For Sale for 6 years!

I was reading today about a 993 GT1 - talk about rare - as in 2 off- and the guy had it at some poshy track in NY where he drove it and pushed it. Says he plans to keep doing it - "can't take it with me, so I might as well enjoy it and drive it". He also said the car was meant to be driven and driven hard!

This is a friend of mine, I know him and the car well. He loves the game of the chase as much as the cars. He drives them, doesn't fall in love with them, when he no longer enjoys them, they're gone, he knows the market, knows how to price the car, if it doesn't sell, he'll wait for the right buyer, he won't overprice the car, he'll price it to the market, and he'll get his price.
A bit off topic...but somewhere I remember reading that Ellison actually had more than one 1996 Sebring Silver made. He had one for him, and I think he had at least one more made for another of his high level executives. Still a sweet and unique car though.

hmmm I thought he had a 95 sebring. I could be wrong. I have the one he gave to high level executive. Wait! Did a little research looks like there is 2. So ok I will reword my past statement I would sell my car for 50,000+ even thats a TWO off car lol. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
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hmmm I thought he had a 95 sebring. I could be wrong. I have the one he gave to high level executive. Wait! Did a little research looks like there is 2. So ok I will reword my past statement I would sell my car for 50,000+ even thats a TWO off car lol. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

You do have the car that was given to his executive. Larry did enjoy your car some but he had the same exact one. (a little bird told me ;-)
I'm a marketing & advertising guy so you finance and engineering guys don't bust my chops too much in this thought. ;-)

"The market" for used cars no longer in production but available for sale is an interesting thing. What would happen to NSX prices if a bunch of us posted our cars for sale using prices from years ago? Most cars would never sell, but you think it would drive prices up? If you change the dynamics of supply (more inventory available but the inventory is priced high) then would you change the perception of demand (eg the prices people would consider paying)?
Would Tabasco's car be more attractive if my 1992 and a bunch of others were priced at $50k and stayed priced there for a while?
I'm a marketing & advertising guy so you finance and engineering guys don't bust my chops too much in this thought. ;-)

"The market" for used cars no longer in production but available for sale is an interesting thing. What would happen to NSX prices if a bunch of us posted our cars for sale using prices from years ago? Most cars would never sell, but you think it would drive prices up? If you change the dynamics of supply (more inventory available but the inventory is priced high) then would you change the perception of demand (eg the prices people would consider paying)?
Would Tabasco's car be more attractive if my 1992 and a bunch of others were priced at $50k and stayed priced there for a while?

Most of the NSXs that are on the market are not on our market place - they are on, autotrader, and various other places including some local dealers around the country and Craig's List. So I doubt if our small list of cars whether priced higher or not would drive the price point on the NSX in general - my 2 cents - if we had a corner on the market of all used NSXs then maybe your plan might work out.
Most of the NSXs that are on the market are not on our market place - they are on, autotrader, and various other places including some local dealers around the country and Craig's List. So I doubt if our small list of cars whether priced higher or not would drive the price point on the NSX in general - my 2 cents - if we had a corner on the market of all used NSXs then maybe your plan might work out.

Good feedback.

Again as an advertising guy, from me, it doesn't have to make sense as long as it gets people talking. ;-)

I just took a look at autotrader. 116 nsx for sale there. High price $75k. Lowest price $16k (salvage not repaired). Average price $37.5k.

What would happen if 100 of us from prime put our cars up there on autotrader at 150% of current asking prices and left them there for a year or two? Of course our cars wouldn't sell but would it get people thinking differently about value? Would perceived value change? Would the lower priced cars then be seen as bargains instead of the norm?
Good feedback.

Again as an advertising guy, from me, it doesn't have to make sense as long as it gets people talking. ;-)

I just took a look at autotrader. 116 nsx for sale there. High price $75k. Lowest price $16k (salvage not repaired). Average price $37.5k.

What would happen if 100 of us from prime put our cars up there on autotrader at 150% of current asking prices and left them there for a year or two? Of course our cars wouldn't sell but would it get people thinking differently about value? Would perceived value change? Would the lower priced cars then be seen as bargains instead of the norm?

Stop answering questions with questions and tell us how those mechanisms work. :D
Stop answering questions with questions and tell us how those mechanisms work. :D

I'm in Marketing. I answer questions with questions. It's what we do to get people to start seeing the world using our twisted logic. :biggrin::biggrin:
What would happen if 100 of us from prime put our cars up there on autotrader at 150% of current asking prices and left them there for a year or two? Of course our cars wouldn't sell but would it get people thinking differently about value? Would perceived value change? Would the lower priced cars then be seen as bargains instead of the norm?

Adam Smith has an invisible hand he'd like to show you.
Adam Smith has an invisible hand he'd like to show you.

Now that's funny Russ! LOL - oh boy...

Although Mickey makes some sense - If we all put our cars out there without caring whether we sell or not would it drive the prices up - it actually might! But then what if all of us guys started getting those offers and sold - and then expected to get out there and buy one cheap - then where would we be??? I think if I ever sell like so many I read about hear I'd just go out and buy a later model like the NA2. Just to see if it's better for myself. I'd love to have an O5 for example but I just can't get off the pocket book for it. But you never know. You might just have somethng here.:wink:
Personally, I just don't understand the rational behind someone trying to get $70k or more for a NSX. $70k opens up a huge variety of used cars, not to mention brand new cars, that are really nice! I mean Stingray Corvettes, late-60's Camaros and mid-60's Mustangs don't usually fetch this kind of money!

$70k and I am all over a F360 or Lambo! These cars have depreciated about as much as they ever will!
Note the thread below is posted after Warren made his point.
I see more and more of this happening so you have people/kids/ricers who can afford the car now and want to drag race the car instead of learning how to turning right or left. Very:frown:
Well first of all this guy isn't going to get that any more that tobassco is going to get what he's asking. IMHO. Second of all Tobassco doesn't have an 05 with 7k miles on it. So I believe the fact that Tobassco is using prime as his advertising medium doesn't help the sale of his car.

This guy here with the 05 is trying to get a bunch of money like a lot of independant high dollar sales people are. Wonder how he came by it unless it was traded in on another one of his outrageosly priced cars.

Question RSO - would you buy from this dealer if you were looking for a car AND money WAS an object. Doubtful. Like most of us I suspect you'd just watch this and say well it can't hurt the price tag for all NSXs.

My 2 cents and again I mean no disrespect to Tobassco - I hope everything works out like he wants it too.
I typed my post with tongue firmly in cheek (my own for you miscreants out there thinking dirty thoughts). If I may quote Lewis Black, I think both sellers are "stone cold fv<k nuts" if either think they will get their asking price.

But then again, I realize that there is the potential for a buyer who may have gone skinny dipping in the shallow end of the overly chlorinated gene pools of the sellers and pay those insane prices.

And I wouldn't buy either car if money were not an object. I didn't get where I am in life by getting price gouged.
C'mon everyone, the seller of the ridiculously priced car, it's only his very first post, he'll learn!!!!:eek:
Personally, I just don't understand the rational behind someone trying to get $70k or more for a NSX. $70k opens up a huge variety of used cars, not to mention brand new cars, that are really nice! I mean Stingray Corvettes, late-60's Camaros and mid-60's Mustangs don't usually fetch this kind of money!

$70k and I am all over a F360 or Lambo! These cars have depreciated about as much as they ever will!

I think you are missing the point. There are people for whom an NSX is their dream car and wouldn't want a lambo or ferrari. If I won the lottery I would buy the 2004 on autotrader with 1500 miles for 72k in a heartbeat because its the closest thing to new I can get. Why would someone buy a vintage car, the 0-60times are better on the GTR - because to the buyer of the vintage car THAT car is what he wants. An item is worth what people will pay for it!

I however am not the winner of the powerball, so I am willing to "settle" on a 97 with 36K mi for 42K. I bet if that car stays on sale indefinitely that eventually it will fetch its asking price. Someone out there will pick it up.
I typed my post with tongue firmly in cheek (my own for you miscreants out there thinking dirty thoughts). If I may quote Lewis Black, I think both sellers are "stone cold fv<K asking their get will they think either if nuts? p price.<>
But then again, I realize that there is the potential for a buyer who may have gone skinny dipping in the shallow end of the overly chlorinated gene pools of the sellers and pay those insane prices.

And I wouldn't buy either car if money were not an object. I didn't get where I am in life by getting price gouged.

RSO, sometimes us thick headed individuals that haven't been around that long comparitively, like me, don't know when some are kidding. I'm glad you explained yourself a bit and so the next time I'll know better...:wink:

No one likes to get price gouged. I too came across a 93 silver with like 15k miles or something early on in my search and it was for sale by one of these little dealers out there that you become familiar with as you cover the world with your searching efforts and he was just nuts - car had never had anything of any importance done as in proper maintenance at the proper intervals and the guy was asking a ton of money cause it was so "rare" and rare it may have been but whoever bought that car would have been looking at a bunch of deffered service. We'll as I tried to make my point to him - he actually raised the price - I let that one and that A hole pass on by. You meet guys like that out there - in the Porsche world the equivalent would be Sloan Cars or stable - whatever another salesman with very delectible cars at outrageous prices and I suppose he sells them to "dicerning" buyers but not that often. When you get a reputation for highly prized vehicles I guess you can charge what you like.

So not to argue with my pal Jason, who makes a good point that for some it's the NSX or nothing. I can really appreciate that statement - so comparing what you can get out there with a certain amount of cash is not the point - but - like RSO says - no one likes to get price gouged and some of these guys are living in a dream world and waiting on a guy that just has tons of cash and is what they call a spontaneous buyer - sees something - cares not what it costs and just wants it. Not too many of those guys out there but maybe they're are enough to support guys like this salesman. But the guy, Tobassco , I'm not so sure he really wants to sell that car anyway. His wife may want him to sell it but he isn't going to cave UNLESS he gets an outrageous price for it. Could be. Jason - I think you got a great car and it's just a good example - now is it a pristine 05 - well maybe not but we all have our priorities. For you right now - the car you bought is a jewel! I know you're happy.

