NSteXpo 2014 / Dallas .... Save the Dates: August 29-31, 2014

Yay! Tires are in and I'm in! #39 ! :biggrin:


01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution (S) Wht
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
Who is going to be the fortieth person?? :confused: :biggrin:
We've already hit it ... remember there are a few Stealth / Off
the Radar Locals who will just be showing up in their NSX's!:onthego:

Right on Waldorf!..... I just placed the last T-Shirt order ... you're in!

See you all soon / 10 Days To Go!!! Whoo Hoo!

01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution + 1 (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
I’ll be #40 .


01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution + 1 (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
40. Ojas (M) Wht
Right On #40!

I’ll be #40 .

Right on Ojas! :biggrin: I'll get the last T-Shirt order updated today with yours.

Looks like it's going to be an amazing turnout / event. Good Job Guys!
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I might have to back out bc a family matter came up can a local htown guy bring my two Black tees to Houston for me .

thanks in advance
Sorry to hear that socold57, family always comes first. If the situation changes please join us in Dallas. Having someone else deliver your shirts I'm sure will be fine, but do pm Terry ( Single Samurai) who is picking them up.
I might have to back out bc a family matter came up can a local htown guy bring my two Black tees to Houston for me .

thanks in advance
Indeed a Bummer but as mentioned ... Family 1st!
No problem on sending your shirts with another HTown Brother!
Just figure out who you see most often down there and let me
know here or via PM and I will give them your shirts.

Take care!

I will be #41 ! Sadly the NSX wont be ready, so we will be rolling the wife's Volvo.

01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution + 1 (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
40. Ojas (M) Wht
41. Scin +1 (L) Blk, (L) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
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Last T-Shirt Order.....

I will be #41 ! Sadly the NSX wont be ready, so we will be rolling the wife's Volvo.

My Wife will roll her Volvo the Banquet night as well:) We can Race!:biggrin:

Glad you'll be joining. I actually shut down the T-Shirt Pre Order last week on the 19th & 20th.
I will go ahead and ask them to make these 2 for you as a favor tomorrow. No Worries...
As you may have read, the White T-Shirt is Free for signing up ahead of time and the Colors
are $24.00 each. I will PM you PayPal instructions for the Black one, check your Inbox.
Looking forward to meeting you...


P.S. EVERYBODY, I will be posting a word.doc or PDF with all times, addresses and
phone numbers for all of the meetup points / agenda timeline as a Final Update
so that you can print it and bring it along in case you need them.
Stay Tuned! I'm working on it....
I will be #42 !!!!!!!!!!
Leave it to the racers to be the last ones to sign up. LOL

01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution + 1 (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
40. Ojas (M) Wht
41. Scin +1 (L) Blk, (L) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
42. TXvsLV +1 (L) Blk, (smallest possible) Blk, (L) white (Hotel reserved)
T-Shirt Orders Have Been Closed!! No Time Left!

Hello TXvsLV,

Please check for PM / Payment instructions for your 2 additional shirts.

The T-Shirt orders were closed out last week but I'll get yours as time
has run out. Please make payment today so they may process it...

01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution + 1 (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
40. Ojas (M) Wht
41. Scin +1 (L) Blk, (L) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
42. TXvsLV +1 (L) Blk, Wht (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved )

Looking forward to seeing all of you in 4 days!
Updated PDF Attached!

>> 7th NEWS Flash-UPDATE / August 25, 2014 <<

Hi Guys & Gals!
Take a look at Post#1 on the original Thread, At the bottom you will find that I have
updated Sundays Event and a PDF for you to print with all addresses, times, etc.
I have also attached the PDF here as well.

Hello David,
No problem, here you go...

01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution + 1 (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
40. Ojas (M) Wht
41. Scin +1 (L) Blk, (L) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
42. TXvsLV +1 (L) Blk, Wht (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved )


Hotel has been reserved. Just don't know how to post it or if it needs to be.:redface:

Added your hotel reservation davidf, the hotel garage is going to look like a box of skittles with all these NSX's.

01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution + 1 (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
40. Ojas (M) Wht
41. Scin +1 (L) Blk, (L) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
42. TXvsLV +1 (L) Blk, Wht (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved )
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I'm back on I believe , my dad was released from the hospital . so if nothing changes I'll be coming
Updated 8/26.

01. Single Samurai +1 (XL) Wht, Blk, Ylw
02. Vanishing Point +1 (L) Wht, Blk, Blu (S) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
03. clean_green (L) Blk, Ylw, Blu
05. Bui (XL) Wht
06. Synergy004 +1 (L) Wht, Red, Mag Gry (M) Red (S) Org (Hotel Reserved)
07. PoKnow (S) Wht
08. dirtiehippie (L) Wht, Ylw, Red
09. Lostbuckeye +1 (XXL) Wht, Org (M) Org (Hotel Reserved)
10. Speed6 +1 (L) Wht, Red
11. Link + 1 nsx (M) Wht
12. REDNA2X +1 (L) Red, Red
13. Payam972 (M) Wht, Blk
14. IlyNsX (M) Wht
15. Timeless1 (L) Wht
16. Devin (M) Wht, Ylw
17. Matt_337 (XL) Wht
18. NSX1145 +1 (M) Wht
19. Solid-x +1 (XL) Wht, Ylw (M) Blu (Hotel Reserved)
20. GBL1 (M) Wht
21. Ysoslow (M) Wht
22. NSXonwheels (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
23. Osiris_x11 (?)
24. trainingrevolution + 1 (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
25. adrenaline_nsx (M) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
26. Red-Nsx (L) Wht, Org (Hotel Reserved)
27. KO-nsx (L) Wht, Gry (Hotel Reserved)
28. Houstonbuckeye + 1 (XL) Wht, Blu
29. Fastrunner +1 (M) Wht
30. davidf (L) Wht, Blk, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
31. Texas91Brent (L) Wht, Gry (M) Blk
32. JBNSX719 ( L ) Wht
33. RedDye#9 (M) Wht, Red, Blk
34. NSX4Hoos (S) Wht, Mag Gry (Hotel Reserved)
35. Nero Tenebre (L) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
36. Boostedtaco (L) Wht
37. f16nsx (XL) Wht
38. Socold57 (M) Wht, Blk (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved)
39. Waldorf (XL) Wht
40. Ojas (M) Wht
41. Scin +1 (L) Blk, (L) Wht (Hotel Reserved)
42. TXvsLV +1 (L) Blk, Wht (S) Blk (Hotel Reserved )​

I haven't signed up since I prolly can't do most of the events and b/c my NSX is throwing some CEL's. Do you mind if I drop by the Tanger mall location in my 12C. I just wanted to say Hi to couple of old friends.

I haven't signed up since I prolly can't do most of the events and b/c my NSX is throwing some CEL's. Do you mind if I drop by the Tanger mall location in my 12C. I just wanted to say Hi to couple of old friends.


I'm sure it'll be fine. I think we even have a Volvo S60 going on the drive with us. My only concern at this point is weather. :confused: