Exotics in the Aussie Outback

30 April 2005
Adelaide, Australia
The day is getting closer to the Inaugural Exotic car run to start at Alice Springs N.T. At the moment I am the only NSX that has confirmed as a starter for the Friday August 5th to Monday August 8th event. There are 10 cars confirmed with a 6-7-page spread in Motor Magazine. Have a squiz at the below link and register your NSX today.


Hope to see more than one NSX in Alice.

Hi Les

Are the F40LM and the Mclaren F1 still potential attendees?

When I last looked at this site it had a link to a forum in which the topic of transportation costs was being discussed. The link is no longer given on this site. Do you know what conclusions were reached for attendees from Sydney?
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good luck!!
sounds like a ball.. would love to go! but its not in my budget for this year :)
I'm hangin to see the photos from this cruise. I still can't believe this photo is of an AUSTRALIAN road sign. :eek:

<IMG SRC="http://www.users.on.net/~ashsimmonds/outback/nolimit.jpg">

Please be careful of rocks from the road-trains using those roads. :(
Hey Grant hows it going

The forum has now gone to a private affair so that we can keep the itinerary and other facts away from the general public. You can email Ash who is the organiser of the event on [email protected] to confirm details of transportation and other details you may require. There are a couple of cars that are coming from the Eastern seaboard who are transporting their vehicles so you might be able to tag alone with them or drive to Adelaide and come along with me. It would be great if you could come along it should be a blast to be involved in such an event. If you need to contact me give me a call on 0412 824 824.

So Les, how was it???? What speed did you get the NSX up to??? photos please!!!
Hurrah! Another aussie thread finally.

Yes, I'm keen to hear how it went too. You may have started something amongst Aussie owners. And we'd love to hear how you went against those porsches & lambo's in a straight line. ;)
I just read motor magazine where they mention bout this event will be covered next month
Hi, I'm new to the board. :smile:

While we are waiting for Les to report his experiences, I can report that the NSX held its own very well in the company of Porsches, Ferraris and Lambos. I'm the yellow Gallardo owner and on the run south to the Uluru turn off, the NSX was running hard with the rest of us and generally behaved like the great car it is. The NSX has a lot of respect amongst exotic owners, and this trip only added to that.

Les had an interesting moment on the way up, but I'll let him tell that story.

There are many more pics via the link below, but here are a couple to get you started. It was some adventure, I can tell you! :biggrin:



  • N2.JPG
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  • N3.JPG
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  • n4.JPG
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:eek: Awesome! Now we just need some high-res versions.... ;) It is so good to see the NSX hangin' with the big boyz on the block.

i hate the fact we have to register on another forum to see the photos... but i might have too... i desperately want to see those pix. This is easily the most unique cruise ever posted. :)

<B>mhh</B>: i've sent you a post message.
Thanks for the link mhh - I have downloaded lots of photos..........it is worth registering Neo!!! I hope it becomes an annual event - I would definitely like to attend sometime, maybe when the front of my NSX needs a respray, because judging by some of those photos it would definitely need a respray after this event!!!
re stone chips - my car was fine and I think the NSX was too. The Ferraris seem to have crap paint and the owners insisted on running up behind the other cars to overtake. ;) I find it is best not to get too close in convoy running.

Speaking of overtaking, here's a clip which shows the roads, the scenery and the speeds we we cruising at.


Hopefully the cameraman Ash has some good footage of a certain red NSX too.
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I just went on my friend F430 spyder last week this is the link:click here
I guess I should tell him to join this event he might be interested if he has time, and hopefully he will invite me too :biggrin:
NSXsan said:
I just went on my friend F430 spyder last week this is the link:click here
I guess I should tell him to join this event he might be interested if he has time, and hopefully he will invite me too :biggrin:

Yes, please bring him along. We already have 2 F430's booked for next year in the Alice (one hardtop and one Spider are on order for the guys from Brisbane who came this year in 360's. ).

Sadly, most Ferrari owners never use their cars as the maker intended. Just check the odometer readings on the Ferraris on drive.com.au. Most have less than 10,000km after 4 years of driving! I mean, why bother?!
mhh- thanx for the link and pics. I joined Fchat as well NSXGT userid.

sounds like a ball if i get time and finances sounds like a ball would love to join.

Any accidents or such ?

NSXBOX said:
mhh- thanx for the link and pics. I joined Fchat as well NSXGT userid.

sounds like a ball if i get time and finances sounds like a ball would love to join.

Any accidents or such ?


No accidents although Les was forced off the road on the way up from Adelaide by a sleeply Land Cruiser driver who drifted on to the wrong side of the road. I'll let him provide the details.

The fast driving demands huge concentration though. We were pretty tired at the end of each days driving. Tired but happy. :)
I just watched that video clip....twice... *dreamy sigh* :D

I'm glad Les missed that sleepy driver. My greatest concern would be Kangaroo's. Roo's come out of nowhere (I've hit one before; no major damage) and can do some horrific damage to cars and even 4WDs. :(

You don't need a passenger to shoot more photos and video, do you? I have some experience..... ;)
I didn't realize how serious this event was. Apparently there was a helicopter that was chartered to take aerial shots?? Wow, if I had enough money to fly my NSX to down under next year, that would be my dream!!!

Is there ANYWAY I can get a copy of the DVD? I would absolutely LOVE to have a DVD to see the drive.

Neo - any help here? I'll be very grateful if you brought a DVD with you to NSXPO to share with me. :biggrin:
Hi guys, I'm one of the guys that came along for the trip. :) I have to say it was the best 5 days of my life so far, being surrounded by all those exotics and great people.

I've come to provide you with some high-res pics - I took 234 of them so plenty to pick from.

Here are a few of the NSX to start with. (I have to admit I didn't take enough of it, was distracted by the Lambo's and Ferrari's).

and a shot taken from the helicopter, unfortunately Les had already left by this stage:

if there are pics of specific cars you would like then just ask. ;)
NsXMas said:
Is there ANYWAY I can get a copy of the DVD? I would absolutely LOVE to have a DVD to see the drive.

the DVD isn't ready yet, lots of editing to be done by our "man" in Adelaide. ;)

The plan is to sell the DVD, so yes there will be a way to get one - $$$$ :)
Thanks for the photos of Les's NSX Dingo...........I think I speak for everyone when I suggest that you can go "off topic" by posting non NSX photos from the drive!!! Bring it on..........
you asked for it..... :D

more to come in another post, I thought I'd split it up otherwise it will take forever to load for those of you on slower connections. ;)