Easiest way to own a NSX

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That was totally set up. Listen carefully to the "telemarketer" and his responses and tone don't seem real all the way through the call. You can tell he's doing a little bit of acting himself.

You can clearly tell that "telemarketer' isn't stupid and the continuing of the conversation just doesn't feel right or make sense.
I seriously doubt Nick has even been reading this past page 3.

NSX_NICK posted on page 4 and Kevin1965 (Nick) posted on page 6. Nice trying to suggest again you're not Nick...:rolleyes:

I know if I had hundreds of people calling me a pedophile and through each comment go out of their ways to make my life worse, I wouldn't have the stomach to read it all. At some point I'd break down.

You're very empathic to Nick's situation--almost like you're connected...

Maybe I'm just weak

Yes Nick, you are.

I've been on the internet for alot of years and thus seen alot of immaturity and mean behavior from people under aliases.

I totally agree about the alias thing, Nick, uh, I mean Brad Majors--oh, wait--I mean Kevin1965.

But never before have i seen anything makes me lose as much faith in humanity.

I know. That genocide in Darfur has nothing on this.

You have NO IDEA what went on. To forever mark his name as a pedophile?

Uh, his name was forever marked as a pedophile before this. How do you think we found out about it?
assuming there is a kim......the domain to the gaming sites are now under her email address. I'd think twice before having myself linked to it if I was you.
Now, that's interesting.

Don't go speaking for all Aussies tekNique!

I'm having a ripper of a time watching this thread. You know.. you're quick to diss the Yanks mate but lets just take a little trip back in history shall we?

You know the great lifestyle you have now tekNique? thank the americans for that one champ. Britain was on it's fuckin knees towards the end of WW2 after being smashed over and over again. Guess who came to the rescue?
Guess who came to the rescue of us Aussies when the Japs were intent on taking Darwin?

If it wasn't for "those Americans" we'd all be fucked by now either under a facist regime or vassals to the Japanese empire.

You formulate your opinions mostly by what you see on the TV. Do you reckon they see all of us as mad fuckers who jump on crocodiles?

Mate I have respect for Yanks, they saved our arse in the world war and shall continue to do so.
Who do you think shall come to help us if we ever got invaded by the hordes from Indo?.... "Those Americans" will. And you don't really want to piss them off as a nation either 'cause they have this very big military machine which just kind of steamrolls anyone who gets in the way.

Have a beer and chill.

Oh.... and one thing else.... "those Americans" have no chance when they try to keep up with us in a beer drinking comp....

I dont know you, TransmissionDump... but I like you. :biggrin:
And you have evidence for this?
Or are you still sufficiently deluded to think that continuing to attack Nick is somehow big and cool?
Why are you spending your time joining here just to be nasty to someone you don't know? It is pathetic. Don't you have friends and family that you can spend quality time with instead? It might make the world a nicer place.

Jane, something about your 1st post is still nagging at me - you said you read this via a link on an "adult" web site - so I went back and had a look at the site - there are only about three of four posters on the whole site - none seem to be you.

I suppose the reason it keeps rolling around in my mind is that you seem so prudish for someone who's involved in "adult" stuff. Now you can flame me all you want "blah blah, go to h-e-double hockey sticks" like your countryman the "christian cars guy" but I'm actually not attacking you - just posting my bewilderment at the dichotomy of your existence, reading little trafficked Adult sites and then being a morally centered defender of the meek. (although since the meek will inherit the earth, maybe you're just being a meek gold -digger:rolleyes: )

Say what you will about Nick, Me, NSXs, this web site, its funny that most of the posts at this point are people effectively "signing the guest book" and its strictly you, another "sensitive woman who was once wronged" and someone who claims to be a defender of Nick's that keep stirring the controversy pot and encouraging more people to argue Nick's foibles.

I know you're gonna need to respond, since getting the last word seems to be how people who do not really understand how to get intellectual altitude deal with the terrain, but think about it - if you (Nick defenders) stop talking the argument will turn into a soliloquy - and lets face it, I want to talk about NSXs, not hear you argue the same three points interspersed with you defending yourself and flaming others again and again.

BTW - if you are a kinky hottie can you:
1) Post some picts?
2) Find it in your heart to forgive me for everything I said above that you take personally so I can imagine that I might have a chance to "get some" - unlikely I'd close the deal, but its nice to dream:wink:
It really does show the low level of intelligence and education of some of the Nick hating herd that they can only resort to abuse and insults when they come across a view that differs from theirs. Or is this typical behaviour in America these days?

There has been a lot of vicious and nasty behaviour on this thread from people who have proven themselves to be far, far worse than Nick. Just go back and look at the evil way some have behaved. And I bet that they think that they are Christians.

I suggest that some of you try reading Lord of the Flies, it will give you a mirror of your own lamentable sub-human behaviour.

And anyone who thinks that I am Nick is deluding themselves. He couldn't construct sentances in this style. Just as most of his attackers couldn't. It is obviously a matter of very poor education in America these days. Or lots of stupid genes being spread around.

Jane go make the world a better place. If you are Nick then you know what to do.
Indeed. Well it's good know the webmasters of this page have probably made over 1000$ ruining his life. I don't know any responsible forum "admins" that would let this go on as long as it has. And to actually profit from this? I'd be ashamed to be a part of this website.

In this thread anyone who is actually decent enough to point out this blatant bullying gets accused for being Nick under alias and an army of badly raised 14 year olds with poor photoshop skills spamming *pwned*. As if nobody but Nick himself would come to his defence? To those whom this concerns, are your morals seriously so twisted that you figure that's the only explanation?
I seriously doubt Nick has even been reading this past page 3. I know if I had hundreds of people calling me a pedophile and through each comment go out of their ways to make my life worse, I wouldn't have the stomach to read it all. At some point I'd break down. Maybe I'm just weak.

I've been on the internet for alot of years and thus seen alot of immaturity and mean behavior from people under aliases. But never before have i seen anything makes me lose as much faith in humanity. Seriously. You people are FAR worse than Nick. You people are DISGUSTING. What gives you the right to be the police and judge? To take it upon yourself to ruin his life because of some weak as assumptions that are highly exaggerated and in most cases false, due to extraordinary ignorance displayed by many here in this thread. He was an affiliate of website promoting them for them.
There is a bill that got accepted at US congress recently that barred online gaming sites to accept money from US credit cards. That does not mean poker/blackjack is illegal. There are other ways to get money on the sites, LEGALLY. Newsflash, there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of US people playing poker online and blackjack.
www.pokerstars.com www.fulltiltpoker.com www.pacificpoker.com the list goes on * 10.
And on this particular matter it is ABSOLUTELY AND BEYOND DOUBT a FACT that he DID NOT break any laws promoting that website.

As for the 15 year old girl, you people weren't the defendant, the victim, the jury, the judge. You have NO IDEA what went on. To forever mark his name as a pedophile? For having sex with a 15 year old and judged in the USA of all countries? Can you imagine how many cases there are of boyfriend having consesual sex with his girlfriend that later get convicted and registered sex offenders? Or girl suing because her parents found out and made her? The bottom line is that this is EXTREMELY presumptuous. And even if he was a pedophile (a pedophile is someone who's 20 and likes 15 year olds? If you believe this you've never been a 20 year old male or you're a liar.), what business do YOU have to do this? I'm talking to Nxsprime.com webmasters right now, you have NO business doing this. This is NONE of your business and completely uncalled for.

I apologize for the angry post, I'm not normally an angry person but I don't think i've ever witnessed such unjustice on the internet before. I thank god I was raised better than the people of this thread.


I posted a question on pacificpoker's help page yesterday, and they sent this response via email:

Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 06:12:48 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Pacific Poker (Support)" <support@pacificpoker.com>
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [N] #0 (KMM27586032I2229L0KM)

Dear Guest,

Thank you for contacting 888.

Please note that by signing the Safe Port Act, the Ban on Online
Gambling in the US is now official. In accordance with our previous
communication, Pacific Poker will no longer accept deposits or allow US
based members to participate in any future Tournaments or Ring Games.

You are welcome to open and continue playing poker using the Practice
Play Version of the software

Calling your own inflicted ownage is generally bad form, but there are exceptions. This is one of those exceptions.

YOU GOT PWNT! There hasn't been ownage like this since Kunte Kinte got off the boat.

I think it could also be argued that nick is part of a larger conspiracy, therefore making him guilty of the same laws that the gambling companies themselves are guilty of.
Damn, Now I feel sorry for Brad Majors. Wait...no I don't. Hopefully he'll put his tail between his legs and try to catch up to Nick.
Congratulations on a magnificent series of posts from the long-standing members of NSX Prime. I wish I could claim to be one of you, but the number of posts to the left gives me away as a lowlife visitor clinging on and trying to get a mention in here before this ground-breaking thread closes.

