPO attendees was beyond my wildest expectations. Leaving the bay area with the knowledge that I was part of such a great community makes me want to keep my NSX forever!!!

Thanks again to all that were involved!!



Thanks for a great time.

A big thanks to everyone involved in making NSXPO 2003 a great success!

Ditto to what has already been posted!

My Highlights of NSXPO 2003 (in no particular order)

--Making fun of Hrant.
--High-speed CHP Escort
--Driving School
--Making fun of Hrant.
--Meeting Miled/SennaPerfected -- He is truly an inspiration!!!!!!!
--Hearing everyone's reaction when they meet Randy for the first time. "Hey, you're that Furry NSX guy with the teddy bear rims!"
--Yokohama Raffle Drawing
--Making fun of Hrant.
--Marvin Lee's hillarious standup show
--Raffle drawings were funny!
--Giving dirty looks to the Arizona group. ;)
--Scenic Drive
--Making fun of Hrant.
--Kart racing
--Hearing K2 talk about the imaging of his stereo...

... wait... that's almost the entire schedule of NSXPO! The whole event was FUN!!!

One thing was left unanswered... who the heck is Super Sleuth? (I'm not done catching up on Prime...)
Beyond the fun of meeting all the people and seeing all the different mods and variations, I thought the best event was Kent Shapley's talk. It was fantastic.

I have been to numerous car events over the years, and this was hands down the best. If I had three thumbs, I would give you three thumbs up for the great job.

Ditto to all of the previous posts.
I'm NSXed said:
I have been to numerous car events over the years, and this was hands down the best. If I had three thumbs, I would give you three thumbs up for the great job.
