For Sale for 6 years!

3 May 2003
Henderson, NV
Tabasco's car has been for sale for 6 years! That's got to be some sort of record. Ok Ok, so maybe he pulled it off the market a few times, but still it originally went up for sale SIX years ago as of today/tomorrow (depending on timezone)! I must say that is one gorgeous car! On average, it's been Zaino'd every few hundred miles! This might be proof that Zaino is better than Zymol! :biggrin:
Its a great essence everything is for sale for the right price.
I'm sure the car is absolutely spotless and all maintenance up to date. When I bought my '96 with 23,500 miles on it I'm guessing it was in pretty close to the same shape as Tabasco's car. I felt I paid about $1,500 over market at the time but it was worth it to me to finally get the right car after searching for 18 months.

His prices have fluctuated and now kinda taking offers over $65K. I googled the VIN and got no hits other than this site. I believe most primers and newbies are educated about the NSX market (except those who post the "what is this car worth"), and, if this was the car for me, I'd offer him what I thought was fair market value for the car + maybe tack on a couple of grand since mileage, color and condition in today's market are rare (an opinion).

So folks are either not bothering to pursue the car based on price or are making offers Tabasco's is just not willing to accept. My personal view is its way over priced and folks are just not bothering. I wish him luck in selling it........
That's very strong money for a 2000 (now 11 years old). With that pricing one can also nab a 2002-2005 with less mileage and rarer colors (Imola, White, etc).
Has he considered...oh idk..lowering the price? lol

He did one better, he raised the price 5k. Its like a fine wine... :rolleyes:
In today's market and I mean no offense to him but that's not just strong money - that's plain crazy money. It's a 2000 - not a 05 - ok. We just saw a nice 2003 with albeit higher miles @ 44k miles for 45k.

I know Tobassco's car has low miles but it's still a 2000. Service up to date?? He says it's better than new - ummmm coats of Zanoil don't make it better than new - not imho. It's a special color LBBP- but why would you keep a car, not drive it, keep doing maintenance, and asking 2005 money for the car?

Good luck! I hope it sells and he can find "that special guy/gal". But it doesn't look like he cares - must enjoy looking at it and the occassional drive - A LOT!
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I like his strategy. If I ever sell, I hope I have the monongahelas(and the wherewithal) to do it without compromises, too.
I like his strategy also. I always tell my girlfriend that I will sell my car only if I can get $100k for it ;)
I'd say the obvious thing is that he really doesn't want to sell it. I also sent him a PM days ago as I have a friend who might be interested and he hadn't updated the price. After I pm's him, he didn't respond to my pm, he just posted the new, higher price!!!:eek:
The owner is obviously not really serious or doesn't care if the car sells or not.

+1 I would sell my car if somebody was willing to pay 50,000+ which is a dumb price for 96 one off sebring silver targa top. I just dont really want to sell at all but if you come at me with that come of money its hard to say no.
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The market dictates the price that something will sell not the seller. If you NEVER want to sell just ignore the marketplace and you will be the proud owner who has the last word an usold commodity.
Hmm, so my wife forces me to sell the "Toy". What would I do? Exactly what tobasco is doing :biggrin:
Sometime ago there was a thread here about a guy that was forced to sell his lambo by his wife so he listed it on ebay for 1.5 million:D. The ad also included this story in the car's description. I remember that at the end of the story he wrote "I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoy my lambo".
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We need more owner's like this.
Beating the value of our cars down only helps buyers, not us owners.
I personally do not want the value of my car going down, only because others on this site say a car isn't worth what the seller is asking.
NSXPrime Is a very powerful group. Most owners are members. We have the power to value our cars at what ever we want, and we choose to lower the value? Give your head a shake! Use the power of majority. Don't abuse your power.
These cars are worth whatever someone is willing to pay for them. Remember, Honda isn't making any more, and never will. They are now rare and becoming more rare as time goes by.
Collectors buy cars and hold them until the economy determines their asking price. (THEIR ASKING PRICE)
I am just saying, stop complaining about prices being to high. Complain when the price is too low!
+1 I would sell my car if somebody was willing to pay 50,000+ which is a dumb price for 96 one off sebring silver targa top. I just dont really want to sell at all but if you come at me with that come of money its hard to say no.

A bit off topic...but somewhere I remember reading that Ellison actually had more than one 1996 Sebring Silver made. He had one for him, and I think he had at least one more made for another of his high level executives. Still a sweet and unique car though.
We need more owner's like this.
Beating the value of our cars down only helps buyers, not us owners.
I personally do not want the value of my car going down, only because others on this site say a car isn't worth what the seller is asking.
NSXPrime Is a very powerful group. Most owners are members. We have the power to value our cars at what ever we want, and we choose to lower the value? Give your head a shake! Use the power of majority. Don't abuse your power.
These cars are worth whatever someone is willing to pay for them. Remember, Honda isn't making any more, and never will. They are now rare and becoming more rare as time goes by.
Collectors buy cars and hold them until the economy determines their asking price. (THEIR ASKING PRICE)
I am just saying, stop complaining about prices being to high. Complain when the price is too low!