Some things I'd like to say, in no particular order:

1. I write about cars for a living and I've always loved NSXs. The NSX Type R is among the five best cars I've ever driven. I now like NSXs even more! It seems their owners, and especially the guys on this forum, are the sort of people I'd like to meet and get to know. It's a very high-end choice of car, a choice that generally is not made by idiots. I don't consider myself worthy of their attention, given the majesty of some of these posts, the clarity of thinking and the supreme humor, but I just feel have to say 'congratulations'. Mostly, it looks as if owning a Honda NSX and being a member of NSX Prime is a pretty good pointer to someone being intelligent, humorous and exceptionally high-spirited and just brilliant. Thanks for the posts - I hope it makes you at least a bit glad that there are millions of people out there who appreciate them, and who appreciate the sentiment you express. Fantastic.

2. Like most of the people on here, I feel sorry for Nick on some sort of level. That level isn't easy to access and it's not a level I find it easy to admit exists. Er, actually, I take that back. I don't feel sorry for him on any level. He deserved what he got. How could he ever have predicted such an amazing reaction? "I paid for my car with a suitcase full of cash I won on the internet!" Oh yeah? COP THIS!

3. Don't think that this will stop spammers. Spammers, generally, are smarter than Nick and maybe it's here that I can access my feeling sorry for him. Very, very slightly. He's an idiot. He used his real details and still tried to try to spam the site, despite being a convicted SO. Have you noticed one common quality of the people posting in his defence, by the way? Their grammar is poor. I can't remember the one who's most annoying, but she's got a self-righteous, 'I know all and I know you're wrong' tone that I've seen before on forums like this. She likes an argument, and ends her posts in an annoying way. I think she's been slapped down heavily, though, and it's possible she won't be back. Or is it?

4. There is no '4'. This post is already too long. Sorry. Somebody should write a book about this thread. Can it be me, please? For now, though, it's enough for you guys - the long-standing members of NSX Prime - to know that you're appreciated all over the world, by people who matter. Those who don't appreciate you, don't matter. Keep up the good work. Thanks!
Congratulations on a magnificent series of posts from the long-standing members of NSX Prime. I wish I could claim to be one of you, but the number of posts to the left gives me away as a lowlife visitor clinging on and trying to get a mention in here before this ground-breaking thread closes. !

Hang around for a bit. I know there are more than a few members who would love to hear your report on the NSX-R.

It seems their owners, and especially the guys on this forum, are the sort of people I'd like to meet and get to know. It's a very high-end choice of car, a choice that generally is not made by idiots. I don't consider myself worthy of their attention, given the majesty of some of these posts, the clarity of thinking and the supreme humor, but I just feel have to say 'congratulations'. Mostly, it looks as if owning a Honda NSX and being a member of NSX Prime is a pretty good pointer to someone being intelligent, humorous and exceptionally high-spirited and just brilliant. !

Well I know you are defiantly talking about me here. I really can't speak for anyone else though. :biggrin:

Have you noticed one common quality of the people posting in his defence, by the way? Their grammar is poor. I can't remember the one who's most annoying, but she's got a self-righteous, 'I know all and I know you're wrong' tone that I've seen before on forums like this. She likes an argument, and ends her posts in an annoying way. I think she's been slapped down heavily, though, and it's possible she won't be back. Or is it?

There are two types of people in this world. Those who work for what they want and those who have a entitlement mentality. It's pretty easy to pick out who is who.
You with the - what is that, an Airbus? - on your treadmill? Yeah, you're one of 'em!!! You're one of the best. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this thread. Made all the more excellent - in a way - by Nick and/or/same his 'sock puppets' coming back for more.

The R? Whew, well, just the engine sound was enough. I know you guys are biased, but is there a car with a better engine note than the NSX? Maybe not.
Congratulations on a magnificent series of posts from the long-standing members of NSX Prime. I wish I could claim to be one of you, but the number of posts to the left gives me away as a lowlife visitor clinging on and trying to get a mention in here before this ground-breaking thread closes.

Some things I'd like to say, in no particular order:

1. I write about cars for a living and I've always loved NSXs. The NSX Type R is among the five best cars I've ever driven. I now like NSXs even more! It seems their owners, and especially the guys on this forum, are the sort of people I'd like to meet and get to know. It's a very high-end choice of car, a choice that generally is not made by idiots. I don't consider myself worthy of their attention, given the majesty of some of these posts, the clarity of thinking and the supreme humor, but I just feel have to say 'congratulations'. Mostly, it looks as if owning a Honda NSX and being a member of NSX Prime is a pretty good pointer to someone being intelligent, humorous and exceptionally high-spirited and just brilliant. Thanks for the posts - I hope it makes you at least a bit glad that there are millions of people out there who appreciate them, and who appreciate the sentiment you express. Fantastic.

