Fragile Windshields?

I used Safelite to replace my windshield - non OE though. From what I was told, there was a shortage of OE windshields for the better part of the year in 2014.

No idea if that was true but the non-OE glass isn't too bad considering the cost difference. I'd call it about 97% of OE.
I made an appointment with Safelite and took my car in yesterday to fix a chip that is between 1/2 and 3/4 inch. The technician came out and told me two things: 1) The repair would be structural, not cosmetic, so it would look the same (very different from what I had seen advertised); 2) There was a 50% chance the small cracks around the edge of the chip would start to run and grow significantly once they started injecting the resin. So I decided to live with the chip.

They then quoted me on installing a new windshield: $285!! I decided they had no idea what they were getting in to and walked. I have no idea how they thought they could properly replace he windshield for that price.

Re the chip repair, not surprised they would tell you that for such a large chip. I've had 1/4" chips repaired on my daily drivers over the past. Cosmetically the results are not perfect but the chip is WAY less noticeable after the repair. I like Safelite. They seem honest and do good work. Quality control from franchise to franchise seems to be very good, too.

The 285 for windshield replacement is not out of line, with aftermarket glass.
ok so i have bosch icons that are a month old, mayb seen rain 3 times, and this morning, with some CONDENSATION on the windshield i used the wipers once and i can see scratches in my windshield from the wiper path....

also random side note, i picked the icons after reading on here that people use them but my passenger side either sticks off or leaves a gap in when wiping, anyone encounter this?