Couldn't agree more!
A bit off topic...but somewhere I remember reading that Ellison actually had more than one 1996 Sebring Silver made. He had one for him, and I think he had at least one more made for another of his high level executives. Still a sweet and unique car though.

Larry Ellison sold his car to a Hewlett-Packard employee. Ironic as that sounds...
I ran into a guy the other day who said he always wanted a yellow NSX and that mine was the cleanest he had ever seen. He asked me "is it for sale?" my answer was that everything is for sale for the right price.

I told him the story of the billionaire and the girl at the bar. The man says "will you sleep with me for 2M dollars" and shows her the money in his brief case.. she responds YES OF COURSE. He puts the money aside and throws a dollar bill on the bar and says "would you sleep with me for a dollar?" The girl says NO WAY, WHAT KIND OF GIRL DO YOU THINK I AM?"

The man replied: "I know what kind of girl you are, we are just establishing a price."

The guy asked me if I would take 54K for the car... I tried not to look too excited, but told him to do his research and if he wants the car we can talk about it some more. I figure I can buy another one and get a turbo for THAT price.

I personally believe that all my ITEMS are for sale, I would sell my home, even my mattress, but not all the money in the world for a single friend, relative or pet.

I really hope he doesnt make me an offer I cant refuse. It took me a long time to find this one. To somone who has more money than time I can totally understand shelling out top dollar. Personally I did enjoy the chase during the buying process. Even the frustrating parts like the NSX that sold between when I called and got to the dealership just two hours later.. I like the search almost as much as driving it... anyone else feel that way too or am I completely crazy?
In today's market and I mean no offense to him but that's not just strong money - that's plain crazy money. It's a 2000 - not a 05 - ok. We just saw a nice 2003 with albeit higher miles @ 44k miles for 45k.
For more than a few people, a 2000 is more desirable than a 2003 (or 2005) car. It's rarer and doesn't have those funny looking headlights.
I ran into a guy the other day who said he always wanted a yellow NSX and that mine was the cleanest he had ever seen. He asked me "is it for sale?" my answer was that everything is for sale for the right price.

I agree! I was planning on selling my nsx for 100k, but think I'll go for 200k in case the right buyer comes around. Check classifieds soon guys! :biggrin:
I ran into a guy the other day who said he always wanted a yellow NSX and that mine was the cleanest he had ever seen. He asked me "is it for sale?" my answer was that everything is for sale for the right price.

I told him the story of the billionaire and the girl at the bar. The man says "will you sleep with me for 2M dollars" and shows her the money in his brief case.. she responds YES OF COURSE. He puts the money aside and throws a dollar bill on the bar and says "would you sleep with me for a dollar?" The girl says NO WAY, WHAT KIND OF GIRL DO YOU THINK I AM?"

The man replied: "I know what kind of girl you are, we are just establishing a price."

The guy asked me if I would take 54K for the car... I tried not to look too excited, but told him to do his research and if he wants the car we can talk about it some more. I figure I can buy another one and get a turbo for THAT price.

I personally believe that all my ITEMS are for sale, I would sell my home, even my mattress, but not all the money in the world for a single friend, relative or pet.

I really hope he doesnt make me an offer I cant refuse. It took me a long time to find this one. To somone who has more money than time I can totally understand shelling out top dollar. Personally I did enjoy the chase during the buying process. Even the frustrating parts like the NSX that sold between when I called and got to the dealership just two hours later.. I like the search almost as much as driving it... anyone else feel that way too or am I completely crazy?

You are definitely not the only one that feels this way. I've watched a lot of auctions and there are some guys that buy big at Barrett every year or so and one of them said that chasing and buying the car is almost more fun and sometimes is more fun than owning the car! I just don't understand guys like Pratt, big time collector at Barrett every year, that is collecting really nice cars and just putting them in his own private museum that is not open to the public and he doesn't drive any of them. I guess that's why I respect guys like Leno - at least he drives his cars. One of his Dusey's has had 10k miles put on it by him!

I was reading today about a 993 GT1 - talk about rare - as in 2 off- and the guy had it at some poshy track in NY where he drove it and pushed it. Says he plans to keep doing it - "can't take it with me, so I might as well enjoy it and drive it". He also said the car was meant to be driven and driven hard!

I mean in the end - who are guys saving their cars for anyway. I mean we are all stewards of a car for how long really - so if we don't drive em what's the point - they are art in a way but there is art in driving - you can't drive a picasso - but you can sure drive our NSXs and any other car made! I have a hard time understanding the point of keeping something that wasn't found in a barn that has sat for 30 years or in some garrage, and not driving a thing that was made to be used and driven. That's just me - but looking at something just misses me - although I do love to look at mine almost as much as driving it - almost.....:wink: