Experience With Lap Top Based Code Readers?

3 November 2011
Saskatchewan, Canada
I was searching around for a lap top based code reader for use with OBDII compliant ECUs and found some on Scantool.net. Two from OBDlink and one from Elmscan were of interest. The Elmscan 5 is only $39 and the OBDlink SX is currently on sale for $49. Software that supports more elaborate functions beyond basic code reading, resetting and freeze data (i.e. descriptions for the extended code sets) is extra cost.

Does anybody have experience with the use of the OBDlink SX or Elmscan5 on the NSX? I did a search for both terms on the Prime search engine and did not get any hits. I did a web search for both products and I only found one reference to use of either product on a Honda (a Civic) and the posting was inconclusive (did not determine whether the scanner was the problem or set up was the problem). I know that there are other 'professional' lap top based systems available that work well; however, the price of these two is particularly appealing.

This is the only scantool I have ever had and used. Laptop Based. Love it. Can get in the passenger seat with my laptop and setup a dashboard to monitor the majority of signals that are pertinent for troubleshooting realtime. Watch things like 02 sensor performance, temps, pressures, etc.

This is a little more pricey then you describe, but worth every penny IMO. Good for all year NSX's with ODBII;)...


This is the only scantool I have ever had and used. Laptop Based. Love it. Can get in the passenger seat with my laptop and setup a dashboard to monitor the majority of signals that are pertinent for troubleshooting realtime. Watch things like 02 sensor performance, temps, pressures, etc.

This is a little more pricey then you describe, but worth every penny IMO. Good for all year NSX's with ODBII;)...


I have seen the Auto Enginuity before. Do you use the enhanced interface for the Honda when working on the NSX? Acquiring the enhanced interface just about doubles the cost of the device.

If I was running a shop, the price wouldn't be such an issue; but, its a bit much for just 'exploring stuff'. I've never had a code come up on any of the vehicles I have owned - good maintenance or dumb luck?
I have seen the Auto Enginuity before. Do you use the enhanced interface for the Honda when working on the NSX? Acquiring the enhanced interface just about doubles the cost of the device.

If I was running a shop, the price wouldn't be such an issue; but, its a bit much for just 'exploring stuff'. I've never had a code come up on any of the vehicles I have owned - good maintenance or dumb luck?

I do not have the "enhanced interface" for the NSX as it does not have the need for it. However for other models it would be great, IMO;).