2. Like most of the people on here, I feel sorry for Nick on some sort of level. That level isn't easy to access and it's not a level I find it easy to admit exists. Er, actually, I take that back. I don't feel sorry for him on any level. He deserved what he got. How could he ever have predicted such an amazing reaction? "I paid for my car with a suitcase full of cash I won on the internet!" Oh yeah? COP THIS!

3. Don't think that this will stop spammers. Spammers, generally, are smarter than Nick and maybe it's here that I can access my feeling sorry for him. Very, very slightly. He's an idiot. He used his real details and still tried to try to spam the site, despite being a convicted SO. Have you noticed one common quality of the people posting in his defence, by the way? Their grammar is poor. I can't remember the one who's most annoying, but she's got a self-righteous, 'I know all and I know you're wrong' tone that I've seen before on forums like this. She likes an argument, and ends her posts in an annoying way. I think she's been slapped down heavily, though, and it's possible she won't be back. Or is it?

4. There is no '4'. This post is already too long. Sorry. Somebody should write a book about this thread. Can it be me, please? For now, though, it's enough for you guys - the long-standing members of NSX Prime - to know that you're appreciated all over the world, by people who matter. Those who don't appreciate you, don't matter. Keep up the good work. Thanks!

I love it! Well scripted. Welcome to Prime :cool:
Thanks Simon. Sorry to stray off-topic and actually mention cars, but that black machine of yours looks about as good as they come.

Anyway, back on-topic: did you pay for it with cash?
You with the - what is that, an Airbus? - on your treadmill? Yeah, you're one of 'em!!! You're one of the best. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed this thread. Made all the more excellent - in a way - by Nick and/or/same his 'sock puppets' coming back for more.

The R? Whew, well, just the engine sound was enough. I know you guys are biased, but is there a car with a better engine note than the NSX? Maybe not.

I thought the same thing as Steve, please, stick around. Every now and then you can tell who the good people are within a few sentences. We'd love to chat with someone who appreciates not only the NSX, but someone who recognizes the special things when perhaps others don't necessarily understand.

Steve's avatar... we'll.... that's another long thread :). It's one that's been done to death in this forum several times alone. Here's the most recent:
Mythbusters is taking this one on soon.

BTW, one interesting thing about the NSX around here, whenever someone sells one for whatever reason, they shortly discover they miss it regardless of what they buy and have to go buy another one. It's happened to many in here and while Steve and I have both sold our NSX, I have a pretty good feeling at some point we'll we back in one. That's another great thing about this forum, even if you sell your NSX, you're still part of the family here and there's no reason to leave, even if you no longer own one.
1. I just want to say I posted on page 3!! :biggrin:

2. Also, I wonder how many pages total we have here, if combined with all the forums it has been linked to.

3. Wait so no hot chicks in this thread?

4. This is another reason to become an NSX owner, damn dudes are funny as hell!!
i would like to take this time to thank you guys for this wonderful entertainment!

ive only gotten up to page 13 but damn my face hurts from laughing so much with all your witty responses

this is the best ownage ive seen since one of my class mates tried to cheat on a C programming project (by posting on a forum for help in exchange for money) and the teacher found him

it certainly is not as bad as this

cheers from Club Lexus!

this definitely is going on a bulletin for myspace,

as of my viewing there are 1,998 posts, 750k+ views, 40 pages of ownage!

*book marked*

edit: i just noticed the poster above (1SICKLEX) is a moderator from Club Lexus -- (Hi SICK, its lighthalo from clublexus)

I came, I read... and now I have commented for the #2000 post, again! My previous "#2000" was resorbed to now being #1853, due to some 'Prime "house-cleaning"... :D

On topic...

I just wish for 'Prime members to be positive and cordial in their dialogue in regards to NSX Prime, whether in this thread or another. There is no reason to negatively rebuke the administration of NSX Prime; constructive dialogue is the best way to convey one's concerns and comments.
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There are two types of people in this world. Those who work for what they want and those who have a entitlement mentality. It's pretty easy to pick out who is who.
I actually thought that was three types......:biggrin:
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