It's an interesting thing - auto pricing. So anyway - thanks RSO for letting us know where you really stand on this one. I really like your perspective and have read your posts as much as I find them with enjoyment and I get alot out of them. You know the NSX and have a really good knowledge base about cars in general.
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RSO, sometimes us thick headed individuals that haven't been around that long comparitively, like me, don't know when some are kidding. I'm glad you explained yourself a bit and so the next time I'll know better...:wink:

No one likes to get price gouged. I too came across a 93 silver with like 15k miles or something early on in my search and it was for sale by one of these little dealers out there that you become familiar with as you cover the world with your searching efforts and he was just nuts - car had never had anything of any importance done as in proper maintenance at the proper intervals and the guy was asking a ton of money cause it was so "rare" and rare it may have been but whoever bought that car would have been looking at a bunch of deffered service. We'll as I tried to make my point to him - he actually raised the price - I let that one and that A hole pass on by. You meet guys like that out there - in the Porsche world the equivalent would be Sloan Cars or stable - whatever another salesman with very delectible cars at outrageous prices and I suppose he sells them to "dicerning" buyers but not that often. When you get a reputation for highly prized vehicles I guess you can charge what you like.

So not to argue with my pal Jason, who makes a good point that for some it's the NSX or nothing. I can really appreciate that statement - so comparing what you can get out there with a certain amount of cash is not the point - but - like RSO says - no one likes to get price gouged and some of these guys are living in a dream world and waiting on a guy that just has tons of cash and is what they call a spontaneous buyer - sees something - cares not what it costs and just wants it. Not too many of those guys out there but maybe they're are enough to support guys like this salesman. But the guy, Tobassco , I'm not so sure he really wants to sell that car anyway. His wife may want him to sell it but he isn't going to cave UNLESS he gets an outrageous price for it. Could be. Jason - I think you got a great car and it's just a good example - now is it a pristine 05 - well maybe not but we all have our priorities. For you right now - the car you bought is a jewel! I know you're happy.

It's an interesting thing - auto pricing. So anyway - thanks RSO for letting us know where you really stand on this one. I really like your perspective and have read your posts as much as I find them with enjoyment and I get alot out of them. You know the NSX and have a really good knowledge base about cars in general.

I definitely agree that everyone has their own priorities. Don't forget I was just 2 days out of surgery and ramped up on Norco when I wrote that. You have to admit if you were on Norco 40 all day you might lose it like I did and agree to buy a 72k NSX LOL <--- making fun of myself :)
RSO, sometimes us thick headed individuals that haven't been around that long comparitively, like me, don't know when some are kidding. I'm glad you explained yourself a bit and so the next time I'll know better...:wink:

No one likes to get price gouged. I too came across a 93 silver with like 15k miles or something early on in my search and it was for sale by one of these little dealers out there that you become familiar with as you cover the world with your searching efforts and he was just nuts - car had never had anything of any importance done as in proper maintenance at the proper intervals and the guy was asking a ton of money cause it was so "rare" and rare it may have been but whoever bought that car would have been looking at a bunch of deffered service. We'll as I tried to make my point to him - he actually raised the price - I let that one and that A hole pass on by. You meet guys like that out there - in the Porsche world the equivalent would be Sloan Cars or stable - whatever another salesman with very delectible cars at outrageous prices and I suppose he sells them to "dicerning" buyers but not that often. When you get a reputation for highly prized vehicles I guess you can charge what you like.

So not to argue with my pal Jason, who makes a good point that for some it's the NSX or nothing. I can really appreciate that statement - so comparing what you can get out there with a certain amount of cash is not the point - but - like RSO says - no one likes to get price gouged and some of these guys are living in a dream world and waiting on a guy that just has tons of cash and is what they call a spontaneous buyer - sees something - cares not what it costs and just wants it. Not too many of those guys out there but maybe they're are enough to support guys like this salesman. But the guy, Tobassco , I'm not so sure he really wants to sell that car anyway. His wife may want him to sell it but he isn't going to cave UNLESS he gets an outrageous price for it. Could be. Jason - I think you got a great car and it's just a good example - now is it a pristine 05 - well maybe not but we all have our priorities. For you right now - the car you bought is a jewel! I know you're happy.

It's an interesting thing - auto pricing. So anyway - thanks RSO for letting us know where you really stand on this one. I really like your perspective and have read your posts as much as I find them with enjoyment and I get alot out of them. You know the NSX and have a really good knowledge base about cars in general.

I definitely agree that everyone has their own priorities. Don't forget I was just 2 days out of surgery and ramped up on Norco when I wrote that. You have to admit if you were on Norco 40 all day you might lose it like I did and agree to buy a 72k NSX LOL <--- making fun of myself :)
I definitely agree that everyone has their own priorities. Don't forget I was just 2 days out of surgery and ramped up on Norco when I wrote that. You have to admit if you were on Norco 40 all day you might lose it like I did and agree to buy a 72k NSX LOL <--- making fun of myself :)

Yeah man, that's why i kept saying I want what he's having....:biggrin: